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Political Science Association of Armenia slams Azerbaijan's policy o

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  • Political Science Association of Armenia slams Azerbaijan's policy o

    Political Science Association of Armenia slams Azerbaijan's policy of
    distorting the truth

    14:29 18.01.2014

    The Political Science Association of Armenia has adopted a statement
    on the `Azerbaijani Authorities' Policy of Distorting the Truth about
    the Anti-Armenian Pogroms and Subsequent Deployment of Troops in Baku
    in January 1990.' The statement reads:

    `January 2014 marks the 24th anniversary of the massacres of Armenians
    in Baku. These tragic events were organized by the Azerbaijani Popular
    Front with the criminal connivance of the Azerbaijan SSR and USSR
    leadership. In the capital city of Azerbaijan hundreds of Armenians
    were killed by extremely brutal methods. They were doused with petrol
    and to the applause of the fanatic mob publicly burnt alive in the
    streets of Baku, defenseless children, women and elderly people were
    thrown from the upper floors of houses with the seizure of their
    apartments and property etc. The Armenian community of Baku, by 1988
    numbering around 300 thousand people and playing a prominent role in
    Azerbaijan's economic and cultural life, ceased to exist, its
    surviving members lost everything and became refugees. Apart from
    Armenians, there were Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, as well as
    Azerbaijanis having dared to save some Armenians who suffered from the
    Azerbaijani brutalized thugs.

    These egregious crimes against humanity were never condemned.
    Moreover, the Azerbaijan SSR leadership, entering into criminal
    conspiracy with the central authorities, refused to investigate them.
    Baku declined to publish the archival materials on the January events,
    and subsequently - under Aliyev father and son - did not venture, at
    least formally, to call for responsibility and institute court
    proceedings against whoever it may be.

    Official Baku continues its targeted policy of falsifying the history
    and tries, playing up to anti-Russian sentiments, to depict the
    above-mentioned events as an end-in-itself attempt by the Union center
    `to drown in the blood the national liberation movement of the
    Azerbaijani nation for its secession from the USSR'. Meanwhile, the
    results of the USSR-wide referendum of 17 March, 1991, when more than
    70 % of all the Azerbaijan SSR population voted in favor of
    maintaining the Soviet Union, are indicative of the contradiction of
    this postulate to historical facts and elementary logic.

    The `Plan of activities on commemorating the 24th anniversary of the
    January 20 tragedy', recently approved by the Head of Administration
    of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a symptomatic
    manifestation of the Azerbaijani authorities' falsification policy. It
    is based on the attempt by the direct successor of the criminal state
    to exploit the traditions and rites of commemorating victims of
    genocides so as to hide the horrific truth about the mass atrocities
    by the thugs from the Azerbaijani Popular Front towards the peaceful
    Armenian population of Baku in January 1990. Thereby, the victims are
    cynically put on a par with their torturers, many of whom at present
    are among the key actors in the political life of the Republic of

    This approach organically stems from Azerbaijan's unconstructive
    policy, a vivid example of which is the statement by Ilham Aliyev at a
    Government Session of Azerbaijan on January 9, 2014 on the use of
    Azerbaijan's military machine for the resolution of the Karabakh
    conflict, in case Armenia refuses to make unilateral concessions
    imposed by Baku. At the same time, the arms race initiated by Baku
    authorities forces the Armenian sides to take measures to maintain the
    guaranteed balance of power. Meanwhile, the only reasonable way to
    resolve the Karabakh conflict is the creation of an atmosphere of
    mutual trust among the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic and the Republic of Azerbaijan, based - as is the case with
    the proposal for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict - on the mutual
    recognition of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic established as a result of the 1991 law-governed referendum
    in accordance with Perestroika Law `On Procedures for Regulation of
    Issues Related to Separation of Soviet Republics from the USSR' -
    before the Alma-Ata Declaration on the official dissolution of the
    USSR, and the return of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic to the
    negotiation table as a full party.

    Paying tribute to the memory of the innocent victims of the January
    pogroms and massacres, the Political Science Association of Armenia
    condemns the sacrilegious policy by the Azerbaijani leadership of
    distorting the truth about the January massacres of Armenians in 1990,
    as well as the subsequent deployment of troops, and urges the
    international community not to succumb to the propaganda fabrications
    and manipulations by the Azerbaijani authorities. The Political
    Science Association of Armenia draws the attention of the UN, the
    Council of Europe, the European Union, the OSCE, Heads of the member
    states of these international organizations and, first and foremost,
    the OCSE Minsk Group co-Chairs to preventing the malicious perversions
    by the Azerbaijani authorities of the historical truth with
    profanation of the memory of the true victims of the January 1990
    bloody events in Baku. We also appeal to all the honest sons and
    daughters of the Azerbaijani nation to face their own history, thus
    paving the way for the democratic development of Azerbaijan and the
    establishment of lasting peace between the Armenian and Azerbaijani
    peoples on the basis of principles of international law and universal
    human values.'

    From: Baghdasarian