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"Imperial Mindsets Survive Empires": Gerard Libaridian On South Cauc

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  • "Imperial Mindsets Survive Empires": Gerard Libaridian On South Cauc


    07.16.2014 13:40

    Imperial mindsets survive empires, as do imperial rivalries in
    collective memory, in historiography and in policy making often
    long after empires are gone. This was said by former senior advisor
    to the president of Armenia (1994-1997) Gerard (Jirayr) Libaridian
    (pictured) during his keynote speech at a conference titled "The Clash
    of Empires: World War I and the Middle East" held in Cambridge, UK,
    from June 13-14.

    Turning his attention to the collapse of the USSR, Libaridian notes
    that in 1991, it seemed to some that there was a "power vacuum"
    in some parts of the world.

    "Let's take the South Caucasus, a region I know better than I know
    others. So we reach the end of 1991 and there is no longer a USSR;
    the former superpower has been reduced to less than a third rate
    power, except for its nuclear arsenal, and is withdrawing militarily
    from the South Caucasus, though not completely. What did the other
    former empires, Iran and Turkey do? They sensed a vacuum and reverted
    immediately back to their imperial past and thought of the region as
    a prize to be won, a region where they could reassert their influence,
    even if as a shadow of their former selves.

    "This was the beginning of the nostalgia for empire which got nowhere
    because the absence of Russia in the region was a temporary setback,
    if not an illusion. But the imperial past was not an illusion for
    these two so-called nation-states. It was a model that was suggesting
    certain policies," he said.

    According to the Armenian-American historian, more recently, the
    governments of these three former empires (Iran, Turkey, and Russia)
    express such behavior that transcends the feeling of nostalgia:
    "in some cases they have graduated from the sphere of sentimental
    attachment to actual policies of re-creation, in some form or another,
    of empires. Particularly in Russia and Turkey we now have governments
    that consider their imperial heritage a positive capital that justifies
    their renewed attempts at domination over neighbors."

    "Let me also state that in my view this nostalgia is due not so much
    to the greatness of these empires but to the failure of the political
    imagination of major players on the world stage -- the US, Russia,
    Europe and China -- who did not know how to benefit from the window
    of opportunity for a new world order created by the collapse of the
    Soviet Union," he said.

    In Libaridian's view, if there had been a serious critique of the
    imperial past of these states, we might've had a different model
    of behavior.

    "Iranian policy makers and scholars looked upon Persian rule over the
    South Caucasus until 1828 as a period of benevolent government where
    Armenians and Muslims did not fight as they were now doing in Karabakh,
    where a fatherly and benevolent metropolis had managed differences
    wisely. And Turkish scholars argued that the Ottoman millet system had
    been a most benevolent system that tolerated non-Muslims to exist, as a
    favor, that Ottoman period was a good one, even if at the end even some
    of their subject peoples were denied their existence. And they implied,
    as did policy makers, that the extension of Turkish influence on the
    new republics could be the basis for peace, security and stability
    in the South Caucasus. Just as the Iranians had argued. Except that
    the Iranians had argued in favor of the restoration of an Iranian
    influence based on an economic common space. Turkey, more attuned to
    NATO terminology, promoted the idea of a common 'security' space.

    "We know that none of that came to pass, although Iran kept an even
    presence in all three republics and Turkey made headways in Georgia
    and Azerbaijan. But at the end none of that translated into a new
    Iranian or Turkish sphere of influence. The latter may have happened
    if Turkey had resolved its problems with Armenia for the sake of
    greater stakes in the region.

    "Fast forward to a decade or more. Russia has come back with a
    vengeance. Not that it was absent during this period; it is just that
    it was biding its time, trying to find the right leader, the right
    moment, the right justification.

    "And now we have a slightly different situation in two ways. The vague
    notion of influence is replaced in Russia and Turkey with a genuine
    sense of nostalgia for the lost empires. In Erdogan and Putin we
    have leaders whose visions correspond roughly to the lost empires,
    the Ottoman and Russian/Soviet. And make no mistake about it, these
    are visions, fed by nostalgia but not limited to it. History--which
    includes the mess these empires left behind them- is being used to
    promote policies that are inspired by visions of empire redux in
    the name of whatever can be used: protection of ethnic Russians,
    Russian speakers, if not inherited natural rights over peoples and
    territories," he said.

    The historian concludes his speech by raising the following questions:
    "What is the responsibility of historians and social scientists in
    the resurgence of imperial solutions to evaluate the present based
    on the past through critical lenses? Could things have been different
    in Russia and Turkey had historians and other social scientists been
    more critical assessors of imperial history, especially when educating
    the new generations in schools?"

    He concludes: "First, we do not do well as historians when we take
    for granted the values of the people and institutions we are supposed
    to study. Second, to the extent that differences in the presentation
    of history are engendered by actual differences in the understanding
    of history and not by politics, we should find ways to bridge those
    differences by going deeper into history, by filling in the lacunae
    in our knowledge and by questioning the biases in our perspectives and
    not by expecting that we split the difference. And third, what we say
    about the past may have an impact on the future; successor states to
    empires with nostalgic feelings and impulse for empire may be relying
    on us to legitimize the imperial past and justify current policies.

    What we say and what we write matters for the future and not just
    the past."
