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ANKARA: Syria Threatens Stability In Turkey, US Think Tank Report Wa

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  • ANKARA: Syria Threatens Stability In Turkey, US Think Tank Report Wa


    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Jan 7 2014

    7 January 2014 /ANKARA, TODAY'S ZAMAN A report released last month
    by the American think tank the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
    has warned that an intensification of the civil war in Syria could
    prompt a limited external intervention by the US or its allies in 2014
    and that the ongoing conflict threatens the stability of US allies,
    especially Turkey and Jordan.

    The report, titled "Preventive Priorities Survey 2014" ranks conflicts
    around the globe according to how likely they are to occur or grow
    and how high the potential impact is on US interests.

    CFR asked more than 1,200 US government officials, academics and
    experts to evaluate a list of 30 conflicts that could break out
    or escalate over the next year, and the results show that Syria is
    considered one of the hot spots.

    "Ongoing civil strife threatens the stability of US allies,
    particularly Turkey and Jordan. Additionally, increased regional
    instability could create a safe haven for extremist groups active in
    Syria, such as the al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra, the Islamic State of
    Iraq and the Levant and Hezbollah," said the report.

    The New York-based CFR, specializing in US foreign policy and
    international affairs, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership
    organization, publisher and think tank.

    The report said the civil war in Syria shows no sign of abating, as
    opposition groups continue to battle government forces and the militant
    groups allied with them. The US and Russia are working with the United
    Nation's Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
    to effectively dismantle Syria's chemical weapons arsenal. But the
    report warned, "An intensification of the civil war in Syria could
    reverse these gains and even prompt a limited external intervention
    by the United States or its allies." Syria failed to meet a Dec. 31,
    2013 deadline to hand over its chemical weapons to international
    authorities. The OPCW cited security concerns, bad weather and
    bureaucratic challenges.

    "More than 110,000 people have been killed, 4.25 million have been
    internally displaced, and two million have fled as refugees to
    neighboring countries. The country is increasingly divided along
    sectarian lines," the report said.

    The report also indicates that the spillover from Syria's civil war
    and violence in Afghanistan as coalition forces draw down are among
    next year's top conflict prevention priorities for US policymakers.

    The most urgent concerns also include terror attacks or cyber attacks
    on the US, military strikes against Iran and a crisis in North Korea.

    The CFR report categorized the conflicts into three tiers, in order of
    priority to US policymakers. While the Syrian civil war is among those
    in the first tier, "resumption of conflict in the Kurdish-dominated
    regions of Turkey and the Middle East" is in the last tier, indicating
    that the issue is not a top priority for US policymakers.

    "The Kurdish areas of Turkey and the greater Middle East could
    experience increased violence in the coming months. In Turkey, peace
    talks between the government and the militant Kurdish Worker's Party
    (PKK) have stalled since a ceasefire was agreed to in March 2013,"
    said the report, adding that PKK members are refusing to withdraw
    from Turkey to Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) territory in
    northern Iraq.

    The report also warned that the deepening ties between Syrian Kurds
    and the PKK, who may want to establish an autonomous state under the
    pretext of Syrian civil war, are most worrisome.

    Syrian Kurds, the report said, constitute about 10 percent of Syria's
    population and who control a large area of northern Syria, have been
    fighting the central government in the ongoing civil war and have
    now secured definitive control of the Kurdish area of northern Syria.

    "If the Kurds succeed in establishing an autonomous state, the
    secessionist movements in other Kurdish areas of the Middle East could
    accelerate, intensifying ongoing sectarian conflicts in the region.

    Heightened terrorist activity by Kurdish separatists is a growing
    concern for the United States, which has designated the PKK as a
    foreign terrorist organization and wishes to maintain the territorial
    integrity of states in the region," said the report.

    Another third tier conflict in Turkey's region listed in the report
    is the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The report said that Nagorno-Karabakh faces an increased risk
    of renewed hostilities due to the failure of mediation efforts,
    escalating militarization and frequent ceasefire violations.

    "Although 95 percent of Nagorno-Karabakh is ethnically Armenian,
    it is internationally recognized as being part of Azerbaijan. The
    conflict over the secessionist territory officially ended with a
    ceasefire in 1993, following a six-year war, but has the potential
    to flare up again," said the report.

    The report said that the mediation efforts led by the Organization for
    Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group have failed to
    produce a permanent solution to the conflict and without successful
    mediation efforts, ceasefire violations and escalating tensions
    threaten to renew a military conflict between the countries and
    destabilize the South Caucasus region.

    "Increased tensions could also disrupt oil and gas exports from the
    region, since Azerbaijan is a significant oil and gas exporter to
    Europe and Central Asia, producing 850,000 barrels of oil per day
    while harming U.S. economic interests and creating a spike in the
    global oil market," stressed the report.

    North Korea ranked high on the report because of the nuclear test
    it conducted in February 2013, as well as US estimates that it has
    enough plutonium to produce five nuclear weapons.

    Another priority issue for US mentioned in the report is Iran. It notes
    that while prospects for a breakthrough in the nuclear standoff with
    Iran have recently improved with the November interim agreement between
    Iran and Western powers aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear ambitions in
    exchange for easing sanctions on Iran, but a lasting settlement of
    the dispute is still uncertain.

    "There are still obstacles in the way of a long-term agreement that
    both satisfies Iran's desire to develop nuclear energy and reassures
    its international counterparts, especially Israel and Saudi Arabia,
    of its peaceful intent. The threat of renewed tensions stemming from
    a breakdown of the interim agreement and even the possibility of
    military strikes cannot be discounted," said the report.

    Regarding Iraq, the report said the dividing lines between religious
    groups have widened. Shi'a groups, which constitute more than 60
    percent of the population, have been able to influence the country's
    political atmosphere. "If sectarian violence continues to take hold
    of the country, Iraq may plunge into a deeper state of chaos and
    potentially into a state of civil war," said the report.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress