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Raffi Barsoumian: Exclusive Interview With The Armenian Star Of "The

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  • Raffi Barsoumian: Exclusive Interview With The Armenian Star Of "The


    JULY 9, 11:02

    Season 5 of the famous American TV show
    was over in the end of May. Starting from the 17th episode of this
    season, the main characters of the show--Elena (Nina Dobrev), Stefan
    (Paul Wasley), and Damon (Ian Somerhalder)--have to struggle against
    a new monster, the wicked Traveler Markos, who was embodied by
    Armenian actor Raffi Barsoumian. This fact certainly interested us,
    and therefore we tried to reach Raffi for a request of an interview,
    which he accepted with greatest pleasure. We spoke about his Armenian
    origins, moving to US, his appearance in TVD, and a lot more.

    - Raffi, please speak about yourself. Why did you decide to move
    to America?

    - My parents were born and raised in the large Armenian community
    inBeirut. I was also born there. My father's side of the family had,
    over the years, been emigrating to the states because of the continued
    conflicts inBeirut. As the civil war got worse, my parents decided it
    was time for them to leave, too and chose to join the family members
    who had settled in Los Angeles. I was 1, when they left, so I grew up
    in California. My parents have always been vigilant about making sure
    we grew up conscious of our ethnic and cultural roots. Armenian was the
    language in the house always. I've also grown up around lots and lots
    of other Armenians - so, I'm a fluent speaker of the western dialect.

    -Have you ever been to Armenia?

    - I've only once had the chance to visit Armenia. As a family we made
    a trip in 2005. We visited friends in Yerevan and toured as much of the
    country as possible, mostly visiting old churches and historical sites.

    -Do you have a preferred Armenian national dish?

    - I love it all. But nothing compares to a good chee kufta!

    -How and where did you start acting?

    - I was interested in acting very early on. I eventually started taking
    drama classes in high school, found acting courses outside of school,
    and began auditioning as a teenager in Los Angeles. When I left high
    school, I was admitted to Carnegie Mellon University and studied in the
    conservatory program there for theater. That opened me up to the stage,
    which was new for me and immediately interesting. I later studied
    at theJacques Lecoq School for physical theater in Paris. Alongside
    the training, I have spent the last ten years actively pursuing a
    stage life, working for various classical theater companies around
    the US. I've always been interested in film and television though,
    so I am currently working to pursue more such projects.

    - Are there any Armenian or foreign actors and actresses, whom you
    prefer to watch?

    - That would be a very long list. There are so many I love to learn

    - Raffi, it is interesting to know - how did you get your role in
    "The Vampire Diaries" ?

    - I was lucky enough to get this part through an Audition.

    - Have you been interested in the show, before you appeared there?

    - I had not seen the show before, though I knew of it.

    - And what about TVD stars? Have you already made friends with them?

    - All the TVD actors were so, so kind and welcoming. I performed
    most of my scenes with Marguerite Macintyre (sheriff Forbes), Ian
    Somerhalder (Damon), and Michael Trevino (Tyler Lockwood), so I
    spent the most time with them while on set. They were such generous,
    funny people.

    -You have embodied a wicked character in the show. Was it easy for
    you to be like Markos?

    -Markos was a great character to discover over the course of the
    shoot. I was interested in the effortless power the writers worked
    to give him. That was the best part - someone who could cause so much
    trouble by doing so little!

    - Do you have some common characteristic features with Markos?

    - Like Markos, I am also 6'2" and can grow a fierce beard:

    -The cast of TVD has already announced about shooting the season 6.

    Can we expect to see Markos also in that part of the show?

    -That will be purely up the writers and, of course... the fans!

    - By the way the fans of the show are very active. They like to discuss
    their favorite characters in different forums. What opinions have
    you received from TVD fans concerning to you and your character Markos?

    - TVD fans are truly unique. I had no idea what a loyal following the
    show maintains. Coming into something like that, you want to be sure
    you don't disappoint what the fans have come to love in the show. So
    far, so good - I've received lots of kind, kind letters.

    - TVD has a lot of fans also in Armenia. Is it possible, that one
    day you will meet with them here in Armenia?

    - I can't wait to visit Armenia again. I'm so thankful that TVD has
    created the opportunity for people there to connect with and take an
    interest in my work. It really is very humbling.

    - Many TVD fans are already in love with Markos. I think it will be
    interesting for them to know whether Raffi's heart is free?

    - I don't know about Raffi, but Markos is definitely single...:

    P.S. By the way, Raffi Barsoumian has also appeared in the movie
    called by an Armenian director Hayk Hambartsum. He
    embodies an Armenian-American guy, who receives the opportunity to
    play the role of the famous Armenian writer Misaq Metzarents.

    Syune Arakelyan

    From: A. Papazian