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BAKU: Azeri, Armenian Journalists Call For Sensitive Reporting Of Na

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  • BAKU: Azeri, Armenian Journalists Call For Sensitive Reporting Of Na


    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Jan 24 2014

    24 January 2014 /LAMİYA ADİLGIZI, BAKURIANI Journalists from both
    Armenia and Azerbaijan coming together in the neighboring country of
    Georgia, a neutral zone for both sides, which have had no diplomatic
    ties for two decades, have agreed that although there are huge
    differences between the two societies in terms of the status quo, both
    sides need a bit of understanding, patience and a touch of humanity,
    a wish that can be realized through the hard work of conflict-sensitive
    journalism, which needs to be promoted on both sides.

    Talking about how to promote peace in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,
    journalists from both Armenia and Azerbaijan have decided that
    confidence building and mutual understanding should be mainly focused
    on, as these are very important for both Armenians and Azerbaijanis,
    who have considered each other enemies for 20 years.

    "It is just like a building under construction -- you set the base, so
    that the building can stand firmly," Arzu Geybullayeva, an Azerbaijani
    freelance journalist, said in an interview with Today's Zaman.

    Noting journalists' important role in the resolution of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Geybullayeva believes that journalists
    have a very unique power to move the settlement process of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict forward, and that is why a choice should
    be made as to whether journalists will engage in conflict-sensitive
    journalism or stay among those who report on the conflict in the
    usual way today.

    "If a conscious decision is made to be conflict-sensitive reporters,
    then we can be the ones adding that very 'pinch of patience' to the
    rhetoric around the conflict," Geybullayeva said.

    Nagorno-Karabakh, a mountainous enclave within Azerbaijan, with
    a majority Armenian population, became the main reason for the
    ethnic-territorial conflict that erupted between Azerbaijanis and
    Armenians in the early 1990s, as a result of which Armenian-backed
    forces seized Nagorno-Karabakh along with seven adjacent Azeri
    districts. A truce was signed in 1994, but there was no peace treaty.

    Violence flares sporadically along the front line, while the media
    is considered to be one of the prime sources of propaganda that not
    only prolongs the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and leaves it unsettled
    but also agitates the nations against each other.

    Underlining the importance of conflict-sensitive reporting and agreeing
    with Geybullayeva that "journalists should add more salt and pepper,
    rather than wood, to the fire," Sargis Khandanyan, a young journalist
    working for Yerevan-based Civilnet, is suspicious about the current
    state of media, as he does not think that journalists contribute to
    the peaceful settlement of the conflict.

    "On the contrary, journalism and journalists are being used as tools
    for propaganda, hence they are somehow victims of that propaganda.

    However, journalists can form an image of reality on both sides,
    presenting it 'close to reality'," Khandanyan said, in an interview
    with Today's Zaman, adding that conflict-sensitive journalism is a
    must for journalists covering the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, but
    unfortunately only a few journalists are aware and make balanced
    stories using wording that is acceptable to both sides.

    Khandanyan and Geybullayeva, along with 16 other Armenian and
    Azerbaijani journalists, came together for the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict-aware journalism program held on Jan. 11-17 by the Imagine
    Center for Conflict Transformation, which has been organizing
    Azerbaijani-Armenian dialogue projects since 2007 that aim to
    positively transform relations between the two nations and bring
    lasting and sustainable peace in both conflict-torn societies.

    Rizvan Huseynov, an Azerbaijani journalist and historian, underlines
    the role of journalism in all sociopolitical processes of the world.

    However, he thinks that it has a strong influence on the coverage of
    conflicts, as "any incorrect wording, comments or aggressive rhetoric
    might lead to greater confrontation and bloodshed."

    "That's why journalists who are reporting about conflicts should
    undergo certain training in which they the learn the skills of
    conflict-sensitive journalism. Only after learning these skills can
    journalists avoid provocative coverage of the conflict and find topics
    that can ease the confrontation between the sides. Personally, from
    my own experience, I can say that journalistic courses and training
    allowed me to do less harm and instead learn more and contribute to
    the reconciliation between our peoples," Huseynov said, speaking with
    Today's Zaman.

    Another Armenian participant in the program, Aghavni Harutyunyan,
    who is also known as an analyst for the AZG daily, thinks that
    journalists can contribute to the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict only if they do their job professionally and do not become
    tools of propaganda.

    "With no wish to judge the journalists working in Armenia and
    Azerbaijan, I can only hold up my own experience as a basis for
    assessment, with the conclusion that nothing is done perfectly. Doing
    a better job, being sensitive to conflict-related issues and paying
    more attention to our wording will be affected by an understanding
    coming from conflict-sensitive journalism," Harutyunyan said.
