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General Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan Issues Statement On Detention Of Levon

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  • General Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan Issues Statement On Detention Of Levon


    20:34 * 16.07.14

    Armenian General Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan (Komandos) has issued
    a statement on the detention of the Armenian businessman and
    philanthropist Levon Hayrapetyan.

    "The Russian Federal Security Service has detained one of the most
    active advocates of Russian-Armenian friendship and great patriot of
    Armenia and Russia, well-known philanthropist Levon Hayrapetyan.

    "I have for many years been an intimate friend with Levon Hayrapetyan
    and I have no doubts that the action was aimed at overshadowing
    Armenian-Russian friendship, the advisability of Armenia's accession
    to the Eurasian Economic Union and, to an extent, affecting the
    construction of the Defense Army of the Nagorno-Karabakh Artsakh

    "The aforementioned suggests a political order for Levon Hayrapetyan's
    detention and prosecution, which has deeply perplexed the people who
    know the well-known Armenian philanthropist well. The Republic of
    Azerbaijan is the only state in the world expected to the discontented
    with Levon Hayrapetyan's activities. Its leaders are furiously jealous
    of the Armenian states' achievements. It is the Azerbaijan that,
    using windfall petrodollars, is trying to resolve its problems by
    means of ordinary presents and 'caviar diplomacy', a term that has
    gained international currency. I would like to recall the words of
    the CE Secretary General, who said that 'Azerbaijan's caviar diplomacy
    is a threat to the CE Parliamentary Assembly's sovereignty.'

    "Regrettably, some Russian structures, including the Federal Security
    Service, still have in their ranks dishonest people, who are ready
    to betray their own country's interests for thirty silver pieces. And
    I am sure no one doubts that strong Armenians states located between
    a NATO member-state and Russia is in Russia's interests.

    "I am recalling this fact for one more reason, namely, that Levon
    Hayrapetyan is the main sponsor of the military schools being
    constructed in Nagorno-Karabakh, and it is on his initiative that
    it has been named after the outstanding Russian military figures of
    Armenian descent - Alexander Suvorov and Valerian Madatov.

    "Of course, the Armenian people cannot remain indifferent to Levon
    Hayrapetyan's fate, but I am sure that people will raise their voice
    in his defense not only in Armenia, but also in Russia - the Russia
    for whose development Levon Hayrapetyan has been and will yet be
    doing a lot.

    "On the other hand, I hope that the misunderstanding will soon be
    cleared up and Levon Hayrapetyan will resume his noble activities
    as a tireless champion of Armenian-Russian friendship, which is so
    necessary for our countries."
