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Armenia's Two Ways Towards Independence

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  • Armenia's Two Ways Towards Independence


    According to our friends in different countries, with the emergence
    of the new political situation after "September 3" the political
    leadership of Azerbaijan found it difficult to assess this event,
    especially the extent to which Azerbaijan is gaining or losing military
    and political positions.

    In Baku, apparently with a "universal" logic of Soviet thinking,
    they were initially prone to consider Armenia's refusal to sign the
    Association Agreement with the European Union and the intention to
    join the Customs Union as an encouraging factor. However, Turkey's
    influence on Azerbaijan is a commonly acknowledged fact, including
    in the sphere of political understanding of developments and processes.

    Azerbaijan and Turkey jointly came to the conclusion that "September
    3" will undoubtedly lead to Armenia's international isolation and
    blockade, which implies its military and political weakening despite
    the promised support from Russia.

    Turkey is literally encouraged by Armenia's decision as it believes
    that it was a gift ahead of 2015 as the problem of recognition of
    the genocide by the West has been cancelled. Azerbaijan has worked
    hard to understand the situation and has arrived at the conclusion
    that the isolation of Armenia opens up opportunities for Azerbaijan
    for a rematch with impunity. And this is confirmed by the exigencies
    of the situation in Armenia. Azerbaijan resorts to subversive acts
    which kill soldiers to find out whether Armenia is isolated and left
    without any support from both the West and Russia. And, apparently,
    Azerbaijan has confirmed their assumptions.

    If previously it had been assumed that the West is unlikely to
    intervene in the military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    and would be limited to political statements and relevant steps,
    now there may not be even those "steps". In case of a war, Armenia
    will have to face to deathly silence of the West which will have no
    reason to intervene in the military actions and in this situation
    because it would otherwise support the interests of Russia. The West
    does not need to.

    After Armenia had found itself in isolation from the West, it
    automatically lost Russia's support, which is not responsible for
    any development, including within the framework of the CSTO which
    will collapse at the sound of the very first shot. If Russia were
    interested in supporting Armenia, it would respond to the actual
    military actions between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    Why should the West respond if Russia demonstrates its indifference
    to these events? Turkey's military intervention has not been explained
    sufficiently, which could be expressed in many "legitimate" forms. The
    situation has been reduced to a point when Armenia's military defeat
    or obvious prerequisites for its defeat would be highly useful for
    the West's strategy. And this happened just after the West, NATO and
    the U.S. were reliable guarantors of non-interference in Turkey's
    military actions.

    Up until now, Armenia has had a "special" place in the region for
    the Euro-Atlantic community and especially the U.S., fulfilling two
    functions: ensuring balance of forces in the South Caucasus and in
    a vaster area and deterrence of Turkey's regional expansion. These
    functions are either exhausted or are not seen as something realistic.

    Armenia is advised to use Turkey's "favor" and Russia's support at
    its best. For other layouts no reasons are available.

    What can make a difference and allow gaining sovereignty?

    There are two ways. The first is to mobilize political will and
    responsibility to accelerate integration into NATO because the
    alliance has a different mechanics than the European Union, and the
    "autonomy" of Armenia in this direction is more significant. There is
    no doubt that, even in its current situation, Armenia has a lot of
    opportunities for continued integration with NATO. It is necessary
    to come up to the U.S. with proposals about signing a military and
    political agreement with them, at least in the form of the charter
    signed with Georgia after the developments of 2008; military victory
    over Azerbaijan is an alternative to a "stationary" way.

    If we do not offer and do not initiate civilized approaches in
    returning our sovereignty in the field of politics, defense and
    security, we will have to fight and prove our right to independence.

    That is, the second one - towards sovereignty through war. Which one
    does the political establishment choose?

    Igor Muradyan, Political Analyst 15:02 27/01/2014 Story from

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress