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The show must go on - Armenian expert on Minsk Group's role in Karab

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  • The show must go on - Armenian expert on Minsk Group's role in Karab

    The show must go on - Armenian expert on Minsk Group's role in
    Karabakh settlement

    14:30 - 25.01.14

    In an interview with, Director of the Caucasus Institute
    Alexander Iskandaryan addressed the negotiations over
    Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as Azerbaijan's recent act of sabotage on
    the Line of Contact. The expert said he sees a specific political goal
    behind the gun attack, but in the meantime, he ruled out the
    possibility of war at the current stage.

    Could any expectations rom the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign
    ministers' meeting be real against the backdrop of the [incidents] on
    the Karabakh-Azerbaijan Line of Contact and the Armenian-Azerbaijani

    It isn't right to speak of each of the meetings separately, because
    they do yield a certain result, i.e. - the general process. There is
    the Minsk Group, and everything else around it is a settlement

    For me, however, it is obvious that the Minsk Group has nothing more
    to do for resolving the conflict. Such a settlement is not possible at
    present, at least in terms of the political prospects. And it isn't
    possible for one simple reason, that is, the Armenian and Azerbaijani
    positions are too far to be compatible. We are dealing with a zero sum
    game, so to say.

    So why then focus on the Minsk Group? The Minsk Group, which doesn't
    manage to settle the conflict instead of the parities, exists for
    other purposes. Let's recall, first of all, what the Azerbaijanis say:
    `We are good, tolerant and ready for mutual concessions'. No one in
    Armenia is obviously ready to speak of this.

    Whereas, the Armenians say, `We are actually not against letting the
    matter rest, in addition to seeking an official status for that'. And
    that doesn't absolutely leave the Azerbaijanis satisfied. Hence, it is
    clear to all that there is no platform for negotiations here. There is
    nothing to speak of? What follows from here? Why does the Minsk Group
    work? It works for three reasons.

    First, it esnures a certain platform for conducting the talks: the
    show must go on, as the English proverb says. The process must
    continue, because what we know from the international experience is
    that the conflicts, which involve channels of communication between
    the sides, see a smoother process than those which do not.

    Second, that channel has to be internationalized; it has to have an
    international format. This is a room which requires the presence of
    not only an Armenian and an Azerbaijani but also a Russian, French and
    an American. It helps create certain frameworks making the process

    And third, that's actually what who were asking; the negotiation
    process is a security format, a guarantee for maintaining the status
    quo. And that's what all the three co-chairs are striving for. Of
    course, I am not inclined to believe in what diplomats say; for them,
    words are tools set in motion through verbal manners. Both the US and
    Russia are working jointly to prevent a renewed war. That's the war
    isn't resumed. So now, why does Azerbaijan release gunshots?

    Are the gunshots or preconditions of a war?

    To wage a war, it is important to have the the necessary resources and
    preparedness, the necessary quantity of armament and people, a certain
    balance of forces etc. There are no preconditions for resuming the war
    now. To do so, it is at least necessary have 80 percent assurances
    that you will win. The Azerbaijanis have zero confidence about chances
    of winning. Besides, this conflict is unique in character. We do not
    have peacekeepers, and the ceasefire was signed because the sides had
    reached a certain balance. And it is being maintained because [the
    ceasefire] continues.

    The border incidents received almost no international response. What
    do you think is the reason?

    The mediators deal with the reality; they never consider the truth.
    They aren't supposed to tell the truth. If they do so, they will be
    ousted from the process. What they are supposed to do is to consider
    both the Armenians and Azerbaijanis' interests by saying something.

    When saying something to Azerbaijan, the international mediators, and
    the sides in general, mean Armenia; and by saying things to Armenia,
    the mean Azerbaijan. And to remain involved in the process, they must
    do everything possible not to leave any of the parties strongly
    offended. So this is why Armenia says the mediators are
    pro-Azerbaijani, and Azerbaijan says vice versa - they are
    pro-Armenians. And this is what has helped revive the Minsk process
    which died several times before.

    From: A. Papazian