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Steadfast Defenders Of The Native Borders

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  • Steadfast Defenders Of The Native Borders

    Tuesday, 28 January 2014 12:33

    Following are some details of the sabotage action of the Azerbaijani
    subversive group taken on the night of January 19-20.

    We saw pride and dignity on the faces of the soldiers on combat duty.

    The positive impression on their brave answers leaves no doubt
    about the fighting spirit and abilities of the homeland's defenders,
    especially against the background of their recent proper counterattack
    on the enemy's subversive group at one of the military positions.

    On the way to the positions, the officers investigating the incident
    exchanged opinions, touching upon the actions of the platoon's
    commander and some distinguished soldiers.

    In place, each of the soldiers, who had participated in
    counterattacking the enemy's sabotage, told about what he had done and
    seen. Unfortunately, the same cannot be done by Lance Sergeant Armen
    Hovhannisian who had heard the whistling of the enemy's pistol shot
    and immediately reported platoon commander Sargis Tananyan about it.

    But later, when his combat comrades formed a defensive circle,
    Lance Sergeant Armen Hovhannisian had deceased, proving that the
    younger generation is ready to defend the homeland at the price of
    blood. As it was proven, the platoon commander was right, ordering to
    form a defensive circle and meet the enemy with strong firing. Senior
    Sergeant Sargis Tananyan threw hand grenades at the enemy's direction
    and saw the panic in its ranks. And soldiers Arsen Hovhannisian and
    Edik Dadamyan fired in another direction, preventing the enemy's
    advancement. Courageous were also soldiers Mkhitar Vardanyan, Norayr
    Mcrtchyan, and Sasoun Hakobyan. They were really faithful to their
    military oath and didn't yield to the enemy, which prevailed them in
    number and ammunition and which insidiously attacked their positions.

    It is also noteworthy that the heroic soldiers preferred to tell
    delightfully about the deeds of their comrades rather than their own.

    The platoon commander noted repeatedly that machine-gunner Arsen
    Hovhannisian had done much in firing the enemy and forcing it to flee.

    The soldiers actively told about their comrades' brave deeds, their
    joint actions in throwing the enemy back, and their strong will to
    defend the homeland's borders. Everyone realizes that their skilled and
    organized activities didn't only spoil the enemy's regular impudent
    provocation, but also demonstrated that Armenian soldiers defend
    their homeland firmly and safely and they will never allow the enemy
    to defile our holy land... According to the incident participants,
    the enemy suffered numerous losses. Our servicemen heard radio-talks
    by the Azerbaijani frontline officers, saying that a special group
    had come from Baku, made a mess and left and the revenge will be
    poured on their heads...

    The traces of the recent battle were obvious. Traces of grenade-
    guns- and machine-guns intense firing were left on the walls of the
    trenches and service structures of the position... The positional
    battles in this direction and the neighboring trenches lasted long
    until the sabotage-intelligence group escaped. The guys said the
    enemy had been taught a lesson. And this was, actually, the positional
    soldiers' baptism of fire. From now, they'll act more skillfully and
    harmoniously so that no saboteur of the enemy can escape.

    Again and again, I listen to the recording of the soldiers and
    officers, who participated in the operation, and I recall the
    19-20 January night events when the soldiers, headed by the platoon
    commander, did not lose their courage and spirit to perform their
    duties and defend the homeland borders, testifying that they are
    honorable followers of the patriotic cause of the heroes of our
    national-liberation struggle...

    Mher AHYAN

    From: A. Papazian