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ISTANBUL: Hrant Dink to be commemorated with indignation seven years

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  • ISTANBUL: Hrant Dink to be commemorated with indignation seven years

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Jan 18 2014

    Hrant Dink to be commemorated with indignation seven years after his murder


    A march will be organized on Jan. 19 starting at 1:30 p.m. from Taksim
    Square and ending in front of Agos newspapers' building. AA photo

    Seven years have already passed since the hate murder against
    Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, the highly esteemed former
    editor-in-chief of weekly Agos, as a new commemoration looms without
    light having been shed to the killing.

    The Friends of Hrant Dink organization, established in memory of the
    late journalist, has called for a march Jan. 19 starting at 1:30 p.m.
    from Taksim Square and will end with homage to Dink in front of Agos
    newspaper's building in Pangaltı.

    In the sidelines of the march, the Hrant Dink Human Rights Conference
    will be organized for the sixth time at BoÄ?aziçi University with the
    attendance of the renowned French sociologist Loïc Wacquant.
    Another commemorative event will be held in front of the house where
    Dink was born in his native Malatya on Jan. 18.

    Dink was murdered in broad daylight in front of his newspaper's
    building on Jan. 19, 2007 by a 17-year-old Turkish nationalist. The
    triggerman Ogün Samast was convicted of premeditated murder and
    sentenced to 22 years and 10 months of prison after a two year-trial,
    but the trial pertaining to the plotters of the assassination has
    since become a byzantine lawsuit.

    The court also ruled Dink's murder was not from organized crime,
    despite serious claims that some civil servants linked to the `deep
    state' were `indirectly' involved to the dismay of Dink's family and

    The acquittal of top suspects was ultimately overturned by the Supreme
    Court of Appeals and many key suspects charged as the instigators of
    the murder, such as Yasin Hayal and Erhan Tuncel, are currently being

    The callers of the commemorative march have also denounced the trial
    process, blaming the state for protecting those responsible for the

    The march will one more year use the slogan `Buradayız Ahparig!' (We
    are here, brother[in Armenian]) to draw attention to the trial

    The Friends of Hrant Dink organization claims that almost all of the
    civil servants who were involved in the death of the journalist were
    promoted by the government.

