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Editorial: Sister Recognition

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  • Editorial: Sister Recognition


    Highland Community News, CA
    Jan 16 2014

    Published: Thursday, January 16, 2014 8:05 PM PST

    We often disagree with Councilwoman Jody Scott, but this time, she's
    right. The City Council should reconsider its resolution supporting
    the breakaway republic of Nagorno Karabakh and the city's sister city
    affiliation with its capitol, Berdzor.

    We understand that the fight for independence is Christian against
    Moslem, and that we have more in common with Armenia, which is helping
    the fight for independence, than we have with Azerbaijan, which still
    claims the republic as part of its country.

    However, as we have said in a past editorial, we do not believe
    it is the business of Highland to get involved in foreign affairs,
    especially one as heated and controversial as this.

    Even if the U.S. government should recognize Nagorno Karabakh as
    an independent nation, it would be foolhardy for us as a city to
    get involved in another fight which probably will have no winners,
    but many losers.

    <img style='display:none' border=0 width=0 height=0
    src=' 9928104310.9768373868898237'>
    There must be many other sister city opportunities where we could reach
    across boundaries and help make a difference and improve relations
    with people in other parts of the world.

    Even more troubling is that supporters of the sister city resolution
    do not even want to allow discussion of the issue.

    It has been far too secretive and smells of back room politics,
    not a good direction for the city.

    From: A. Papazian