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Annie Totah Honored by NKR, Catholicos Kerekin II at Assembly's Annu

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  • Annie Totah Honored by NKR, Catholicos Kerekin II at Assembly's Annu

    Date: January 14, 2014

    Contact: Taniel Koushakjian
    Telephone: (202) 393-3434
    Email: [email protected]


    WASHINGTON, D.C. - Last month, the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    honored Armenian Assembly board member Annie Totah with its Medal of
    Gratitude at the Assembly's annual holiday briefing and reception at the
    Embassy of Armenia, reported the Assembly. Robert Avetisyan, Nagorno
    Karabakh Representative to the United States, presented the medal to Totah
    on behalf of his government. Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Legate of the
    Armenian Church of America (Eastern) also presented Annie Totah with an
    encyclical from His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II. Organized by the
    Assembly's Capital Regional Council, the annual event has become a
    tradition for the Armenian American community of the greater Washington,
    D.C. metropolitan area for over a decade and brought together local
    community leaders, dignitaries, religious leaders and a broad cross-section
    of friends and members of the Armenian Assembly of America.

    `I am honored, humbled and moved by the medal bestowed upon me by
    President Bako Sahakyan of the Republic of Artsakh,' stated Annie
    Totah. `I'm happy that I have been able to bring in my share to help
    in the struggle of independence of Artsakh. And I will continue to do
    so, and I think it is every Armenian man and woman's responsibility to
    help with the challenges being faced by NKR,' Totah said. She shared
    her passion for a democratic and prosperous Artsakh stating, `I am a
    believer that with optimism, with hard work and perseverance, we will
    be able to achieve our goals and realize our dreams of having the
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh recognized internationally.' `Once this
    is done, the sky will be the limit of all the good things we will be
    able to bring into and for NKR,' Totah said.

    In 2013, six U.S. States recognized the independence of the Nagorno
    Karabakh Republic, including Totah's home state of Maryland.

    The NKR government awards the "Gratitude" medal to individuals,
    organizations and collectives for significant contribution in restoring and
    developing economy, science, culture, and social spheres of the NKR as well
    as for defending and promoting international recognition of the Republic.

    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian gave the opening invocation and read an
    encyclical (Gontak in Armenian) from His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II
    on the occasion of Totah's commendation. Armenian Assembly intern alumnus
    Aram Gavoor, Esq. (class of 2003) served as Master of Ceremonies for the
    evening. In addition to the awards ceremony, the program featured remarks
    from Armenia's Ambassador to the United States H.E. Tatoul Markarian,
    Nagorno Karabakh Representative Robert Avetisyan, Assembly Executive
    Director Bryan Ardouny, and Rev. Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian. Assembly Capital
    Regional Council member Naira Babayan provided a wonderful Armenian and
    classical music performance on the piano. Rev. Fr. Hovsep Karapetyan of St.
    Mary Armenian Church of Washington, D.C. also read a letter from Archbishop
    Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church
    before providing the evening's closing benediction.

    The Armenian Assembly's annual holiday briefing and reception in
    Washington, D.C. is organized by the Assembly's Capital Regional Council,
    namely Clara Andonian (co-chair), Doris George (co-chair), Alice Hanessian,
    Seta Gelenian, Nadya Carson, Anahid Ghazarian, Nora Maghrablian, Shirley
    Mikaelian, Margie Satian, Naira Babayan, and Anahid Kalayjian.

    `We're delighted to see so many new and familiar faces at our annual
    capital gathering,' stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. `We
    especially appreciate our hosts, our Capital Regional Council team, and the
    entire Assembly family as we continue to grow and strengthen the bonds
    between our local community and the homeland,' Ardouny said.

    Photographs from the Assembly's annual briefing and reception are available
    on the Assembly's Facebook page here.

    Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
    Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and
    awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3)
    tax-exempt membership organization.


    NR# 2014-02

    Photo Caption 1 (L-R): Yeretsgin Anahid Kalayjian, Archbishop Vicken
    Aykazian, Annie Totah, Ambassador Tatoul Markarian, Rev. Fr. Hovsep
    Karapetyan, Robert Avetisyan, Rev. Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian, Bryan Ardouny
    and Aram Gavoor, Esq.

    Photo Caption 2: Annie Totah with NKR Representative Robert Avetisyan.
    Photo Caption 3: Annie Totah with Archbishop Vicken Aykazian.

    Available online:
