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Shooting And Rhetoric: American Diplomats' Statements Come Amid Cont

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  • Shooting And Rhetoric: American Diplomats' Statements Come Amid Cont


    News | 10.07.14 | 16:24

    ArmeniaNow reporter

    Against the background of American officials' controversial statements
    the situation remains tense on the Armenian-Azeri border. Last
    night the Azeri side opened fire at the Chinari village of Tavush
    Province for around five hours, and earlier an attempt by an Azeri
    reconnaissance-sabotage group was made in the direction of the
    Karavatchar district of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Head of Chinari village, Samvel Saghoyan, on Thursday told ArmeniaNow
    that it has been several days the Azerbaijani side has kept the village
    under fire. Fortunately, there are no victims, but village houses
    are damaged and the villagers cannot engage in agricultural work.

    On Wednesday news about an Azerbaijani subversive action toward
    Karvatchar was spread. Specifically, two Azeris crossed the Armenian
    border, one of them was caught, and the other one managed to escape.

    Earlier, news about a 14-year-old boy missing in Karvatchar was spread,
    however Defense Ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan denied the

    It is noteworthy that a day prior to these events American co-chair
    of the OSCE Minsk Group James Warlick wrote on his Twitter account
    informing that he will be meeting the other two OSCE co-chairs
    to discuss further steps toward a peaceful resolution of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and he mentioned that "the status quo becomes
    "increasingly dangerous."

    Earlier, in his interview with U.S. Ambassador to Armenia,
    John Heffern, reflected on the conflict resolution, essentially saying
    that an Armenian withdrawal from seven districts (except the corridor)
    is important for an agreement, otherwise the conflict will last long.

    But the Nagorno-Karabakh president's spokesman David Babayan commented
    on the statement, saying: "There can be no return to the past for
    Karabakh - neither in terms of borders, nor status. It is clear and
    here we do not need to make even theoretical compromises. Any attempt
    to return back the territories is fraught with unexpected consequences,
    thus it is just impossible."

    Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan at a meeting with reporters
    on Wednesday also reflected on the American diplomats' statements and
    the current border tensions, saying that the tension on the Armenian
    and Karabakhi border is the result of the Azerbaijani government's
    unconstructive work, and if the compromise is one-sided it becomes
    a one-sided obligation.

    "They had better work toward a peaceful solution of NK sovereignty
    problem, restoration of the right for sovereignty in the historical,
    ancient territories of NK. The rest, whatever the compromise is,
    must all be a result of political, moreover military expertise,"
    said the minister, adding that "if need be, our soldiers together
    with the NK Defense Army and all Armenian population will stand up
    for every inch of land."

    There are opinions that recently Azeri activity is conditioned by the
    Armenian Armed Force's progress toward south-east of the country. But
    there are also opinions that Azerbaijan acts with Russian "permission",
    because the latter tries to involve both Armenia and Azerbaijan in
    the emerging Eurasian Economic Union. During the last couple of years
    Russia has sold a large amount of weaponry to Azerbaijan which is a
    cause of wide discussions and concern in Armenia where people believe
    that a military ally should not behave like that.

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, during his official visit to
    Argentina, told the Argentine La Nacion that while Armenians are very
    worried about Russia selling weapons to Azerbaijan, he is convinced
    that Armenia has the power and ability to protect its borders.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress