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Haigazian University: Symposium on `Social and Economic?

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  • Haigazian University: Symposium on `Social and Economic?

    Haigazian University
    Mira Yardemian, Public Relation Director
    Kantari - Beirut
    Email: [email protected]

    Symposium on `Social and Economic Justice' Organized by the Faculty of
    Business Administration & Economics at Haigazian University, a half
    day symposium titled `Social & Economic Justice' took place on the
    morning of January 17th, 2014.

    In his welcoming address, Dean of the Faculty Business Administration
    & Economics, Dr. Fadi Asrawi, introduced the topic of social and
    economic justice, a topic that is more relevant today in Lebanon and
    the region than any other time. Dr. Asrawi, pointed out that social
    justice includes in itself economic justice. It imposes on each of us
    a responsibility to work with others to plan and continually perfect
    our institutions as tools for both personal and social development. He
    also added, a society that seeks peace must first work for justice.

    University President Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian placed particular
    significance on justice being a core to life and relationships rather
    than a minor or side issue. He pointed out that most of the uprisings
    or wars that are taking place today in the Middle East are a result of
    social and economic injustice that probably took place at some
    previous time; however our generation continued this injustice in
    modern ways. Dr. Haidostian also mentioned that as an educational
    institution, Haigazian focuses on distributive justice; owing and
    sharing with the others in a fair way, especially the weaker ones.

    The representative of his Excellency the minister of Social Affairs,
    Mr. Wael ABou Faour, Dr. Bashir Osmat, drew attention to topic of
    social justice being of great concern to philosophers, rulers, and the
    underdeveloped nations, since in the beginning of time. Social justice
    is an economic matter;

    he went on, with a major objective of clearing out the fundamental
    inequalities that exists between different social classes. Dr. Osmat
    suggested different means for the sake of achieving justice, such as,
    drawing out plans for different intervals in time, with a program of
    social and economic development and the cooperating between
    governmental organizations, NGO's and the private sector.

    Afterwards, Dr. Jonathan Andreas, from Bluffton University, USA,
    further discussed social and economic justice. He began by
    spotlighting a saying by one of the major economists, Keynes, `no idea
    more powerful than the idea of justice.' He mentioned that every
    textbook in Economics defies Economics as a positive science; not
    ethical. In contrast, he believes that it is impossible to avoid
    ethics since there is an opportunity cost to every decision made and
    that's an ethical decision. Dr. Andreas pointed out that previously
    people were measured based on what they value (utilitarianism),
    however now, they are being measured by the money/income they make
    (mutilitarianism), and this is a form of injustice.

    After a coffee break, Dr. Khattar Abi Habib from Kafalat, a capital
    institution, financially controlled by the Central Bank, shed light on
    the different efforts Kafalat adopts to contribute to social and
    economic justice. By concentrating on short term lending to support
    activities such as trade, commerce, and immediate services, they aim
    to motivate small and medium enterprises to grasp the opportunity of
    expanding, improving, or branching out. Also, they provide equal
    opportunities to rural and underdeveloped regions as to the center of
    the country for financing, favoring small economies to filter into the
    middle class.

    >From World Vision International, Mrs. Anita Delhaas, pointed out that
    civil rights and economic justice is the basis of a just society. She
    believes that it takes wisdom for people to get out of their comfort
    zones to build the right relationships in order to achieve a just
    society. Mrs. Delhaas highlighted that poor people are not in need of
    money and charity; they are in need of justice. Based on that, World
    Vision works closely with Ministries of health, education, public
    affairs, religious leaders and media to increase awareness and to
    achieve the wellbeing of 150 million of the world's most vulnerable
    children, by working together to empower people in their economic

    Followed by Mrs. Delhaas, Mr. Khalil Obeid, an acting CEO in the first
    Micro Finance Institution of Syria, conferred the attempts the
    institution is performing to upgrade the capacity of poor people to do
    more; by offering them micro credit and a safe place to put their
    savings. To contribute to a just society the Micro Finance Institution
    offers loans at minimal interest rates and charges a negligible amount
    to open a bank account, providing equal opportunities to poor people
    to have access to accounts. In addition to that, the Institution is
    offering group loans, to motivate Syrian women to act more responsible
    and accountable for their own lives and children, during the current
    dreadful circumstances.

    The final guest speaker Mrs. Carmen Geha, from Beyond Reform and
    Development, tackled the topic of social and economic development by
    analyzing an alternative strategy, Social Entrepreneurship; a global
    phenomenon combining business with social impact and community
    development. To advance this strategy, Mrs. Geha thinks people should
    first adopt the mindset. It is a movement to counter the client list
    system, overcome corruption and a movement above all to free citizens
    from the chains of sectarian networks. There is enough evidence this
    would work Geha believes, and the rest is up to us. An interactive
    session of Q&A followed every guest speaker, allowing the audience to
    share their thoughts and questions regarding the topic.

    The symposium then concluded with a luncheon in Conte Hall.
