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Help Turkey Care For Syria's Refugee

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  • Help Turkey Care For Syria's Refugee


    Toronto Sun
    July 9 2014

    Ali Riza Guney

    Throughout much of its history, Turkey has been a safe haven for
    persecuted people, regardless of their ethnic, religious and political

    Sephardic Jews fleeing the Spanish Inquisition in the 15th century;
    Jewish people suffering under the brutality of Nazi Germany; Iraqi
    Kurds facing the threat of annihilation by Saddam Hussein's regime
    from 1988-91; Bulgarian Turks victimized in the final years of the
    Communist era, are a few of the cases in point.

    Turkey's geographically central location and the hospitable character
    of the Turkish people played a decisive role in this unique approach.

    Since the beginning of the brutal attacks of the Bashar al-Assad
    regime against its own citizens in 2011, Turkey did not spare her
    hand of support to the Syrian people.

    The extent of this humanitarian assistance deserves more light.

    In the last three years, the humanitarian assistance Turkey has
    extended to Syrian civilian refugees has surpassed $3 billion.

    Except for approximately $150 million delivered by the international
    community, this amount was provided from the state budget as well as
    by Turkish taxpayers.

    According to the records of the United Nations High Commissioner for
    Refugees, as of June 2014, there were 223,471 Syrian people sheltered
    at 22 protection centers, established as state-of-the-art facilities.

    More than half a million Syrians have also been registered as urban
    refugees in various Turkish cities.

    In other words, Turkey has been facing up to the obligation of
    sustaining the livelihood of a population more than that of Brampton,
    for the last three years.

    To give a sense of the dimension of the dramatic realities on the
    ground, let the figures speak for themselves:

    To date, approximately 70,000 Syrian children have been provided
    primary and secondary education inside and outside the camps.

    Nearly 50,000 medical operations and three million medical examinations
    have been conducted by Turkish hospitals and medical staff.

    More than 7,000 vocational programs in various fields were provided
    to Syrian women, equipping them with lifetime skills.

    Last but not least, more than 12,000 Syrian babies were born in the
    refugee camps under Turkish medical care.

    Not only the Syrian Muslim people, but also the Armenians in Syria
    who preferred to leave their country in the face of life-threatening
    risks, were helped by the Turkish authorities.

    Despite the increasing numbers and needs of sheltered people in
    Turkey, in parallel with the deteriorating situation in Syria, it is
    no secret that the financial burden on the shoulders of Turkey has
    not been sufficiently shared by the international community.

    We believe it is high time for all nations around the globe to
    translate their rhetoric of support into material support, because
    in these historical test cases for humanity, actions speaks louder
    than words.

    That said, no matter what the amount of international assistance
    given to Turkey in this noble cause, the government of the Republic
    of Turkey is determined to maintain its "open door policy" to those
    persecuted by the Assad regime forces and its collaborators, and to
    continue writing the humanitarian success story of the 21st century.

    -- Guney is the Consul General of the Republic of Turkey in Toronto

    From: Baghdasarian