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PACE President Explains Why Subcommittee On Nagorno-Karabakh Dissolv

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  • PACE President Explains Why Subcommittee On Nagorno-Karabakh Dissolv


    21:30 ~U 27.01.14

    Outgoing President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
    of Europe (PACE) Jean-Claude Mignon has today held his last press

    Answering APA's question concerning the results he achieved in the
    Nagorno-Karabakh peace process as the initiator of the meetings
    between Azerbaijani and Armenian delegations during his presidency,
    Mignon said: "During my presidency I tried to make contribution to
    the solution of frozen conflicts. Negotiations on Armenia-Azerbaijan
    conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh conducted through parliamentary
    diplomacy are one of the examples. Though we have not achieved
    serious results, I am satisfied with the restoration of dialogue
    between the parties. The heads of the two countries' delegations
    take constructive position on this issue. The number of accusations
    between the two sides against each other at the plenary sessions of
    the Assembly is gradually reducing and it means that the members of
    delegations received some positive messages at these meetings."

    Mignon noted that after he was elected as PACE President, the
    subcommittee on Nagorno-Karabakh did not continue its activity,
    he opposed to the resolution of the conflict in this format.

    "OSCE Minsk Group is dealing with this issue and, as a representative
    of another organization, I do not support interference in this
    organization's activity. Chairmanship at OSCE is also based on the
    principle of rotation. Switzerland has taken over chairmanship from
    Ukraine, Serbia will take over chairmanship from Switzerland. These
    countries are also doing great job within the organization towards
    the resolution of the conflict. Moreover, during my presidency I
    met with Minsk Group co-chairs, especially with the French co-chair
    Jacques Faure. We had very productive meetings. We also held important
    meetings in Baku and Yerevan with the foreign ministers, presidents
    of the two countries, discussed Madrid principles proposed by OSCE
    Minsk Group. I think there is progress, though less than expected,
    in these issues. At least there is a dialogue within the Assembly
    and I think these meetings should be continued," he said.

    Armenian News -

    From: Baghdasarian