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Pope: More Persecuted Christians Today Than Ever Before

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  • Pope: More Persecuted Christians Today Than Ever Before


    July 8, 2014

    (Christian post) - Pope Francis argued last Monday that the 21st
    century has seen more Christians under siege for their faith than
    during the time of the early church.

    "There are many martyrs today, in the Church, many persecuted
    Christians," said the pope during a mass in honor of Christian martyrs
    who were killed under Roman Emperor Nero. "Think of the Middle East
    where Christians must flee persecution, where Christians are killed.

    Even those Christians who are forced away in an 'elegant' way, with
    'white gloves:' that too is persecution. There are more witnesses, more
    martyrs in the Church today than there were in the first centuries."

    Pope Francis' words come at a time when Iraq's small population
    of Christians, which trace their roots back to the earliest days
    of Christianity, have had to flee their homes as militants from the
    Islamic State of Iraq and Syria have taken over the city of Mosul. On
    Sunday, Nigerian Christians were once again targeted by the Boko Haram,
    which killed scores of worshippers and burned down four churches in
    a major attack in Kwada and Kautikari villages.

    The pope asked Christians to remember "our glorious ancestors" and "let
    us think also to our brothers who are persecuted, who suffer and who,
    with their blood are nurturing the seed of so many little churches that
    are born. Let us pray for them and for us," reported Vatican Radio.

    Pope Francis also noted that the church's witness in the face of
    persecution and hard times could lead to church growth.

    "When historical situations require a strong witness, there are
    martyrs, the greatest witnesses. And the Church grows thanks to the
    blood of the martyrs. This is the beauty of martyrdom. It begins with
    witness, day after day, and it can end like Jesus, the first martyr,
    the first witness, the faithful witness: with blood," he said.

    The Christian Post reported last week that Christian History magazine,
    in partnership with Voice of the Martyrs-USA members, focused on
    persecution in its latest issue, citing church statisticians who say
    an estimated 70 million Christians have been killed due to their faith
    since the time of Jesus and that other believers were partly to blame.

    The publication references information gleaned by the late church
    statistician David Barrett and Todd M. Johnson of Gordon-Conwell
    Theological Seminary's Center for the Study of Global Christianity.

    Barrett and Johnson estimate that "throughout Christian history,
    across all traditions of Christianity, and in every part of the world,
    some 70 million Christians have been murdered for their faith." They
    also estimate that 5.5 million Christians have lost their lives due
    to persecution from other Christians, which include Roman Catholics,
    Eastern Orthodox adherents and other Christians.
