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Separatism Is Rising In Other Eastern European States

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  • Separatism Is Rising In Other Eastern European States


    MacLean's Magazine, Canada
    July 10 2014

    Ukraine isn't the only place Russia has its eye on. Soviet nostalgia
    is gripping Europe's 'de facto states.'

    Katie Engelhart July 10, 2014

    Last month, Leonid Tibilov--the unrecognized president of the
    non-existent country of South Ossetia--granted an interview to a
    Russian news agency. In the interview, Tibilov described himself as
    "inspired" by Russia's recent invasion of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula
    and expressed hope that South Ossetia, a disputed region in northern
    Georgia, might itself "become part of Russia"--and soon. Shortly
    thereafter, the unrecognized president of the non-existent state
    of Transnistria, Yevgeny Shevchuk, echoed this call. Sitting in his
    office (which reportedly features a photograph of Russian President
    Vladimir Putin), Shevchuk told Euronews that Transnistria, a sliver
    of land in Moldova, was gunning for independence, with the ultimate
    goal of Russian absorption.

    Meanwhile, Ukraine is in a pitched battle with its own pro-Russia
    breakaway rebels. President Petro Poroshenko ended a ceasefire with
    separatists in east Ukraine, vowing to "attack and liberate our land."

    In recent weeks, fighting has intensified between government forces
    and the rebels, who are supported to varying degrees by Moscow.

    Ukraine, it seems, is not the only place where Russia is playing fast
    and dirty with national borders. Today, the region that was once the
    Soviet Union is home to a small cohort of breakaway states: bits of
    disputed land that, with varying support from Mother Russia, have
    rejected their national governments and sworn independence. Recent
    weeks show signs of escalation in Europe's so-called "de facto
    states": South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Transnistria and Nagorno-Karabakh (in
    Azerbaijan). There are rising fears that separatist forces, buoyed by
    the example of Ukraine, will up their ante. Or that Russia's revanchist
    eye will turn toward Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan--and
    that this, in turn, will tear post-Cold War Europe asunder.

    In response, the U.S. and Europe have launched a diplomatic full-court
    press in the South Caucasus. On June 27, Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine
    signed economic and (in the case of the former two) political deals
    with the European Union. But observers are ill at ease. Speaking of
    Crimea, Romania's foreign minister recently warned of "a possible

    Back when Soviet leaders drew borders within their eastern union, they
    often sliced through ethnic groupings and created minority pockets
    within unfriendly lands. So much the better for fuelling regional
    tension, which would, in turn, dampen resistance to Moscow. In the
    '80s, the Soviet Union began to crumble, unleashing a swell of
    ethno-nationalism and a slew of ugly territorial disputes.

    In the '90s, fighting erupted in South Ossetia and Abkhazia (Georgian
    territories that border Russia) and in Transnistria (wedged between
    Ukraine and the rest of Moldova). There were wars and thousands
    of deaths and, eventually, Russia-backed ceasefires. In 2006,
    Transnistria, which boasts the only Soviet hammer-and-sickle flag in
    Europe, held a referendum in which 97 per cent reportedly voted in
    favour of independence. Two years later, Russia and Georgia fought
    a full-on war in South Ossetia, which claimed hundreds of lives and
    displaced almost 200,000, according to Amnesty International. (The
    war ended when Moscow pulled back most of its troops and declared
    South Ossetia and Abkhazia independent.) Russian soldiers remain in
    all three states, as do Russian rubles. Russia subsidizes pensions,
    funds infrastructure projects and sells gas at a discounted rate.

    Nagorno-Karabakh (N.-K.)--a disputed Armenian enclave within
    Azerbaijan--also hosted a war in the '90s, which similarly ended
    with a Russian-brokered ceasefire in 1994. But NK is not itself a
    candidate for Russian absorption: it is an Armenian-majority region,
    not Russian. Moscow has used NK as leverage over oil-rich Azerbaijan
    and Armenia. It plays both sides of the dispute: officially backing
    Armenia while simultaneously selling weapons to Azerbaijan.

    Post-Crimea, Europe's frozen conflict zones (as they are often called)
    have seen a ratcheting-up of rhetoric and theatrics. In May, Moldovan
    authorities caught Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin
    trying to leave Moldova with a petition calling for Transnistrian
    independence, which he had secretly collected from the separatist
    region. The authorities reportedly seized the papers, but Rogozin
    later boasted that he had managed to sneak most of them back to Moscow.

    This spring, Georgia accused Russia of initiating near-daily brawls
    along the Russia-Georgia border, and referred to Russian troops as
    "Somali pirates." In May, Abkhazia's president fled the capital and
    hastily resigned after pro-Moscow opposition forces dramatically seized
    control of his ofï¬~Ace. The Kremlin reportedly dispatched mediators.

    Around the same time, in April, Azerbaijan began large-scale military
    exercises near its border with Armenia. Ceasefire violations in
    Nagorno-Karabakh continue. The International Crisis Group speaks of an
    accelerating "arms race" between Armenia and Azerbaijan--and warns of
    "strident rhetoric" along the border, with phrases like "blitzkrieg"
    and "total war" gaining widespread currency with military planners
    on both sides. A conflict in N.-K. could conceivably draw in other
    big players, like Turkey (which backs Azerbaijan) and Israel (which
    has sold Azerbaijan a fleet of drones).

    While the world's gaze is narrowed on Ukraine, dangers have lurked
    in these de facto zones for some time. All stand out as easy transit
    stops for traders of arms, drugs and sometimes human beings. In 2011,
    the U.S. government reported that between 2005 and 2010, authorities
    had intercepted 10 black market shipments of highly enriched uranium
    in the border region around Transnistria.

    In the years since the 2008 Russo-Georgian war--which Russia won, but
    not as handily as some expected--Russian defence spending has nearly
    doubled in nominal terms, according to security analyst IHS Jane's.

    That is being felt in the de facto states. "As for the Trans-Caucasus
    region, Russia will never leave this region," declared Vladimir Putin
    after touring a Russian military base in Armenia in December. "On
    the contrary, we will make our place here even stronger."

    But what do the de factos want? In 2010-11, U.S.-based researchers
    Gerard Toal and John O'Loughlin conducted the first mass opinion
    polling in South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria. Their conclusion
    was that "the prospect of annexation by the Russian Federation would
    likely be welcomed by a plurality of residents of Transnistria, and
    the overwhelming majority of those remaining in South Ossetia." In
    Abkhazia, the preference is for independence. In all three regions,
    the overwhelming majority believes that the Soviet Union's collapse
    was a "wrong step."

    Three years after the poll was conducted, Toal, director of government
    and international relations at Virginia Tech University, says,
    "Crimea absolutely is contagious." How will it kick off? Toal's bet
    is on a quick-shot referendum in Transnistria.

    With respect to Abkhazia and South Ossetia, John Herbst, former U.S.

    ambassador to Ukraine, says he can "absolutely" imagine a situation
    in which Russia forcibly steps in; "I wouldn't rule out some
    provocation." But Herbst also thinks that Crimea could leave the West
    "more favourably disposed toward helping the Georgians and Moldovans
    in dealing with their Russian problem."

    The same sentiment could enliven Western efforts in N.-K. The Ukraine
    crisis has exposed Europe's overwhelming energy reliance on Russia and
    accelerated the hunt for alternatives. In December, a group led by BP
    signed a $45-billion natural gas contract with Azerbaijani leaders,
    and the U.K. consolidated its position as the largest foreign investor
    in the country.

    Full-scale military invasion and annexation would also be costly for
    Moscow. For that reason, many experts believe that Russia's interest
    is in maintaining a fragile status quo: allowing the soft force of
    Soviet nostalgia and the sharp threat of Red Army action to feed the
    quixotic aspirations of the de facto states. This, in turn, would help
    Russia to keep Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan in line--and
    might discourage bodies like the EU and NATO from accepting them as
    members. Thomas de Waal, senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment,
    says Russians don't want to go war. "But I don't see any evidence
    that they want peace either."

    The Eastern Partnership was meant to prevent all this. The EU launched
    it in 2009 when, after a round of expansion, the union found itself
    bordering the former Soviet Union. Through trade agreements, the
    project was meant to build ties between Europe and the six ex-Soviet
    states of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

    Between 2009 and 2013, Brussels spent more than $2.8 billion to
    develop it. Recently, the EU and the U.S. have backed this up with
    a diplomatic push in the Caucasus. In December, Brussels put Georgia
    and Moldova on an EU association fast track. In February, EU foreign
    ministers discussed plans for a Caucasus charm offensive, which would
    involve "informal contacts" at venues like the world championship in
    ice hockey.

    But Moscow has other plans for its neighbours. On May 29, Russia,
    Kazakhstan and Belarus signed the rival Eurasian Economic Union.

    (Armenia and Kyrgyzstan are set to join soon.) A few days later,
    President Barack Obama travelled to Warsaw and announced a $1-billion
    project called the European Reassurance Initiative to boost military
    reinforcements in Europe. Meanwhile, experts in Europe's so-called
    frozen conflicts are starting to object to that very turn of phrase;
    conflict in any one of the de facto states is bound to heat up.
