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Ann Cavoukian

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  • Ann Cavoukian

    The New York Times
    January 19, 2014 Sunday
    Late Edition - Final

    Ann Cavoukian


    Kate Murphy is a journalist in Houston who writes frequently for The
    New York Times.

    Ann Cavoukian is the information and privacy commissioner in Ontario,
    Canada, and a longtime advocate of default online confidentiality. Her
    concept of ''privacy by design,'' which was developed in the 1990s and
    encourages embedding privacy protections in information technology and
    business practices, has recently gained renewed attention and
    proclamations of support from regulatory agencies worldwide.

    READING I've been delving into Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth
    Cukier's new book, ''Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We
    Live, Work and Think.'' It's about how with the enormous wealth of
    data we have, we can bring great new insights. What I didn't like were
    the comments about how we can't simultaneously protect privacy. That's
    nonsense. It's all in the design of systems. Use the data by all
    means, but aggregate it and de-identify it.

    LISTENING I enjoy a variety of classical music. Beethoven is my
    personal favorite but I also love Chopin and Erik Satie. And I love
    Moby because I love to dance. I like to bop around the house but also
    love folk dancing and ballet. I'm Armenian, that's my background, and
    there are beautiful Armenian folk dances. The movement is so flowing
    and free and gorgeous, so I am really attracted to that.

    WATCHING I love ''Homeland,'' ''Person of Interest'' and ''Hostages.''
    I find it fascinating, the shadow world, what we don't know. Maybe
    it's my line of work and also because my two grandmothers survived the
    Armenian genocide in 1915. On the inside of my grandmothers' forearms,
    they had six-digit numbers that identified them in the camps. They
    managed to escape. For them it was all about freedom. Privacy and
    freedom go hand in hand. Historians will tell you the first thread to
    unravel when a free and democratic society morphs into a totalitarian
    state is privacy.

    FOLLOWING The International Association of Privacy Professionals, or
    I.A.P.P., has a daily dashboard of the top news stories that relate to
    privacy, and the Privacy Forum Blog by Lauren Weinstein is fabulous.
    Jules Polonetsky in Washington, D.C., runs the Future of Privacy
    Forum, which is also something I look at.

    PAINTING I love to paint and I'll tell you, I'm not bad. I use one of
    my paintings for my annual Christmas card, and this year's card is a
    painting based on a photograph I took in Rome.

