20:11 ~U 14.01.14
Emi Fruit Company plans a meeting with environmentalists at the Arrhus
Center, to discuss a program of restoring Sevan lake trout resources
and fish industry development, Silva Adamyan, coordinator of a public
environmental association, told
Armenia's government approved a draft program of bringing trout
reproduction up to 50,000 tons a year until the year 2023. Emi Fruit
Company is program executive.
Environmentalists concerned over the state of Lake Sevan ecosystem
express their fears.
"I do not see a bright future for Lake Sevan. As to the arguments that
the trout resources will be developed, they are not serious. None
of us can say what kind of fish food will be imported to Armenia,"
the environmentalist said.
Moreover, the trout resources development program implies operation
of enterprises. "But where will waste products go? I do not know."
Adamyan is also informed that the Center of Hydroecology approved
the program despite its negative aspects.
"Specialists have assured us they conducted monitoring, a pilot program
is being implemented and the fish food is environmentally absolutely
harmless. But I dare disagree. We have numerous examples of similar
programs, when we were assured there was no harm. But later we had
to deal with consequences. We are not sure the fish food will not be
genetically modified. How are they going to guarantee clean food?
They say six to seven thousand people are going to work there. We
have read the program carefully, but it does not say anything,"
Adamyan said.
"In Soviet times no genetically modified food was used. I do not see
any problem is letting fry multiply in natural conditions," she added.
Environmentalists are also concerned over corruption risks.
20:11 ~U 14.01.14
Emi Fruit Company plans a meeting with environmentalists at the Arrhus
Center, to discuss a program of restoring Sevan lake trout resources
and fish industry development, Silva Adamyan, coordinator of a public
environmental association, told
Armenia's government approved a draft program of bringing trout
reproduction up to 50,000 tons a year until the year 2023. Emi Fruit
Company is program executive.
Environmentalists concerned over the state of Lake Sevan ecosystem
express their fears.
"I do not see a bright future for Lake Sevan. As to the arguments that
the trout resources will be developed, they are not serious. None
of us can say what kind of fish food will be imported to Armenia,"
the environmentalist said.
Moreover, the trout resources development program implies operation
of enterprises. "But where will waste products go? I do not know."
Adamyan is also informed that the Center of Hydroecology approved
the program despite its negative aspects.
"Specialists have assured us they conducted monitoring, a pilot program
is being implemented and the fish food is environmentally absolutely
harmless. But I dare disagree. We have numerous examples of similar
programs, when we were assured there was no harm. But later we had
to deal with consequences. We are not sure the fish food will not be
genetically modified. How are they going to guarantee clean food?
They say six to seven thousand people are going to work there. We
have read the program carefully, but it does not say anything,"
Adamyan said.
"In Soviet times no genetically modified food was used. I do not see
any problem is letting fry multiply in natural conditions," she added.
Environmentalists are also concerned over corruption risks.