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How The Muslim World Came Into Being

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  • How The Muslim World Came Into Being


    American Thinker
    Jan 9 2014

    Raymond Ibrahim

    Arabic-language websites reported earlier this week that the
    al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which throughout
    the course of the war against the Assad government has committed
    any number of atrocities -- from decapitating "infidels" to burning
    churches -- has successfully "forced" two Armenian Christian families
    to convert to Islam.

    A video accompanies some of these reports. In it, what appears to
    be an elderly Armenian man stands alongside an Islamic cleric who
    announces the Christian man's conversion to Islam -- to thunderous
    cries of "Allahu Akbar!" In his exultation, the cleric makes exuberant
    statements like "You see, we have no honor without Islam -- without
    crying aloud that 'There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his
    prophet!'" (This appears to be another way of saying, "Only by
    joining our winning team can you ever escape dishonor," the lot of
    all non-Muslim "infidels.")

    The cleric also adds that, because the man is the head of his
    household, his Christian wife and children are all now Muslim as
    well -- "all praise to Allah!" And if they reject their new Islamic
    identity, they become "apostates," a crime punishable by death.

    The rather flippant and sarcastic text that accompanies this video
    on some websites points out the obvious:

    After decades of peaceful coexistence between the various religions
    of Syria, and after decades of living under the moderate form of
    Levantine Islam ... these two Armenian families were none too keen on
    entering Islam or learning of its eminence -- except at the hands of
    DAASH [al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant], which
    has been presenting a "rosy" picture of Islam and Muslims, by way
    of chopping heads, whipping people, and general repression. Thus did
    these two Christian Armenian families finally enter Islam, willingly --
    but only at the hands of DAASH.

    In other words, it's "curious," to say the least, that Christians who
    for generations lived amid moderate Muslim majorities in Syria opted
    to remain Christian, are now "suddenly" attracted to Islam -- and at
    the hands of a jihadi organization that has been bombing churches,
    kidnapping and beheading Christians, and teaching even children to
    slaughter Christians wherever they may be found.

    Sound like genuine conviction to you? Maybe the 2012 news that "a
    family of Armenian Christians was found murdered, and all members of
    the family horribly decapitated" in Syria is compelling these Armenian
    families into seeing the "wisdom" of embracing Islam?

    Here we reach an important but overlooked historical point. While many
    Christians, past and present, have indeed willingly embraced martyrdom
    -- the sword, death -- rather than recant Christ for Muhammad, the
    majority of born Christians, when faced with converting to Islam or
    dying, have opted for the former. Indeed, call it a lack of idealism
    or a lack of faithfulness, but when faced with converting to Islam or
    simply being third-class subjects (dhimmis), throughout the centuries,
    countless nominal Christians have opted for the former.

    That is precisely how and why the so-called "Islamic world" -- the
    majority of which was almost entirely Christian before the Islamic
    conquests -- came into being: a fact Westerners were well-acquainted
    with, before the current age of political correctness and downright
    deceit fell upon us.

    Raymond Ibrahim is author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New
    War on Christians.

    From: Baghdasarian