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U.S. Blows $3.35 Mil to Improve Armenian Media

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  • U.S. Blows $3.35 Mil to Improve Armenian Media

    The Moral Liberal
    Jan 6 2014

    U.S. Blows $3.35 Mil to Improve Armenian Media


    The scandal-plagued government agency that annually spends huge sums
    on global humanitarian assistance has found yet another noble cause to
    blow a chunk of American taxpayer dollars on - improving the quality of
    media content in a former Soviet republic with a democratic

    It's simply the latest of many questionable allocations of public
    funds by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which
    is charged with providing economic, development and humanitarian
    assistance worldwide. In a recent announcement titled `USAID from the
    American People/Armenia,' the Obama administration revealed that it's
    dedicating $3.35 million to make media more efficient in the
    southwestern Asian country.

    The program is officially called `Media for Informed Civic Engagement'
    and the goal is to increase citizen access to independent and reliable
    sources of information about the government of Armenia's policies and
    planned reforms. Special emphasis will be put on `reforms in
    decentralization, transparency and accountability, and social sector
    policy,' according to the USAID announcement.

    In the end `media capacity to meet professional standards of
    journalism and reflect a diversity of perspectives in reporting' will
    be strengthened, USAID says. Journalists will be more professional,
    networks of media outlets will be stronger and access to credible and
    professionally produced information will increase. With the U.S.
    economy hurting for years and unemployment sky high, it's fair to say
    this isn't a priority for most Americans.

    Then again, that can be said about many of the causes that USAID funds
    with our tax money. The agency has a massive budget and it doles out
    billions of dollars to feel-good causes like reducing global poverty
    and under nutrition in Africa and to help Asians learn enough English
    to work in offshore call centers for American businesses. You can't
    make this stuff up. USAID actually spent $10 million to train
    Filipinos to work in Asian call centers that serve the very U.S.
    businesses President Obama threatened to strip of tax deductions for
    moving jobs and profits abroad.

    In the last few months alone, USAID has been embroiled in two massive
    scandals that have fleeced Americans out of hundreds of millions of
    dollars. The first one involves the allocation of $236 million to the
    fraud-infested Afghan Ministry of Public Health. The money is supposed
    to fund prenatal care for women, hospitals, physicians' salaries and
    other medical costs but the Islamic republic's health agency lacks the
    necessary controls and oversight to prevent waste, fraud and abuse so
    no really knows where the money has gone.

    In fact, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction
    (SIGAR), which was created precisely to protect American tax dollars
    in the country's assistance effort, has repeatedly warned USAID about
    the corruption that plagues the health agency. The continuous flow of
    U.S. cash to the Afghan Ministry of Public Health is a `reckless
    disregard toward the management of U.S. taxpayer dollars,' the
    watchdog writes in a recent report.

    Just a few weeks ago Judicial Watch wrote about a mainstream newspaper
    exposé detailing how millions of dollars in malaria drugs provided to
    Africa by the U.S. government - via USAID - are stolen each year and sold
    on the black market. More than 20% of the mostly American-financed
    malaria drugs are diverted each year, with a street value of about $60
    million, according to inside government sources cited in the news
    story. The U.S. provides the medication via a USAID program called
    President's Malaria Initiative (PMI).
