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Barriers To Entry In The Armenian Market

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  • Barriers To Entry In The Armenian Market

    Jan 21 2014

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    bne - 21.01.2014

    For more than a year, Yerevan has been anticipating the opening of the
    first Carrefour supermarket, expected shortly after the French retail
    giant launched in neighbouring Georgia in September 2012. However, the
    chain's entry into the Armenian market has been held back reportedly
    by a group of local oligarchs who control the lucrative imports of
    food and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) to the country.

    While Armenia has seen an opening up of sectors such as air transport
    in 2013, the country's economy remains one of the most monopolised in
    the region, according to a World Bank report. The high concentration
    of ownership among a handful of powerful individuals is a significant
    barrier to competition and economic growth.

    Opposition to Carrefour's entry to Armenia is believed to be led
    by Samvel Alexanian, the ultimate owner of both Armenia's largest
    supermarket chain, Yerevan City, and its largest food importer, Alex
    Grig. Alexanian's control over the prices of two key imports - flour
    and sugar - would be threatened by the entry of the world's second
    largest retailer to the market. Alexanian is also rumoured to have
    rented the largest retail space at the Dalma City Mall in Yerevan for
    a Yerevan City supermarket to prevent Carrefour from using the space.

    Carrefour is now expected to set up its first Yerevan store at another
    mall, Yerevan Mall, which is due to open in February, and the French
    chain is advertising for local staff. In his latest statement on the
    issue, France's ambassador to Armenia, Henri Reynaud, told a press
    conference in December that the launch was imminent. "It should not
    be forgotten that France is the number one investor in Armenia. I
    would like to inform you that the entrance of Carrefour to Armenia
    is expected in mid-2014," Reynaud said, according to Armenpress.

    Government officials including Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan have
    also weighed into the case. Sargsyan promised in early 2013 to do
    everything possible to ensure that Carrefour was able to enter the
    Armenian market. However, the lengthy delays have highlighted the
    level of power wielded by the businessmen who hold sway over many
    parts of the economy.

    Barriers to entry

    A World Bank report published in November singles out monopolisation
    and a lack of competitiveness as one of four key problems holding
    back development of the economy, along with problems connected to
    investment, job creation and transport links. "Competition is... of
    crucial importance for the dynamism of the economy. Pro-competition
    reforms and effective implementation of antitrust rules can lead
    to significant productivity gains and consumer savings," reads the
    report titled "Republic of Armenia: Accumulation, Competition and

    "Barriers to competition exist in different sectors partly because of
    the characteristics of government contracts, discriminatory rules and
    inadequate regulations, and particular aspects of market structure,"
    says Ulrich Bartsch, the World Bank senior country economist and
    co-author of the report.

    According to the World Bank report, Armenia has a larger share of
    monopolies than other countries in the region, with 60% of markets
    exhibiting "an oligopolistic or monopolistic market structure".

    Problem sectors include air transport, gas, electricity, railways and
    professional services, as well as retail. "Insufficient competition
    affects regulated sectors such as utilities and natural monopolies,
    and certain markets with a small number of firms, such as petroleum,
    sugar, wheat, and cut flowers," says the report. "Competition is
    limited because of barriers to entry, ownership concentration, market
    dominance, and vertical and horizontal integration."

    A study by the Yerevan-based Hrayr Maroukhian Foundation, with support
    from the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung foundation, published earlier in
    2013 agrees that certain sectors are "highly monopolized", which "has
    led to abuse of market power, market distortions, lack of economic
    competition for goods and services they provide, and persistent market
    entry barriers."

    Progress was made in some areas during 2013, most notably in the air
    transport sector. Armavia, which dominated the sector until early 2013,
    declared it was filing for bankruptcy in April. This paved the way
    for an opening up of the sector, with the government drawing up an
    "open skies" strategy after consultancy McKinsey & Company completed
    a study of the sector. Any airline meeting technical standards can
    now operate on routes between Armenia and Russia, and connections to
    other destinations such as Dubai have also been opened up, resulting
    in a sharp fall in prices.

    Bartsch tells bne that the bank was "very pleased" with developments
    in Armenia's aviation sector since the report was compiled. "Following
    Armavia's exit, and the declaration of "open skies" by the Armenian
    government, we have seen a number of indications that competition
    in the sector is improving, and foreign operators are improving the
    connectivity of Armenia with the rest of the world," Bartsch says.

    Armenia's National Competitiveness Foundation forecasts that the cost
    of air tickets - previously around 60% higher than in neighbouring
    countries - will drop by between 10% and 50%, resulting in a 20-25%
    increase in passenger numbers.

    However, the opening up of the air transport sector has not been
    matched by progress in other parts of the economy. In the retail
    sector, there is still no firm date for Carrefour's launch, while
    monopolisation increased in the gas sector in 2013. As Yerevan moved
    closer to Russia in the second half of the year, the government agreed
    to sell the 20% of ArmRusGazprom still controlled by the state to
    Gazprom, which already owns 80% of the company.

    bne-Clare Nuttall

    From: Baghdasarian