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ANKARA: Turkey Finally Enters France's Strategic Vision

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  • ANKARA: Turkey Finally Enters France's Strategic Vision


    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Jan 28 2014


    There was a time when Nicolas Sarkozy was the president of France,
    and members of his Cabinet would shy away from being seen in the same
    picture as the Turkish minister responsible for the European Union
    accession process. Rather than meeting in their office, they would
    suggest lunch in a fancy hotel during the Turkish minister's visit
    to Paris.

    This is what I recalled when I saw seven ministers accompanying French
    President Francois Hollande's visit to Turkey.

    France's relations with three countries deteriorated purely because
    of Sarkozy's personality, sources close to Hollande say: Japan,
    Mexico and Turkey.

    However, Hollande's visit to Turkey is not limited simply to
    repairing relations that deteriorated during the Sarkozy period; it
    is about placing those relations at a different level. I could suggest
    ambitiously that Turkey has finally entered France's strategic vision,
    for it was absent even before Sarkozy's presidency. Unfortunately,
    France missed or chose not to see and realize the huge transformation
    in Turkey from the early stages. Paris did not realize that Turkey
    provided huge economic opportunities, and that it could make use of
    the presence of a French cultural infrastructure which, although
    getting weaker every day, provided a precious asset to seize upon
    these opportunities. It preferred to turn a blind eye to the fact
    that the foreign policies of the two countries overlapped, rather
    than being in contention.

    Today when you look to the rhetoric of French officials, Turkey
    is identified as a "major partner in the international scene, an
    important NATO ally with an essential role in a region marked by
    conflicts and crises."

    Turkey's huge economic potential, which was already known to the
    French business community, has finally been grasped by Paris, and
    this appears to be one of the main motivations behind Hollande's visit.

    All of this is good news. But there are two subjects which might
    overshadow a fast improvement of relations. The first one is Turkey's
    EU membership bid; the second is the commemoration of what Armenians
    consider to be a genocide, the mass killing of Armenians at the hands
    of the Ottomans during World War I.

    As for the first issue, we need to recall that in the past Sarkozy's
    team used to tell the Turks to ignore French obstruction on the EU
    issue and continue "business as usual." Ankara used to say it could
    not ignore an act that was against Turkish interests and act as if
    it did not exist.

    Currently, France has lifted its veto on one chapter, the regional
    policy chapter. Those talks started last year. But Sarkozy blocked
    talks on four other chapters, one of which is also blocked as a
    common decision of the EU. This leaves us with three chapters under
    French blockage. Hollande avoided this issue, despite being asked
    about it by a journalist. Instead, he talked about opening chapters
    on issues pertaining to the separation of powers, the rule of law,
    and the judiciary. But these issues are dealt with under chapters 23
    and 14, which are blocked by Cyprus.

    My understanding is that Ankara will show some patience, as Hollande
    is facing elections for the European Parliament in March and has
    to deal with a lot of euroskeptics and Turkey-skeptics. Ankara is
    then counting on the fact that as there will be strong engagement,
    especially in the economic dimension, France will at some stage have
    to lift its vetoes on other chapters, most probably after the March
    elections. Otherwise, it would not be normal to expect Turkey to
    continue on with "business as usual."

    On the second issue, I hope the two capitals will start a healthy
    dialogue, and that some bridges will be established between Ankara
    and the Armenian diaspora in France. It is a pity that Hollande did
    not include a representative of the French Armenian community, like
    Charles Aznavour, in his delegation.

