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Jewish, Muslim And Christian Leaders Meet To Call For An End To Bloo

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  • Jewish, Muslim And Christian Leaders Meet To Call For An End To Bloo


    07/09/2014 21:44

    The meeting was called in light of the outbreak of hostilities between
    Israel and the Hamas regime in Gaza, as well as the severe tensions
    and communal violence that has occurred in recent days.

    Religious leaders meeting Photo: JEREMY SHARON The Forum of Religious
    leaders in Israel convened together with President elect Reuven
    Rivlin at the offices of the Chief Rabbinate in Israel on Wednesday
    afternoon and issued a joint statement calling for an end to blood
    shed in the region.

    Among the group were Chief Rabbi David Lau, Sheikh Muhammed Kiwan,
    an imam and chairman of the Council of Muslim Leaders in Israel,
    Greek-Orthodox Patriarch Theophillis III, Armenian Patriarch Nourhan
    Manougian and spiritual leader of the Druse community in Israel Sheikh
    Muafak Tarif, as well as several other notable clerics.

    The meeting was called in light of the outbreak of hostilities between
    Israel and the Hamas regime in Gaza, as well as the severe tensions
    and communal violence that has occurred in recent days.

    Speaking first, Lau said that everyone should condemn violence
    against innocent people, noting that he had vehemently denounced the
    murder of Arab teenager Muhammed Abu Khdeir, as well as the slaying
    of Jewish youths Naftali Fraenkel, Gil'ad Shaar and Eyal Yifrach
    earlier this month.

    "Sometimes there is no choice but to strike and to protect our
    society," the chief rabbi continued however, but observed that the
    IDF conducts a practice of warning people to evacuate areas which are
    likely to be bombed to avoid harming civilians "as opposed to others
    who fire missiles into population centers and harm innocents."

    "I call on all everyone to protect and venerate life and its unique
    value and to know how to respect our fellow man and to conduct
    disagreements in a respectful and appropriate way which preserves
    life," Lau concluded.

    Rivlin echoed the chief rabbi's words, saying that there was
    "an expectation from the religious leadership to unite in clear
    condemnation of all violence and bloodshed."

    "There is an especially heavy responsibility on religious leaders to
    reduce the flames and lower tensions, and to find a way for the voice
    of reason to prevail," he continued. "May we serve as guides for all
    our communities. We are not doomed to live together but destined to
    live together," Rivlin averred.

    Kiwan called for all sides to promote "brotherhood, peace and respect,"
    between societies and to do everything everything possible to advance

    "I pray we may go out from this meeting with one voice that will
    be heard throughout the world that we affirm that there is nothing
    more precious than human life and any act of desecration must be
    categorically condemned," Kiwan said.

    Greek Orthodox Patriarch Theophillis III said that Christian leaders
    were committed to a mission of prayer for peace, reconciliation,
    and said that peace would be achieved "not through tanks on both
    banks of the river but through the eradication of prejudice, hatred
    and bigotry and to try our best to make it clear that life is indeed
    very holy because we are made in the image of God and so everyone is
    entitled to freedom and respect regardless of colour, ethnicity or
    religious affiliation."
