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State Coup In Yerevan

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  • State Coup In Yerevan


    What is now happening in Armenia could be described as another attempt
    at usurping power or rather the attempt of the criminal-oligarchic
    system to retain usurped power.

    Russia treated the criminal-oligarchic political system of Armenia
    badly, especially the part of it that is called "systemic opposition".

    Despite its important role in the handover of the country's
    sovereignty, Moscow let everyone know that they must fight for

    Having taken the sovereignty of Armenia and the right to make
    decisions, Moscow need not mar its hands in petty domestic issues.

    Everyone - the government, the systemic opposition, different experts
    and theoreticians - has pledged loyalty to Russia and now they are
    arguing as to who would hand over the sovereignty and future of the
    country in a more dignified manner.

    There are no more issues with Armenia. The Armenian system has proved
    its collaborationist nature. Only this environment could circulate
    a thesis that supporters of sovereignty, dignity and development
    of Armenia (those against Russia, as they put it) are thus calling
    everyone to support the government. The relevant circles in Moscow
    who are dealing with development of special propaganda theses are
    even said amazed by such readiness of Armenians, to say nothing about
    denunciations to the respective places.

    The issue is to preserve this system with various "renditions"
    and actors. And the issue of the system is to retain the usurped
    government. This is getting a little more complicated because the
    resources, traditional mechanisms and propaganda devices are not
    effective any more. The culmination was the end-of-year developments
    that continued into this year. The mere fact that the "domestic
    debate" carefully bypasses the topic of sovereignty places everything
    in their right places. In this regard, the domestic fight is reduced
    to the right to allocate the internal resources.

    In fact, Serzh Sargsyan decided to join the Customs Union in order
    to retain his power and position. Otherwise there would be a coup in
    Armenia, which obviously irritated the systemic opposition because
    it was not served power on a tray. Now they have to fight for power
    indirectly, under Serzh Sargsyan's aegis. This circumstance is
    full of unpleasant surprises, such as the prospect of becoming an
    "ordinary oppositionist".

    One way or another, the system is preparing for a state coup, the next
    session of usurpation, because no time is left while threat is growing
    real. And threat concerns the most sacred thing for the government -
    capital and redistribution of property. Everyone has understood that
    there are no guarantees of security and there cannot be one.

    State coups have some ideological basis, a vision of problems of
    public and state importance. The Armenian coup is a mercantile thing
    the ideological basis of which is handover of sovereignty panting
    touchingly for doing bigger favors to the master.

    Haikazn Ghahriyan, Editor-in-Chief 17:21 15/01/2014 Story from News:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress