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Increase In Number Of Suicides In Azerbaijan Speaks Of Society Degra

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  • Increase In Number Of Suicides In Azerbaijan Speaks Of Society Degra


    19:55 08/01/2014 " SOCIETY

    "Self- immolation of Karabakh war veteran in Baku can contribute to
    an increase in the number of self-immolation cases in the country,"
    Azat Isazade, a psychologist said in an interview with Azerbaijani

    When explaining his assumptions, the physician noted that after Saddam
    Hussein was hanged and his public execution was broadcasted by TV,
    people in the Middle East started to choose hanging as a means of
    committing a suicide more frequently.

    Interesting to know, that in Azerbaijan as well people very often
    choose that same way to put an end to their lives. Azerbaijani
    authorities do not disclose the official statistics on suicides in the
    country. However, according to Azerbaijani Media in 2013 in Azerbaijan
    at least 254 people (186 male and 68 female) committed a suicide,
    171 of whom hanged themselves.

    According to the official statistics, recently there has been an
    increase in the number of suicides in Azerbaijan; moreover those
    people were of a younger age. In 2013 among the 254 cases of suicide
    in Azerbaijan 98 cases represent less than 30 years old young people,
    26 of whom are children under 18.

    Nevertheless, this is not a complete picture, as there are cases when
    the commitment of suicide is sold for a murder or an accident.

    In an interview with Azerbaijani news portal Azat Isazade
    noted that no one in Azerbaijan is engaged in the study of suicides
    at the professional level.

    "We don't deal with the regions to be able to count where there are
    more and where less cases. We don't compare the regions, age groups and
    methods of suicides. We don't compare climatic periods. Our statistics
    is not reliable. Part of suicides is represented as a murder or an
    accident. Well, man is dead and not to be dishonored among relatives,
    we cover that suicide as an accident- he didn't throw himself from
    the balcony, he just slipped and fell," the physiologist said .

    According to Isazade psychologists should to some extant be engaged in
    the study of suicides, but the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan and the
    health system in general very easily washed their hands and renounced.

    As the psychologist claims, increase in the number of suicides in
    Azerbaijan speaks about the degradation of the society. He thinks
    that the process is already underway. Those people who are the weakest
    and are most exposed to the pressure of society choose to die.

    "The society is sick; there is no doubt about that. What is a suicide?

    It is autoaggression; autoaggression towards themselves. The society
    has generally become more aggressive towards everything. Respectively,
    there is as well an increase of aggression towards themselves,"
    Isazade noted.

