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Pre-Parliament calls not to support "Hayastan" foundation and create

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  • Pre-Parliament calls not to support "Hayastan" foundation and create

    Pre-Parliament calls not to support "Hayastan" foundation and create
    an alternative all-national foundation

    by Marianna Lazarian

    Friday, January 17, 14:34

    Here is a statement disseminated by the Pre-Parliament:

    To overcome the existential challenges that all Armenians are facing
    today it is a must to establish a nation-state, and the first
    precondition of it is the existence of a sovereign government led by
    national interests. Meanwhile, the current government of the Republic
    of Armenia and the core of it - the administration not only fail to be
    led by those interests but also openly serve the foreign powers for
    the sake of their personal and clan interests. As a consequence of the
    anti-national and oppressing activities of this system we have reached
    a state where not only sovereignty but also the physical existence of
    Armenians in their homeland are endangered. Hence, today the
    overarching goal for all Armenians is the formation of a
    representative government in Armenia, serving national interests and
    Pre-Parliament has undertaken the process of creating the necessary
    preconditions for reaching this goal.

    This nationwide undertaking requires significant resources necessary
    for the formation of all-Armenian movement targeting the creation and
    development of a renewed Armenian state. For this purpose we shall
    particularly need: 1) to attract professionals in the development of
    the strategic vision of the renewed state; 2) to create a network
    support structure in Armenia and Diaspora centered around above
    mentioned goal; 3) to develop and operate an independent media
    system (TV and e-media ecosystem, etc.); 4) to provide legal and
    social protection and support to the oppressed and their family
    members; 5) to form representative governing bodies necessary for
    the removal of the regime, and first of all - an alternative
    parliament, and to ensure the legitimization and activities of those
    bodies. Reaching above mentioned goal implies stopping of any
    support to criminal administration and its actions to pretend serving
    national interests and to mislead our people. That purpose is served
    also by "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund. It is no longer an instrument
    for the development of our Homeland and is mainly applied to fulfill
    the criminal oligarchic interests of the regime at the expense of the
    Diaspora. Taking into account all the above-mentioned, the
    Pre-parliament urges all Armenians to stop donating to the regime and
    to establish an alternative nationwide fund, the main objective of
    which shall be the formation of the government led by national
