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Christmas Celebrated at St. Vartan Cathedral

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  • Christmas Celebrated at St. Vartan Cathedral

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710
    E-mail: [email protected]

    January 14, 2014

    Christmas Celebrated at St. Vartan Cathedral

    It was a cold, wet morning in New York as worshippers gathered at St. Vartan
    Armenian Cathedral to celebrate the Feast of the Nativity and Theophany of
    Our Lord Jesus Christ on Monday, January 6. Inside the sanctuary, candles
    burned bright and the warm smell of incense blunted the icy wind rushing
    through the cathedral doors.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church
    of America (Eastern), celebrated the Divine Liturgy. Individuals as well as
    families, young and old alike, took time off from work or school to worship.
    Some 500 people took part in the Christmas celebration over the course of
    the day's events.

    In his homily, Archbishop Barsamian said that the birth of Christ was a new
    beginning for mankind, and stressed that Christmas is a time of renewal and
    looking ahead. Spiritually, it is a time to strengthen our connection with
    God and with fellow human beings-a time to share our goodwill with others,
    he said.

    In today's age of social media, Archbishop Barsamian went on, opportunities
    to reach out to others have increased, but the new technology also has
    introduced unproductive, even dangerous, practices. Ultimately, it is
    through our connection with Christ that we can avoid being led astray and
    satisfy the human hunger for a deep, lasting, and real bond to something

    The Primate was surrounded on the altar by a number of clergymen, deacons,
    and seminarians. Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian; the Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon
    Kiledjian, dean of St. Vartan Cathedral; cathedral priest the Very Rev. Fr.
    Sooren Chinchinian; and visiting priests Rev. Fr. Bedros Kadehjian and Rev.
    Fr. Gomidas Zohrabian participated in the service.

    In Armenian tradition, January 6 commemorates not only the birth of Christ,
    but also His baptism by John the Baptist. The latter is remembered through
    the "Blessing of Water" ceremony, which followed the Divine Liturgy on

    Hratch Nersessian served as godfather (gunkahayr) of the "Blessing of Water"
    service. He took up the ornate hand-cross after it was immersed in water by
    Archbishop Barsamian, and held up the cross for the faithful to kiss as
    they walked up to receive the water blessed with the Holy Muron (holy oil)
    at the conclusion of the service.

    The sacred music of the Divine Liturgy was rendered beautifully throughout
    the service by the St. Vartan Cathedral Choir, under the direction of
    Maestro Khoren Mekanejian. Accompanying on the organ was Florence Avakian.

    After the service on January 6, a reception was held in Haik and Alice
    Kavookjian Auditorium, where a traditional home-blessing ceremony was led by
    Archbishop Barsamian. The faithful then stepped forward to receive blessed
    nushkhars. A colorful dance performance was offered by the Akh'tamar
    Armenian Dance Ensemble, under the direction of Sylva Assadourian.

    Armenian Christmas Eve was observed with service on the evening of Sunday,
    January 5. The celebrant was Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian. The Christmas Eve
    service featured scripture readings by students from the Diocese's Khrimian
    Lyceum and St. Vartan Armenian School.

    Many parishes across the Eastern Diocese also held Christmas services on
    January 5 and January 6, with some performing the Blessing of Water Service
    on Sunday, January 12.


    Photos attached.
    Photo 1: Archbishop Khajag Barsamian performs the "Blessing of Water"
    Photo 2: Hratch Nersessian receives the cross during the "Blessing of Water"
    Photo 3: Members of the Akh'tamar Armenian Dance Ensemble perform at the
    Christmas reception.

    Photo 4: Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian celebrated the Divine Liturgy on
    Christmas Eve.
