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President Serzh Sargsyan Visits Local Organizations Of Armenian Nati

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  • President Serzh Sargsyan Visits Local Organizations Of Armenian Nati


    19:12 09.07.2014

    On his official visit to Argentina President Serzh Sargsyan today
    visited the local organizations of the Armenian national parties -
    the ARF, the AGBU, the ADL - and familiarized with the cultural,
    charitable and sports activities of those organizations, as well as
    with the works carried out by the local Armenian periodicals.

    During the reception at the center of Armenia Cultural Association
    after Edward Seferian the president thanked for the activities
    carried out by the center and for the warm hospitality extended to
    the Armenian delegation. At the reception the representatives of the
    center handed a present carrying the note "We are honest soldiers" to
    the Armenian President. On this occasion, the acknowledgment speech
    of Serzh Sargsyan reads, "These words impose a high responsibility
    because everyone of us is a soldier; a soldier within the framework
    of his duties, a soldier within the framework of his responsibility,
    a soldier for his ideal, and I am very delighted that our national
    organizations and our national parties make us to be proud and this is
    by what we are distinguished from others. I perfectly understand that
    our opponents try to be active not only in this part of the world, but
    also in other parts. They try to pursue their interests, and we do not
    have the right to accuse them of that since it is their duty to do it.

    Our goal is to reinvigorate efforts at keeping this fire burning in
    the coming generation thereby reinforcing the Armenian statehood on
    one hand and strengthening the Diaspora and our organizations on the
    other hand. We can make each other stronger. Together we can do a lot.

    I perfectly understand the aim of their activities in South America -
    Argentina, Uruguay - and in other places. They also put their efforts
    in places where we are stronger. Nevertheless, if we are to lose this
    battle, after a long period of time we will be substituted by others.

    I am confident that this will never happen. On the contrary, I am
    confident that the number of our buildings and our supporters will
    continue to grow. Indeed, owing to this ideal, we are all soldiers,
    yes, we are soldiers, and we will continue to be soldiers. This is
    the only way to strengthen Armenia. I am very grateful for your warm
    reception. Thank you. Together we can do a lot."

    At the AGBU Serzh Sargsyan presented his appreciation for the warm
    reception and in the honorary guest book of the Union underscored that
    the Armenian authorities highly appreciate the patriotic activities
    carried out by the Union in the Diaspora, especially in those
    communities which are geographically far from our Motherland. "What I
    saw here is impressive and promising. I wish the AGBU center of Buenos
    Aires to keep on carrying out its patriotic mission with the same
    zeal and devotion in the name of the rise and long life of our people."

    At the editorial office of the Sardarapat newspaper the Armenian
    President stressed that he is very proud of our compatriots who have
    found such an impressive national institution thousand km away from
    our historical Õ°O...meland and continue to carry out with credit the
    mission of keeping the Armenian spirit alive. The Armenian President
    wished everybody inexhaustible vigor and strength in order to keep on
    working with the same devotion in the name of the rise and long life
    of our people. Moreover, the president wrote down the same words in
    the honorary guest book of the editorial office.

    Today, the Armenian President took part in the official opening
    ceremony of Armenian Immigrants' Square (Armenia) in Buenos Aires.

    Later on, the president held a meeting with representatives of the
    Armenian organizations in Argentina and benefactors. At the request of
    the president the meeting took place in a question-and-answer format
    during which Serzh Sargsyan answered the questions of the participants
    related to national preservation issues, the Armenia-Diaspora ties,
    regional challenges, Armenia's internal and foreign policy, and
    its economic priorities, development opportunities and a number of
    other topics.

    Today, President Serzh Sargsyan also visited Saint Grigor Lusavorich
    Church. The Armenian President laid a wreath at the memorial to the
    victims of the Armenian Genocide located in the yard of the church
    and paid tribute to the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims. In
    addition, the president placed flowers at the monument dedicated to
    the memory of the Artsakh freedom fighters.

    Concluding its official visit to the Argentine Republic, the delegation
    led by President Serzh Sargsyan today will make a state visit to the
    Oriental Republic of Uruguay.
