YEREVAN, July 11. /ARKA/. Armenia's government approved today a
package of steps to be taken for improving Armenia's rank in Global
Competitiveness report.
Garegin Melkonyan, the first deputy economy minister, said that
Armenia went three notches up and was 79th among 150 countries in
the latest ranking.
He said that despite this improvement, the government decided to take
more effective measures to ensure more significant improvement.
In 2013, Armenia ranked 79th among 148 countries improving its previous
position by three notches.
It came 82nd among 144 in the 2012 ranking. In 2013, Armenia got
back the position it had in 2005, when the country was included in
the report for the first time.
Armenia showed a one-to-20-point progress in macroeconomic
environment, commodity market effectiveness, technologic preparation
and entrepreneurship improvement indices.
Armenia improved its inflation index by 104 points - in 2011 Armenia's
7.7% average monthly inflation ensured the 105th rank to it among
142 countries, and in 2012, Armenia, with its 2.5% inflation, already
stood in the row of those countries accounting for inflation below 2.5%
and came first among 43 countries.
Instead, its labor market productivity index plunged 20 notches to
50th rank and its lending availability index sank 19 notches.
Armenia's indices of healthcare, primary education, hither education,
retraining, market volumes, salary payment flexibility, government
funds non-targeted usage, innovation opportunities, clusters
development and places in aircrafts worsened as well. --0----
- See more at: itiveness_ranks/#sthash.0Jvsyp9t.dpuf
YEREVAN, July 11. /ARKA/. Armenia's government approved today a
package of steps to be taken for improving Armenia's rank in Global
Competitiveness report.
Garegin Melkonyan, the first deputy economy minister, said that
Armenia went three notches up and was 79th among 150 countries in
the latest ranking.
He said that despite this improvement, the government decided to take
more effective measures to ensure more significant improvement.
In 2013, Armenia ranked 79th among 148 countries improving its previous
position by three notches.
It came 82nd among 144 in the 2012 ranking. In 2013, Armenia got
back the position it had in 2005, when the country was included in
the report for the first time.
Armenia showed a one-to-20-point progress in macroeconomic
environment, commodity market effectiveness, technologic preparation
and entrepreneurship improvement indices.
Armenia improved its inflation index by 104 points - in 2011 Armenia's
7.7% average monthly inflation ensured the 105th rank to it among
142 countries, and in 2012, Armenia, with its 2.5% inflation, already
stood in the row of those countries accounting for inflation below 2.5%
and came first among 43 countries.
Instead, its labor market productivity index plunged 20 notches to
50th rank and its lending availability index sank 19 notches.
Armenia's indices of healthcare, primary education, hither education,
retraining, market volumes, salary payment flexibility, government
funds non-targeted usage, innovation opportunities, clusters
development and places in aircrafts worsened as well. --0----
- See more at: itiveness_ranks/#sthash.0Jvsyp9t.dpuf