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Armenia: State Racketeering

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  • Armenia: State Racketeering


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Jan 20 2014

    20 January 2014 - 3:04pm

    By Susanna Petrosyan, Yerevan. Exclusively for Vestnik Kavkaza

    Armenian opposition parties Dashnaktsutyun, Armenian National
    Congress, Prosperous Armenia and the Heritage and the 'I am Against'
    civil initiative and young organizations started protests and marches
    against the accumulative pensions on January 18. About 6,000 people
    took part in the demonstration, police say.

    The protesters demanded the Constitutional Court resist political
    pressure and make a decision that would favour the population, not
    interests of the ruling regime. On December 17, the four parties
    addressed the court concerning the pension law. They also requested
    obligatory contributions to pension funds to be stopped until the
    publication of the court's decision.

    The complainants are confident that the new law violates article 117
    of the Constitution. The article states that volume of social support
    the government gives it people cannot be reduced on its own accords.

    Artsvik Minasyan of Dashnaktsutyun said that the funds that will be
    accumulated by pension funds will be partly allocated for circulation
    on foreign markets. Such economic step is very risky because the
    pension system would become dependent on foreign markets and any
    crisis would pulverize the money instantly.

    The Constitutional Court will consider the request to scrap the
    law on January 25 and the complaint of the four fractions on March
    28. Taking into account that the case provoked a mass public outrage,
    the Constitutional Court ordered hearings to be organized in an
    oral procedure.

    Organizers of the protests confirmed commitment against the new
    pension system initiated only for the sake the government that seeks
    additional financial resources. Naira Zograbyan, Secretary of the
    prosperous Armenia Party, called the law on accumulative pensions
    state racketeering.

    According to Levon Zurabyan, leader of the Armenian National Congress,
    the new law is not a reform, it is a robbery. "In the US and Europe,
    there are financial institutions and pension funds that gained the
    trust of citizens through many years of honest work. Can we trust
    the kleptocratic regime headed by two Sargsyans?" wonders Zurabyan.

    The protests were concluded by a big march. It was the first political
    event this year and since autumn 2013. It became a reflection of
    the social grievance, on the other hand, it was a platform for a
    higher-level consolidation of political oppositionist forces and
    formation of a form of resistance together with the public.

    A combination of a political and a civil struggle was seen at a march
    organized by the Armenian National Congress on December 10, the Human
    Rights Day. Another one was organized by parliamentary opposition
    and civil activists to protest against the unconstitutional law on
    accumulative pensions.

    In other words, the law did not just become a factor for consolidation
    of opposition and civil initiatives into a form of struggle. It became
    a real opportunity to fight against adoption of the accumulative
    system into a political process.
