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French Pres. Begins Two-Day Visit To Turkey

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  • French Pres. Begins Two-Day Visit To Turkey


    Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)
    January 27, 2014 Monday

    | PARIS, Jan 27 (KUNA) -- French President Francois Hollande on Monday
    began a two-day "State visit" of Turkey, the first French leader to
    visit that country in more than two decades.

    Hollande officially begins the visit Monday afternoon after an
    invitation by Turkish President Abdullah Gul and it is hoped the
    voyage will improve often difficult relations between the two nations.

    The French leader will face questions from the Turkish leadership over
    France's strong opposition to Turkish adherence to the European Union.

    Hollande's predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy was one of the staunchest
    opponents of Turkish membership of the EU and it was also under the
    Sarkozy presidency that the French Parliament voted a law that not
    only confirmed accusations of Turkish genocide against the Armenian
    people in 1915, but also sought to make it a criminal offence to deny
    the historical truth of the genocide.

    Turkey rejects the Armenian claim that 1.5 million of its people were
    killed by the Turkish army and says the figure is greatly exaggerated.

    France's top court blocked the Armenian Genocide Law, but the affair
    led to very strained relations between Paris and Ankara and a freezing
    of some ties.

    Diplomatic sources said Hollande will be seeking to repair the damaged
    ties and he is accompanied by seven ministers and three dozen business
    leaders in a bid to promote better political and economic relations.

    But Hollande is unlikely to move significantly on the EU issue and
    will certainly deflect the question to Brussels, where exploratory
    talks on Turkish membership have resumed.

    Both nations, which are members of NATO, will also discuss security
    issues and the regional situation and Paris and Ankara have close
    views on the conflict in Syria and the dramatic consequences for the
    region and the need for Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to step down.

    Turkey has taken in large numbers of Syrian refugees and the ongoing
    talks on the Syrian conflict in Geneva will provide a backdrop for
    Franco-Turkish discussions on Monday.

    After initial, separate meetings with Gul and Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara on Monday, and the signature of several
    bilateral accords, Hollande will head to Istanbul to continue the
    visit on Tuesday. The focus on day two will be on economic issues.

    The last French President to visit Turkey was Socialist President
    Francois Mitterrand in 1982.
