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The Forgotten hero: Captain Jim Chankalian

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  • The Forgotten hero: Captain Jim Chankalian

    People of Ar
    Jan 18 2014

    The Forgotten hero: Captain Jim Chankalian

    Filed under: Armenian Genocide, History, People, WW1 - Leave a comment
    January 18, 2014

    Captain Jim Chankalian was promoted to captain in the U.S. Army for
    his service during the Spanish-American War in 1898, and later with
    great success and honors he participated in the Armenian liberation
    movement. Afterwards he served in the Democratic Liberal Party of
    America, AGBU and the Armenian Church, until his death on May 10,

    Born in Tigranakert as Bedros Chankalian, James (Jim) and his family
    emigrated to the United States. He graduated from an American high
    school and then entered the military academy to become an officer in
    the United States.

    Being an experienced soldier of the U.S. Army, Chankalian also became
    a well-known figure in the Armenian community of New York. After
    retiring with the rank of captain, he was offered an important
    position in the company `Powers & Co.' and build a comfortable life
    for himself. In 1915, the Reformed party Gnchak, in collaboration with
    the Regional Committee of the Constitutional Democratic Party
    (Ramgavar) of the United States requested to send Jim Chankaliana with
    a special mission, first to the Caucasus, and then to Van, to fight
    for the Armenian liberation movement. Chankalian gladly accepted the
    offer, giving up his high position and a comfortable life in America.
    Taking with him a group of experienced volunteers who came from
    Western Armenia, he reached Van at the appointed time and was met by
    the heroic leader of Armenian self-defense forces, Armenak Egaryan.

    After consultation with Egaryan, Chankalian put his extensive military
    experience in service of the heroic struggle of the Armenians of Van
    and became the adviser to Egaryan. As such he became instrumental in
    the formation of the Yerkrapah regiment (Defenders of the Motherland)
    and was successful in the accomplishment of his military mission.

    In 1917 he returned to the U.S., but as soon as he learned about the
    plan of formation of the Armenian Legion in France, he decided to
    join. The legion was to go to Palestinian front to fight on the side
    of the Allies (France, England, Russia) against the German and Turkish
    troops. Chankalian who enjoyed unconditional respect and reverence of
    the American-Armenian community and the Armenian political parties,
    was appointed head of the detachment, consisting of US-Armenian
    volunteers. On July 9, 1917 Chankalian along with the volunteers,
    under his leadership, boarded a French ship and headed to Marseille.
    >From there he went to Port Said and joined the Legion. They were
    transported to Cyprus and met with the rest of the volunteers of the
    French Foreign Legion.

    By order of General Allenby, commander of the united forces of the
    Allied Powers in the Middle Eastern front, on September 14, 1918 the
    Armenian volunteers were transported to Palestine, where five days
    later, they went on the attack against German and Turkish forces in
    Arar. With minimal losses they have achieved a glorious victory in the
    Battle of the Arar.

    As the World War I ended in November 1918, the Armenian volunteers
    were transferred to the Palestinian front in Beirut. From there, the
    British ships took them in groups, through Alexandretta (Iskenderun)
    to the mountains and plains of Cilicia. Legionnaires were welcomed in
    Adana with the Armenian tricolor flags. Turks were already demoralized
    an the Armenian Legion was about to take all of Cilicia under their
    control. Implementation of the plan to establish an autonomous and
    independent Armenian Cilicia was undertaken under the guidance of
    Mihran Damadyan. In order to bring this plan to fruition, it was
    necessary to gather a strong fighting force, which was about to become
    a reality, with such battle-tested heroes as Chankalian, Andranik,
    Egaryan, Esai Yagubyan etc. However, the Allied Powers had other
    intentions. They have prevented the arrival of Andranik, Egaryana and
    others in Cilicia, ending the prospects of Armenian success in

    Disappointed with the vanishing dream to create an independent
    Cilicia, Chankalian returned to the United States, with his
    achievements recorded in the history of the Armenian liberation
    struggle. Later, as one of the leading figures of the Democratic
    Liberal Party of America, Chankalian organized fundraising efforts in
    support of the first Republic of Armenia.

    Chankalian continued his activities for the benefit of the motherland.
    He became the driving force behind the formation of the
    American-Armenian National Council and served as its president. He
    also became the first president of the Central Committee of the
    Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) and devoted his time to the
    service of the Armenian Church. This great patriot, endowed with
    exceptional military skill, died in New York in 1947 at an advanced
    age, leaving behind a great legacy of unforgettable service for his
