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Yegparian: Smirks II

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  • Yegparian: Smirks II


    By Garen Chiloyan on July 10, 2014 in Garen Yegparian

    This week, let's go for some schadenfreude shall we? It's getting
    close to five years since this kind of "fun" was so broadly available
    that I could write a piece, and this time, all the raw material is
    provided by Turks.

    Azeri oil money has been flowing into the coffers of highly paid
    lobbyist hacks. What's juicy about that is...they don't have much
    to show for it, particularly on a "new" front they've opened. Much
    Azeri effort has been expended on trying to pass resolutions in state
    legislatures. Other than a success in New Mexico, they've met largely
    with failure. There are two states, Louisiana and Mississippi,
    with "split personalities." In the former, both pro-Azeri and
    pro-Armenian resolutions were passed. In the latter, the two houses
    of the legislature voted in opposite directions. We've stopped their
    lies in at least half-a-dozen states. And, somewhat as a reaction,
    California's legislature (along with some smaller jurisdictions)
    has passed a resolution recognizing Artsakh's independence! SMIRK.

    No doubt you heard about the lambasting Ilham Aliyev received from
    British Member of Parliament (MP) Paul Flynn. Flynn put a tough
    question to Aliyev, who was speaking at a Council of Europe (CoE)
    meeting. He was there because it is Azerbaijan's turn as president
    of that body. Human rights organizations have said that Azerbaijan is
    not qualified to hold the position because it so flagrantly violates
    the high standards of the CoE. But this bitter pill became a little
    easier to swallow when Aliyev's huge ego led him to lose his temper
    in response to a question from the MP. Instead of being able to bask
    in the glow of his undeserved position, Aliyev ended up showing the
    world that he was a "braggart and a bully," in Flynn's words. SMIRK.

    Since the "hero" of Baku, "President" Aliyev, and his criminal cronies
    continue their bellicose, chest-thumping threats against Armenia
    and Artzakh, it is delicious irony that three positions adopted
    by the OSCE summit--held in Baku--can be described as beneficial
    to Armenian concerns. The first reconfirmed the right of people
    to self-determination. The second spoke to the needs of Christians
    in Syria. The third faulted member states that allowed militants to
    cross their borders into Syria (I can't think of any state other than
    Turkey that fits this bill, can you?). SMIRK.

    Ill-spent money, legislative setbacks, baseless bravado... Perfect
    for a transition to Turkey's displeasure. Imagine how irritated Ankara
    must be to blast the U.S. because the House of Representatives Foreign
    Affairs Committee passed a strong measure urging Turkey to return
    stolen church properties to their rightful owners. Now, couple that
    with the fact that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed an
    Armenian Genocide resolution three months ago. SMIRK.

    Perhaps the saddest bit of blowback for Turkey comes from its support
    of extremist Islamists. Ankara allowed those murderous crazies to use
    Turkey as a jumping-off point and haven for their destabilization of
    Syria. This led not only to many Armenian deaths (mostly in Aleppo) and
    the temporary exodus from Kessab, but to millions of Syrian refugees
    and tens of thousands dead. It's too bad innocent civilians are
    paying the price for Davutoglu's foreign policy machinations. Now, the
    same extremist group, known as ISIS, has managed to make significant
    progress in Iraq, and along the way taken the Turkish Consul General
    in Mosul and more than 80 other Turks hostage. SMIRK.

    Misery afflicts those who cause it to others.
