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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 01/09/2014

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 01/09/2014

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168

    ** TOP STORY January 9, 2014
    ------------------------------------------------------------ +Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=51aa73f1c4-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434

    ** Christ's Birth Celebrated at St. Vartan Cathedral

    On Monday, January 6, worshipers gathered at New York's St. Vartan
    Armenian Cathedral for the observance of the Feast of the Nativity and
    Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, celebrated the Divine
    Liturgy. The Primate spoke about Christmas as a time of renewal, and
    emphasized the importance of strengthening our connection with God and
    with fellow human beings at the start of the new year.

    In Armenian tradition, January 6 commemorates not only the birth of
    Christ, but also his baptism by John the Baptist. The latter is
    remembered through the "Blessing of Water" service, which followed the
    Divine Liturgy on Monday. Hratch Nersessian served as godfather of the
    "Blessing of Water" service.

    After the service on January 6, at a reception in Haik and Alice
    Kavookjian Auditorium, a traditional home-blessing ceremony was led by
    Archbishop Barsamian. A colorful dance performance was offered by the
    Akh'tamar Armenian Dance Ensemble, under the direction of Sylva

    Click on the following links to read more
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    about the Christmas celebration and to view photos
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    and video highlights
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)

    Armenian Christmas Eve was observed on the evening of Sunday, January
    5, with the St. Vartan Cathedral dean, the Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon
    Kiledjian, celebrating the Divine Liturgy. The Christmas Eve service
    featured scripture readings by students from the Diocese's Khrimian
    Lyceum and St. Vartan Armenian School. Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    to view Christmas Eve photos.

    ** Scripture of the Week

    Rom 1:1-7
    Lk 2:1-7

    ** Prayer of the Week

    Look with love, O merciful Father, on the created works of your hand,
    and grant the camps of the angels to be guardians of our feeble
    persons. Deliver us from temptation, from the wandering demons of
    night, that by day and by night, we may give you glory incessantly.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    13 January: Feast of the Naming of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    14 January: Feast of the Birth of St. John the Forerunner

    Christmas at Holy Etchmiadzin
    Hayk Maghakelyan, godfather of the `Blessing of Water,' holds up the
    cross for worshipers to kiss.

    ** Christmas at Holy Etchmiadzin

    At Holy Etchmiadzin on Monday, January 6, His Holiness Karekin II, the
    Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, celebrated the
    Divine Liturgy and performed the `Blessing of Water' service as
    worshipers gathered for the Feast of the Nativity and Theophany of Our
    Lord Jesus Christ. He was assisted by Bishop Hovnan Hakobian and
    Bishop Mushegh Babayan.

    Among the dignitaries present were Armenia's President Serge Sargsyan
    and Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. Hayk Maghakelyan of Russia served
    as the godfather of the `Blessing of Water.'

    His Holiness reminded the worshipers that Christ's presence in our
    lives lights the way to a fruitful and meaningful existence. Without
    it, `faith and trust in one another, as well as hope and optimism for
    the future, all weaken in our lives,' he said. `We must rely on him,
    we must bear his truth in our hearts, so that our lives are
    transformed, and filled with unwavering trust and the strength to
    overcome difficulties.'

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    to continue reading the Catholicos' message.

    Annual Appeal

    ** Time is Running Out
    With a new year now officially upon us, the Eastern Diocese is making
    a final, urgent plea for support of the 2013 Annual Appeal. Follow
    this link to donate now
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=51aa73f1c4-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    to the 2013 Annual Appeal-before time runs out.

    The Annual Appeal is the only Diocesan-wide fundraiser conducted each
    year to help the Diocese undertake the many ministries, programs, and
    resources that enrich life in our parishes.

    Your thoughtful gift brings light to our local churches. It supports
    Christian education, Armenian language instruction, summer camps,
    youth programs, mission parish outreach, and the use of new
    communication technologies.

    To our past and prospective donors, we are deeply grateful for your
    support of the creative, educational, and inspirational programs that
    lift up Armenian communities throughout the Eastern Diocese.

    Please help us strengthen these efforts. Your generous contribution to
    the 2013 Annual Appeal is greatly needed to help spread the good work
    of the Armenian Church across our local communities-and across the

    Malankara Church
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian presented Archbishop Mor Titus Yeldho with
    an Armenian cross.

    ** Primate Congratulates Malankara Archbishop

    On Saturday, January 4, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate,
    took part in a celebration of the 10th anniversary of Archbishop Mor
    Titus Yeldho, who has been serving as the Archbishop of the Malankara
    Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America since
    2004. The event was held at St. Mary's Syriac Orthodox Church in
    Paramus, NJ.

    Archbishop Barsamian conveyed his congratulations and blessings to
    Archbishop Mor Titus Yeldho. `As fellow members of the Oriental
    Orthodox family of churches, we are all privileged to stand very close
    to the origins of our faith,' he said. `And we are truly blessed to
    find occasions like this, to affirm our long-standing friendship and
    our common ministry in Christ.'

    Ararat Center Board meeting
    Board members at this week's meeting, with Archbishop Khajag Barsamian

    ** Ararat Center Board Elects New Members
    Meeting at the Diocesan Center on Wednesday, January 8, members of the
    Ararat Center Board of Directors held elections and looked forward to
    a productive year at the Diocese's conference and recreation facility
    in upstate New York.

    The board welcomed Eric Barsamian, a new member, and re-elected the
    Rev. Fr. Mardiros Chevian, Karen Durgarian, and Mark Kazanjian for new
    terms. The Rev. Fr. Vasken Kouzouian will continue to serve as the
    board's liaison to the Diocesan Council.

    A new executive committee was also elected. It is comprised of chair
    Nicholas Durgarian, vice chair Jay Kapur, treasurer Aram Hintlian, and
    secretary Jeri Humphries.

    The board expressed its appreciation to outgoing member Doug Tashjian
    for his dedicated service.

    Deacons Guide to the Divine Liturgy

    ** New Deacons' Guidebook Available

    Last month the Diocese announced the publication of the
    much-anticipated Deacon's Guide to the Divine Liturgy of the Armenian
    Church=80'an updated and revised edition of the classic book by His
    Beatitude Archbishop Torkom Manoogian, of blessed memory, the late
    Patriarch of Jerusalem and Primate of the Eastern Diocese.

    The original edition of the Deacons' Guide inspired an entire
    generation of altar servers, and represents one of the many beautiful
    legacies Patriarch Torkom bequeathed to us.

    The revised edition incorporates musical notations, ritual
    instructions and visual diagrams, to augment the Armenian text of the
    deacons' parts (in classical and Western versions) with
    transliteration and translation in English. It has been designed as a
    companion to The Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church (the `pew book'
    previously published by the Diocese), employing marginal notations
    that synchronize the pages of the two volumes.

    Additionally, a new audio recording of the deacons' parts=80'keyed to
    the new Deacons' Guide-is available online for streaming
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=51aa73f1c4-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    and free download
    7b0ccc0a&e=3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=51aa73f1c4-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    . The audio is also available on the Diocese's Vemkar app for iPad,
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=51aa73f1c4-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    , and Android
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=51aa73f1c4-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)

    The Deacons Guide to the Divine Liturgy is currently on sale in the
    St. Vartan Bookstore
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=51aa73f1c4-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)

    Doctors at the ultrasound machine donated to Stepanakert by US-based
    radiologist Dr. Levon Nazarian and AAHPO board member Dr. Raffi

    ** FAR Hosts Cardiology Conference in Nagorno-Karabagh

    As part of its effort to advance Armenia's public health system, the
    Fund for Armenian Relief's Continuing Medical Education (CME)
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    program recently held a two-day conference on cardiology at
    Stepanakert Republic Hospital in Nagorno-Karabagh.

    Dr. Liana Khachatryan and Dr. Lusine Mkhitaryan, both experts from
    Erebuni Medical Center in Yerevan, collaborated with FAR's medical
    programs staff to lead the event in Stepanakert, which was attended by
    general physicians, cardiologists, and Intensive Care Unit specialists
    from institutions throughout Nagorno-Karabagh.

    The conference allowed participants to learn about the latest
    approaches to cardiology, as well as ways to properly use equipment
    for monitoring and treating heart conditions. Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    to visit FAR's blog and to read more about the conference.

    Cardiovascular disease is considered a serious public health threat in
    Nagorno-Karabagh and Armenia. FAR's healthcare programs target this
    issue in collaboration with the Armenian American Health
    Professionals' Organization (AAHPO
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    ), which supports the CME program.

    Oshavank, Historic Armenia
    Oshvank monastery near Erzurum.

    ** 2014 Pilgrimage to Historic Armenia

    The Eastern Diocese will sponsor a pilgrimage to historic Armenia,
    from September 3 to 15, 2014.

    Participants will have the opportunity to celebrate the Divine Liturgy
    at Holy Cross Church on the island of Aghtamar, and to take part in
    prayer services at St. Giragos Armenian Church of Dikranagert and the
    St. Gregory Church in Kayseri.

    The pilgrimage also includes visits to other cities of historic
    Armenia=80'Kharpert, Malatya, and Sepastia, among other locales. The
    journey will include a stop in Istanbul, where pilgrims will visit the
    Armenian Patriarchate.

    Click here
    ( rn+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=51aa73f1c4-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    to view a flyer for registration information. To view a short film
    about the Diocese's 2012 pilgrimage to historic Armenia, click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)

    ------------------------------------------------------------ 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434

    ** Christmas Across the Parishes

    The Holy Trinity Church of Cheltenham, PA, held its annual Christmas
    pageant on Sunday, January 5, following the Divine Liturgy. Church
    school students under the direction of Mrs. Sabina Khachatrian and the
    vocal direction of Mrs. Karinne' Andonian recited and sang in Armenian
    and English the story of the birth of Jesus. Following the pageant,
    the Rev. Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan, parish pastor, performed a home-blessing
    ceremony in the church hall.

    In Watertown, MA, a Christmas Eve candlelight service was held at
    St. James Church on December 24. The evening began with gospel
    readings by the Sunday School students, followed by a program of
    Christmas carols and musical selections. A reception followed in the
    church hall.

    On Sunday, January 5, the morning service was followed by a special
    presentation by the St. James Sunday School. Titled `Christmas Around
    the World,' the presentation featured booths highlighting Christmas
    traditions from various parts of the globe. Later that evening,
    students from the parish's St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Saturday School
    read passages from the gospels. The Rev. Fr. Arakel Aljalian, parish
    pastor, celebrated the Divine Liturgy.

    On Monday, January 6, the church was filled to capacity for the Divine
    Liturgy and `Blessing of the Water' service. The community welcomed
    Rev. Laura Everett, executive director of the Massachusetts Council of
    Churches, on this joyous occasion.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    to view photos from Cheltenham and Watertown. We invite other parishes
    to submit photos from local Christmas observances for publication in
    the January 16 edition of the Diocesan newsletter.

    St. Sahag Church
    A deacon holds up the gospel adorned in its new cover. Behind
    Fr. Barseghyan is the church's new altar cross.

    ** A New Altar Cross in St. Paul

    Parishioners at the St. Sahag Church of St. Paul, MN, donated an altar
    cross and a gospel cover in time for this year's Christmas

    On Christmas Eve, January 5, the Rev. Fr. Tadeos Barseghyan, parish
    pastor, blessed the new altar accoutrements prior to the celebration
    of the Divine Liturgy. Later that evening, the Sunday School presented
    a Christmas pageant.

    Among the donors were Lucy Rorke Adams, George Andeweg, Harriet
    Balian, Fr. Barseghyan, Nairy Digris, Viken Djerdjian, Mary Kazarian,
    Jim Lippert, Azad Mesroubian, Thomas and Caroline Pohler, Chacke
    Scallen, and Avo Toghramadjian.

    St. John Church, Detroit, MI

    ** In Case of Emergency...

    In the deepest spiritual sense, the church is our true sanctuary: a
    place of refuge and safety from the world.

    But physically, a church can be as vulnerable as any other building to
    the threat of fire and natural disaster. A parish in our Diocese has
    been taking steps to prepare for such emergency situations-and its
    experience provides a model for other communities to follow.

    The St. John Church in Southfield, MI, has launched a project to
    develop plans for fire evacuation, tornado shelter, and lock-down
    situations. On two Sundays last fall, practice fire drills were held
    for the congregation and church school students. The drills were held
    at the conclusion of the badarak; but prior to that, ushers, choir
    members, parish council members, teachers, and other personnel
    underwent special training in how to react in a real
    emergency. Parishioners and students were also informed of the proper
    steps to a safe evacuation.

    Through the drills, the entire church complex was safely cleared
    within a few minutes. Most importantly, St. John now has trained
    leaders who can assist and direct others in case of emergency.

    The effort is being led by the St. John parish council, which plans to
    hold practice fire drills every year, and is also developing plans for
    tornado and lock-down emergencies. Other parishes in the Diocese have
    held training sessions for CPR and medical emergencies. Local first
    aid squads can helpfully advise parishes on such precautionary

    Christmas Across Mission Parishes
    Nareg Moutafyan served as godfather of the "Blessing of Water" in
    Baton Rouge.

    ** Southern-Style Christmas

    The Diocese's mission parishes were busy during the Christmas season,
    with communities in Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana receiving visits
    from the director of the Mission Parish program, the Rev. Fr. Tateos

    In Jacksonville, FL, Fr. Abdalian led parish children in a religious
    education session on the badarak, and followed that with a Bible study
    geared towards adult members. The entire community came together on a
    Sunday to witness the baptismal service for Edward Khalafyan, which
    was incorporated into the Divine Liturgy in the manner of Christian
    practice in ages past.

    For his visit to Atlanta, GA, Fr. Abdalian brought with him Armen
    Hareyan, a musician and sub-deacon from Charlotte, NC, who spent time
    with the local choir members to deepen their knowledge of the
    sharagans. Parishioners were impressed by the improved sound of the
    choir during the badarak that week, and are eager for future visits by
    Mr. Hareyan to train the choir and acolytes.

    Armenian Christmas Eve on January 5 found Fr. Abdalian in Baton Rouge,
    LA, where he celebrated the `lamp-lighting' badarak and the `Blessing
    of Water' service. A young acolyte of the community, Nareg Moutafyan,
    served as godfather of the cross.

    During the same period, Diocesan Vicar the Very Rev. Fr. Simeon
    Odabashian visited the Ocala community with Fr. Abdalian, where they
    celebrated the jashou service and met with local parish chair Charles
    Takesian and other community members, with an eye to reactivating the
    community as an official mission parish.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    to view photos.

    Upcoming Events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    Armenian Church of Southwest Florida | Naples, FL
    The Rev. Fr. Mardiros Chevian, dean of St. Nersess Seminary, will
    celebrate the Feast of the Nativity and Theophany on Sunday, January
    12, at 1:30 p.m., at St. Paul's Episcopal Church (3901 Davis Blvd.) in
    Naples, FL. An Armenian Christmas dinner (reservations required) will
    be held in Trinity Hall afterwards.

    For information or to make reservations, contact Carole Meghreblian at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    ** EVENTS
    Abp. Torkom Manoogian
    A tribute to the legacy of Archbishop Torkom Manoogian will be held at
    the Diocesan Center on February 9.

    ** The Legacy of Archbishop Torkom Manoogian

    The Eastern Diocese will host a celebration of the remarkable life and
    enduring legacy of Archbishop Torkom Manoogian, the late Primate of
    the Eastern Diocese and 96th Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, on
    Sunday, February 9.

    The day will begin at New York's St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral with
    the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, followed by a requiem
    service. A memorial luncheon and program will be held in the

    Reservations are now being taken for the memorial, with a deadline of
    January 24. Click here
    ( ese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=51aa73f1c4-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    to view a flyer with reservation information. Additional program
    details will be forthcoming.

    Datevik Hovanesian will perform at the Diocesan Center on January 17.

    ** Jazz Concert at the Diocesan Center

    St. Vartan Cathedral will host an evening of American, Armenian, and
    Brazilian jazz featuring vocalist Datevik Hovanesian on Friday,
    January 17, beginning at 7:30 p.m.

    The concert will be held in Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium of
    the Diocesan Complex (630 Second Avenue, New York City).

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    to view a flyer for ticket information.

    Concert at Met
    The Hilliard Ensemble will perform Armenian music during its January
    22 program at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

    ** Armenian Music at the Met

    The Hilliard Ensemble-England's celebrated a cappella vocal
    quartet-will perform Armenian music as part of a concert at New York's
    Metropolitan Museum of Art on Wednesday, January 22 at 7 p.m.

    Titled "Arkhangelos: A Millennium of Music," the program will include
    Armenian liturgical chants and a newly composed piece by Vache
    Sharafyan. Other featured composers include Arvo Pärt, Katia
    Tchemberdji, and Alexander Raskatov.

    Click on the following links to read more
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    and for ticket information
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    . (To receive a 20 percent discount, use the code HILL14 when ordering

    ACYOA Chapter Workshop

    ** Not Too Late to Register for ACYOA Chapter Workshop

    There is still time to register for the ACYOA Seniors Chapter
    Workshop, which will be hosted by the St. Hagop Church of Pinellas
    Park, FL, from January 24 to 26.

    Sponsored by the ACYOA Central Council, the workshop is open to
    current and prospective ACYOA members ages 18 and older. The weekend
    will focus on being a disciple of Christ in today's
    world. Participants will also take part in a `Faith in Action' service
    project to benefit Pinellas Hope, a local Florida charity.

    Sessions will consider how to set and achieve goals within individual
    ACYOA chapters. Speakers will also share insights about the
    organization's history and lessons for the future.

    Some 30 young adults have already registered for the workshop. To join
    them, contact Lorie Odabashian at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Summer Camps
    Campers at St. Vartan Camp.

    ** Looking Ahead to the Summer Camp Season

    With the onset of Arctic temperatures in recent weeks, it's not hard
    to dream of warm summer days. And here at the Diocese, preparations
    have begun for the 2014 summer camp season.

    Online camper registration for St. Vartan Camp is now open. Click on
    the following links to register a camper
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    or to download applications
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)
    for St. Vartan Camp CIT, staff, and volunteer positions.

    Hye Camp applications for campers, CITs, staff, and volunteers are
    available here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-51aa73f1c4-159688434)

    For more information about Hye Camp or St. Vartan Camp, contact
    Jennifer Morris, director of the Department of Youth and Young
    Ministries, at (248) 648-0702 or via e-mail at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) ;
    or the department's coordinator Lorie Odabashian at (212) 686-0710,
    ext. 143, or via e-mail at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .
