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ARF Day Celebration Highlights Imperative for National Agenda

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  • ARF Day Celebration Highlights Imperative for National Agenda

    ARF Day Celebration Highlights Imperative for National Agenda
    Friday, January 17th, 2014

    by Ara Khachatourian

    A scene from the final performance at ARF Day Celebration

    Community Flocks to ARF Day Celebration; Hundreds turned away due to
    hall capacity; Organizers pledge a larger venue for future events


    GLENDALE'With a message highlighting the imperative for a national
    agenda to collectively elevate the Armenian Nation, a capacity crowd
    gathered at the Glendale High School Auditorium to celebrate the 123rd
    anniversary of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation.

    Enumerating the many challenges facing the Armenian Nation today,
    Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western US Central Committee
    Chairman Dr. Viken Hovsepian in his keynote speech proposed a
    five-point plan for `national salvation' and heralding in a new era of
    collectively working toward the advancement of the Armenian Nation.

    Citing the almost epidemic wave of emigration from Armenia, the
    continued usurpation of power by Armenia's ruling elite as a result of
    which the basic needs of the population are ignored, as well as the
    worsening crisis in Syria and its impact and implication for the
    Armenian community there, Hovsepian called on each and every Armenian
    to take charge of the fate of the nation.

    The proposed `National Salvation Program,' as put forth by Hovsepian
    envisions the prioritization of national ideology as the backbone to
    addressing all issues that impact the Armenian national security;
    granting of citizenship to every Armenian in the world prior to 2015;
    the immediate withdrawal of Armenian government's signature from the
    dangerous Turkey-Armenia protocol; the convention of the a truly
    all-inclusive national conclave where each and every Armenian in
    represented; and the restructuring of Armenia's government in a manner
    that ensures each Armenian is represented.

    `These are unusual times fraught with danger that require abrupt and
    maximalist solutions,' said Hovsepian.

    Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western US Central Committee
    Chairman Dr. Viken Hovsepian

    `We must understand that values and interests of the Nation are far
    above the individual interests' of the Homeland and Diaspora, said
    Hovsepian adding that the Armenian government cannot weaken one of the
    pillars of our National Ideology by, for example, `prioritizing the
    opening of the border over the international recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide and act shrewd by throwing the `Karabakh card.'' By
    the same token, Hovsepian said, Diaporan Armenians cannot compromise
    strengthening and advancement of Armenia under any circumstances.

    Delivering the youth message was Armenian Youth Federation Central
    Executive member Sanan Shirinian, who recounted her experience as an
    AYF member and highlighted the organization's input in advancing the
    Armenian Cause.

    `As the youth wing of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, the
    responsibility of ensuring the ARF is remain revolutionary falls upon
    us. We are the ones who can take advantage of being risk-takers, of
    being khents, unafraid of any uphill battle,' said Shirnian.

    `The generations before us left an impressive legacy, and now the
    responsibility falls on us take what we have learned from them,
    and raise the bar. To not rest, until we know our future successors
    will look back on us, and become inspired by the work we do,' added
    Shirinian. (See the complete text of Shirnian's speech below)

    The capacity crowd that attended the event forced Glendale city
    authorities to shutter the doors of the auditorium. As a result,
    unfortunately, hundreds of community members had to be turned away at
    the entrance because the hall was filled to capacity. Organizers
    issued an apology Monday, pledging that a larger venue would be
    secured for future such events.

    The program began with the Homenetmen Scouts conducting an impressive
    flag ceremony, with the American national anthem being performed by
    Toukhman Khachadourian. Then the curtain was raised to reveal the
    hundred-strong AYF Junior Choir, which performed the Armenian and ARF
    anthems to the thunderous applause of the audience.

    Masters of Ceremony Balabek Barsamyan and Palig Demirdjian provided
    welcoming remarks and guided the programs various facets, which
    included an `In Memoriam' video presentation that paid homage to ARF
    members from the Western Region who had died during the past year.

    The vibrant cultural program included performances by Hamazkayin Ani
    and Nairi dance troupes; performances by Krisdapor Arabian; Harout
    Pamboukjian; Araksia Varterestian; the Chamlian Armenian School Chorus
    under the direction of Nora Roumian-Bairamian; and a unique recitation
    by Sona Madarian, Ara Yacoubian, Maral Varjabedian, Seda Martir and
    Ani Ghazarian.

    Ö? Ö? Ö?

    Sanan Shirinian's Remarks

    `Good Evening everyone, honored guests and friends,

    Armenian Youth Federation Central Executive member Sanan Shirinian

    The 123rd anniversary of the ARF is undoubtedly a moment of
    celebration and reflection for the AYF as well, for we are its future

    As the youth wing of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, the
    responsibility of ensuring the ARF is remain revolutionary falls upon
    us. We are the ones who can take advantage of being risk-takers, of
    beingkhents, unafraid of any uphill battle.

    There are truly no words I can use to describe the experience of
    living as an AYF member. No matter how descriptive or how convincing,
    the satisfaction can only be understood after you have been a part of
    it. After you've experienced your first seminar, your first marathon
    meeting, or your first completed project.

    Despite these verbal limitations, I will try to demonstrate why the
    AYF, so many years after its establishment, remains one of the most
    relevant organizations in our daily lives.

    We live in a time when education is highly valued, and nearly all of
    us have the opportunity to pursue as high a degree as we wish. It is
    extremely important for our youth to be educated, to be smart members
    of this society, so that they are heard and respected. However, the
    AYF is where we go from being just smart, to being wise. The AYF is
    where Armenian youth become thinkers; it is what gives us the
    opportunity to get up close and personal with the truths learned in
    our textbooks. It allows us to live out loud, and value real human
    The facts and histories may be what make us smart, but its all of
    those complimentary experiences that make us wise.

    The AYF strives to advance the goals of a free, independent and united
    Armenia. Toward that end, it is dedicated to the principles of
    freedom, democracy, self-determination, and economic and social
    justice. To stay focused what it has set out to do, the AYF cannot
    allow either praise or blame to distract us. Roadblocks greet us at
    every corner, some even put up by ourselves, questioning how we can
    make a real difference, especially in American society; in a foreign
    system that is so deeply embedded in individual success, leaving
    hardly any room for collective social responsibility.

    We easily forget, that it was not too long ago the frustrated youth in
    this country severely disrupted the status quo. Their disobedience
    changed the world of art, music, politics, racial and gender roles¦
    Therefore, we too have the ability to live and work as progressives
    concerned with our national wellbeing, even in this American reality.
    In fact, the very privileged circumstances under which we live allow
    us to explore increased opportunities.

    Whether our actions are contained or transgressive, whether they are
    labeled as successes or failures, they have an impact on us all. They
    set in motion a direction for the future of Armenian youth. Therefore,
    the obstacles we face along the way can at most be momentary
    distractions, because we can only move ahead, beating the most
    unbeatable odds.

    It may sometimes feel as though the commitment, drudgery and intensity
    of the endless work we are up against, is bound to weaken us. But
    quite the opposite; its brings out of us our greatest strengths. It
    helps us identify our greatest skills, all of which become
    transferable to the world around us.

    The projects set forth by the AYF can at times be very intimidating,
    and there are moments before embarking upon each endeavor that many of
    us doubt our own capabilities. In 2005, the year I joined the AYF,
    that challenge was a 215-mile march from Fresno to Sacramento, an
    opportunity a 16 year old could find no where else. This year, the
    challenge was directing volunteers and hundreds of local children In
    Armenia for our Youth Corps program.

    With each projects end, upon coming face to face with the challenging
    work we may feel unprepared for, we all inch closer to being wiser,
    more conscious and we gain the experience needed to take on more. As
    my last year in the AYF approaches, I come to realize that we are the
    youth of the ARF, and that is one of our greatest challenges.

    To give a brief insight of our work during this fiscal year, over the
    past five months the AYF has organized an educational seminar with
    over 100 participants, published an issue of Haytoug dedicated to
    different social and political movements, launched a community
    basketball program for special needs kids, participated in a global
    AYF conference in Armenia, and opened a new chapter in the North
    Valley region. We have welcomed over 30 new members, and many more are
    in the process of joining. By no means are we satisfied with these
    accomplishments, as they are merely small steps¦ part of the long
    journey toward an ideal end. We are dedicated to serving our local
    communities, and to ensuring the continued development of our
    homeland, but most importantly, we are dedicated to disintegrating the
    division amongst the two. Yet we need a more empowered effort, we need
    our youth to be convinced of their capabilities to create something
    positive for the Armenian nation. We need them to be convinced of
    their potential to be leaders and thus servants of a people.

    At 16 when you first join the AYF, it's like stepping into a world of
    possibilities; the work you do is not measured by success, you accept
    the risk of failure, so long as the activities planned cause some sort
    of excitement. These early years are valuable, because it is when our
    eyes are opened to the social and political Armenian realities, and we
    experience the potential of collective organizing.

    As you mature into the organization you find yourself becoming more
    critical and cautious of the work you undertake. These later years can
    be the most prolific. At the ages of 24 25, you can act upon your
    youthful rebellious instincts, while employing a wider worldview and
    thoughtful perceptive. These are the years when you are caught in the
    crossfires of thinking and feeling.

    And Throughout all the ten years spent growing up in the AYF, more
    than family, more than school, the AYF becomes the major agent of our
    political socialization.

    The AYF is where passion translates into action. And the actions we
    take, lead us to become meaningful members of the Armenian community.
    To have political value that allows us to belong as more than just
    spectators of the Armenian world.

    When I look back and reflect on the heroisms in ARF and AYF history,
    of the ones who gave their lives, the ones who governed a republic,
    who built communities, I'm inspired beyond comprehension. The
    generations before us left an impressive legacy, and now the
    responsibility falls on us¦ to take what we have learned from them,
    and raise the bar. To not rest, until we know our future successors
    will look back on us, and become inspired by the work we do.'
