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Classical music must be a little difficult to catch, says musician

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  • Classical music must be a little difficult to catch, says musician

    Classical music must be a little difficult to catch, says musician

    14:41 - 07.01.14

    The Youth Orchestra's art director and chief conductor says he isn't
    much concerned about the fact the low- class music commonly known as
    rabies (from the Russian `workers' art') has gained somewhat a wide
    popularity in the Armenian society.

    Speaking to, Armen Smbatyan explained that he does not feel
    the lack of what he called propaganda of classical music which he said
    must be a little bit unreachable to wide masses.

    `I don't feel the lack of it because I don't think classical [music]
    has to be widespread enough to lose its value. Classical [music] must
    be much more neutral and listened to by people with better
    understanding skills capable of evaluating it, because it is very
    complicated,' he said.

    `Believe me that classical music must be a little unreachable even to
    those whose intellectual but also emotional understanding and
    mentality do not fit it. What's even more, I do not agree to the
    opinion that classical music is being ignored today. Classical music
    is now more popular than it was 4-5 years ago.'

    Smbatyan further spoke of his orchestra's latest achievements, saying
    that he is very proud of the results. `Today, I speak of an orchestra
    that has reached the peak of its success. Ours is perhaps the only
    orchestra that receives invitations from abroad two or three times a
    year; it performs concerts in different formats and is very
    successful. It is necessary to be successful a little and have an
    ability to present [the music] in the right way,' he noted.

    The musician said it is also important to be optimistic and have a
    better eye for the positive to see the real progress in the sphere in

    `There is an interest in Armenia; we have groups that receive a state
    sponsorship. There is nothing of the kind in other countries. It is
    very good, so we must be able to evaluate it. It must be propagandized
    more, of course, but it is necessary to little by little awaken that
    enthusiasm in the people. And that is already noticeable,' he said,
    bringing the example of the orchestra's success particularly after
    Hollywood Non-Stop.

    `We performed the concert program Hollywood Non-Stop after which we
    have 1,200 young people in Armenia coming to our concert. Do you
    understand what a big mass it is? That means they have joined our
    orchestra, so we are the first to attract members and have an audience
    or friends,' Smbatyan added.

    At the end, the musician called for being optimistic in the new year
    and giving up the gloomy outlook of the future. `The colors through
    which a person may look upon things depends only on him or her. We
    have a stereotyped opinion that everything is bad, but if you do an
    analysis, you will see that we more speak than really face the
    negative,' he added.

    Smbatyan said he prefers to spend the New Year and Christmas holidays
    at home, surrounded by his family. `On very rare occasions have I seen
    New Year in in Armenia, but since very childhood I have developed the
    understanding that it's a very intimate holiday. So I don't understand
    how people can prefer restaurants.

    `For me, holidays marking the start of the year are a new phase of
    life that see you try to forget all the difficulties and embark on a
    new period, waiting for the best. That's why New Year is a very
    intimate family holiday in my understanding, which I think will never
    transform into something else for me,' he added.

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