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An Armenian island in Bangladesh

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  • An Armenian island in Bangladesh

    An Armenian island in Bangladesh

    by Laura Artinian

    Published: Sunday January 26, 2014

    View of the 18th cent. Holy Resurrection Armenian Church in the
    capital of Bangladesh.

    DHAKA, BANGLADESH - There have never been very large enclaves of
    Armenians residing in Asia or the Far East however the presence of
    pockets of Armenians in the region and their impact on the societies
    in which they lived have left their mark despite the dwindling of
    these communities over time.

    The footprints of Armenians in Asia can be traced back to the
    seventeenth century and there is no greater symbol of the Armenian
    presence than the Armenian Apostolic Church spotted in various
    locations in the region, still standing with their courtyards of
    tombstones filled with life stories of Armenian traders and merchants.

    One such oasis can be found in the capital city of Bangladesh in
    Dhaka, the Armenian Apostolic Church of Holy Resurrection.

    The Armenian population of Dhaka began taking root in the early part
    of the 18th century most of whom were engaged in the jute trade with
    some prominent Armenian merchants who owned their own companies. The
    earliest settlers built a small chapel in the midst of their community
    graveyard but by the end of the century the Armenian community had
    grown considerably and the chapel became inadequate for the needs of
    the community. In 1781 the Church of Holy Resurrection was completed
    as a place of worship and gathering. In 1837, the belfry that also
    served as a clock tower was added and in 1907 a parsonage was built.

    Today, the Church grounds continues to stand in Armanitola, Old Dhaka
    as a major landmark with the original edifice and buildings
    well-restored and over two hundred gravestones nestled on the estate.
    Still an oasis of peace and tranquillity in the surrounding chaos of
    the district, the immediate area is highly dense with populace and
    industry primarily in chemical and paper trading. Whilst the
    resounding Armenian language may no longer be resonating from the
    altar and filling the once thriving church, the Armenian spirit
    continues to linger with the inscriptions, motifs, designs, crosses
    and monuments that decorate the fasciae and facades. And so in
    December 2013, with the blessing of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme
    Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, an international delegation
    from the Armenian Apostolic Church headed by His Grace Bishop
    Haigazoun Najarian, Primate of the Diocese of Australia and New
    Zealand, accompanied by Mr. Haig Didizian (London), Mr. and Mrs. Armen
    and Laura Arslanian (Los Angeles), Mr. Hagop Didizian (London), and
    Mr. Pierre Hennes and Ms. Cheryl Ho (Singapore) departed on an
    exploratory visit to learn more about the overall current situation of
    the Church and the Armenian community, meeting with key stakeholders
    and community members, most notably long-standing Church Custodian, Mr
    Michael Joseph Martin.

    Mr Martin (born Mikel Housep Martirossian in Yangon, Myanmar 1930)
    came to Dhaka in 1942 during World War II following in the footsteps
    of his father who had settled in the region decades earlier. Now
    widowed with three daughters who reside in Canada, Mr Martin took on
    the role of Custodian in 1986 and continues to oversee all its needs
    until today. He resides in the custodian's residence (formerly the
    parsonage) which is adjacent to the Church. The grounds also house a
    caretaker's residence and a building dated back to 1929 which was once
    used as a schoolhouse and residential quarters.

    According to Mr Martin there are currently 50-60 families in
    Bangladesh who are of mixed Armenian-Bangla descent. "Sometimes there
    were several thousand Armenians trading in the Bengal region." He
    notes, "They were always an important community in Dhaka and dominated
    the country's trading. They were the who's who in town. They
    celebrated all their religious festivals with pomp and style." He also
    recalls how "every Sunday was a day of festival for us. Almost every
    Armenian would attend the service, no matter how big he was in social
    position. The Church was the centre of all activities."

    The decline of the community however came gradually after the British
    left India and the subcontinent was partitioned in 1947 with Dhaka
    becoming the capital of East Pakistan and then of Bangladesh after it
    gained independence in 1971. Martin said the once-busy social scene
    came to a halt after the last Armenian priest Bagrat left in the mid

    These days, the Armenian Church holds only occasional services on
    major feasts in the Orthodox Christian calendar with a visiting priest
    leading the services.

    During the delegation's three-day visit, His Grace Bishop Najarian
    celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Church of Holy Resurrection on
    Friday 13 December during which he presented Mr Martin with the
    Encyclical conferred upon by His Holiness Karekin II Supreme Patriarch
    and Catholicos of All Armenians recognising his dedicated contribution
    and devotion to the Church. He was bestowed the St Nerses Shnorhali
    Medal a tribute reserved for noteworthy recipients who demonstrate
    exemplary and time-honoured service.

    Mr Martin's determination to continue to maintain and preserve the
    jewel of the Armenian Church of Dhaka is best summed up by his own
    words (as recorded by the BBC) ...

    "Whatever happens, I'm determined not to let this church go to the
    rack and ruin. I may be the last resident Armenian in Bangladesh, but
    I will do everything in my power to ensure an Armenian from abroad
    takes over the job." Despite a diminished community Martin stands firm
    in his resolve, "I've seen bad days before, but we always bounced
    back. I am sure Armenians will come back here for trade and business.
    I will then rest in peace beside my wife."

    Dhaka has an estimated population of more than 23 million people,
    making it the largest city in Bangladesh and the 8th largest city in
    the world.

    For more information about Armenian history and communities in Asia,
    please visit:
