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Suicide Highlights Plight Of Disabled Azeri War Vets

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  • Suicide Highlights Plight Of Disabled Azeri War Vets


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #718
    Jan 13 2014

    Government accused of spending too little oil money to improve
    their lives.

    By Aytan Farhadova - Caucasus CRS Issue 718,

    The suicide of a disabled army veteran in Azerbaijan has raised concern
    about the inadequate welfare provision for ex-combatants injured in the
    Nagorny Karabakh conflict two decades ago and now living in poverty.

    Zaur Hasanov set himself on fire outside the headquarters of
    Azerbaijan's Trade Union Confederation on December 25. He was taken
    to hospital but died three days later.

    While he was still conscious, Hasanov explained his action by accusing
    the confederation's chairman, Sattar Mehbaliyev, of depriving him of
    his only source of income, a cafe, back in 1995. Relatives said he
    had spent the years since then seeking restitution and surviving on
    a tiny pension.

    Mehbaliyev denied any wrongdoing, saying it was the courts that ordered
    the cafe to be torn down. He met Hasanov's father and promised that
    the Trade Union Confederation would pay the family 100,000 manats
    (130,000 US dollars) as compensation for the cafe and 300 manats a
    month for each of Hasanov's five children.

    The father, Hasan Hasanov, is calling for the prosecution service to
    look into the circumstances of the suicide to see whether there is
    evidence that someone drove his son to take his own life.

    "We appealed to the president and he promised to look into it. But
    there's been nothing since then. If this continues, I'll go to the
    police," he told the website

    The cause has been taken up by the Alliance for Free Karabakh, an
    umbrella group that includes veterans and disabled ex-combatants.

    "The state must provide for its sons, who gave their lives and
    their health for it. Zaur Hasanov had five under-age children. The
    officials to blame for this tragedy must be punished," the group said
    in a statement.

    The Karabakh conflict broke out in the late Soviet period and ended
    with a ceasefire in 1994. Nagorny Karabakh is still controlled by an
    Armenian administration, and little progress has been made towards
    a political settlement.

    Some 11,000 veterans in Azerbaijan were left disabled by the war and
    find it hard to support themselves and their families.

    Rey Karimoglu, spokesman for the Karabakh Invalids' Organisation,
    says many veterans live in terrible conditions, and appeals to the
    authorities for help go unheeded.

    "Although they [the authorities] have provided the basic conditions
    of life for the families of invalids and martyrs [war dead], the
    problems haven't ended," he told IWPR. "We are currently monitoring
    more than 20 invalids who are close to killing themselves. We get a
    lot of letters from invalids living in the provinces."

    Critics of the government say it could easily afford to help former

    "If oil revenues were used effectively, the lives of poor and disabled
    people would be a lot better," Samir Aliyev, head of the Centre for
    the Support of Economic Initiatives, told IWPR. "In the context of
    an expanding budget, the pensions paid to disabled people are just

    Disabled ex-combatants are eligible for benefits ranging from 125
    to 200 manats a month, depending on the extent of incapacity, plus
    a state pension of 75-110 manats and the army pension of 33 manats.

    The government says it has distributed new apartments to 5,000
    disabled ex-combatants, and President Ilham Aliyev has promised a
    flat for everyone in this category as well as for the families of
    men killed in the war.

    Karimoglu said things were not as rosy as officials liked to think.

    "There are many problems with the distribution of apartments. The
    state builds housing for the disabled, but then officials demand
    bribes to get them," he said.

    Karimoglu said that in his own case and others, income was as much
    of a problem as accommodation.

    "The president provided me with a flat, but I can't sit in it going
    hungry. In order to eat, I have to rent out the apartment and live in
    a shack with my family," he said. "I have four children and I receive
    a pension of just 150 manats."

    Another disabled Karabakh veteran, Namiq Mammadov, described his
    desperation at the prospect of losing the workshop he rented.

    "The local authorities want to knock down the workshop and widen the
    road. How am I going to feed my children now? I'm not asking for
    charity from anyone, I just want an opportunity to earn an honest
    crust," he told IWPR. "What am I to do? Should I burn myself too so
    as to solve my children's problems?"

    Aytan Farhadova is a journalist with the Bizim Yol newspaper in
