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Policy Forum Armenia: A New Type Of Armenian Organization

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  • Policy Forum Armenia: A New Type Of Armenian Organization


    Igor Muradyan, Political Analyst
    Comments - Saturday, 12 July 2014, 12:47

    A few years ago wrote about contemporary tendencies in
    the Armenian community of the United States which is undergoing a
    period of not only formation of material wellbeing and obtaining a
    new social "status" and civil consciousness but also participation in
    "big politics".

    It should be noted that an important role in establishment of new
    political views among the Armenian community is performed by the latest
    immigrants of Armenia who have introduced different ideas into the
    life of Armenians, from liberal to traditionalist. Such diversity,
    despite its disputability since some ideas cannot be considered as
    politically mature and complete, is the sign of modernization of the
    Armenian ethnic and social consciousness in the United States in a
    hookup with social and political processes in the community determined
    by integration with the American society and state.

    This is fully explained and understood because the new generation of
    the Armenian community is ready for new political challenges and for
    response to them, understanding the international political reality.

    The last 20 years were a period of essential increase of the level of
    education of American Armenians who increasingly go for the humanities,
    primarily international relations, law and history unlike the previous
    decades because the social status of Armenians in the United States
    supposed engineering jobs and natural education, enabling participation
    in political life at different levels and, importantly, young people
    find a place in the public and political life of the United States,
    even in the sphere of policy research and analysis, which indicates
    a new standard of achievement.

    However, not everything is so idyllic because not only new people with
    not so complete ideas left Armenia for the United States. Most of the
    social and information "rubbish" of Armenia has littered the United
    States as well. There are not only individuals but organized groups
    preaching archaic and at the same time conformist ideas reflecting
    the moods of socially miserable and politically degenerative layers
    of the population of Armenia.

    Therefore, it is highly important not to give away the new generation
    of Armenians in the United States to demagogic attitudes. New
    Armenian organizations are established in the United States which are
    distinguished by a realistic political thinking rather than a local
    one, and are ready for integration with the American political life.

    No doubt Policy Forum Armenia ( is one
    of them which has already introduced itself as a representative of
    pragmatic idealism capable of a definite independent policy aimed at
    integration of the interests of historical homeland with the U.S.

    global politics. Policy Forum Armenia has already organized the second
    seminar devoted to issues of NATO-Armenia cooperation together with
    the Atlantic Council.

    The first seminar was held in May 2013 which marked the start of
    development of this political concept. The second seminar held on 2
    July 2014 was an important stage of spreading the ideas, understanding
    the realities, forming material for political concepts on Armenia.

    The team of Policy Forum Armenia has done a great job both organizing
    the seminar and preparing a big presentation on the new regional role
    of Armenia which will be published soon. I am pleased to say that
    there is a team that can set complicated tasks and offer solutions at a
    professional level and substantially, which is of crucial importance
    given the reluctance of the government of Yerevan to conduct an
    independent foreign policy.

    The team of the Forum are mostly Armenians who got an education in
    Armenia or the best universities of the United States. The Forum has
    set up a lot of different contacts with the American establishment,
    international organizations and think tanks and institutes.

    The management of the Forum believes that Armenia can conduct a
    genuinely independent policy if it has the will. The road to this
    runs across development of relations with NATO. As the international
    isolation of Armenia grows, cooperation with the West may help Armenia
    ensure its security. Transatlantic relations, NATO's new partnership
    concept allow considering Armenia as a partner and country which
    enjoys the geopolitical interest of the Euro-Atlantic community,
    primarily the United States.

    Policy Forum Armenia, doing policy research on the economy and social
    processes in Armenia, thinks that the topic NATO-Armenia will remain
    its priority. At the same time, the seminar in July had a broader
    range of issues and was officially entitled "Armenia and the West:
    A New Vision for the Caucasus?". This indicates that the Forum is
    considering activities in several directions relating to the problems
    of the region and beyond the region of the Black Sea and the Caucasus.

    This is the new dimension of Policy Forum Armenia.

    - See more at:
