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Comrade Paramaz: A Revolutionary From Turkey

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  • Comrade Paramaz: A Revolutionary From Turkey


    By MassisPost
    Updated: July 17, 2014

    By Kadir Akin

    The tragic story of the Armenian Socialist Paramaz, also known as
    Matteos Sarkissian, and his 19 comrades, who were hanged on 15/16
    June 1915 in Beyazit district of Istanbul, remains very alive in the
    collective memory of the Armenian society today. Conversely, the case
    of the 20-s remains unknown to many in Turkey, including the political
    circles, despite the fact that the country began slowly to confront
    its past.

    In these coming days of the centennial of 1915, the number of
    discussions of "the many ways and means to face the past" are
    increasing. In such a context, bringing up the case of the hangings of
    the 20s is indispensable if we want to face the ghosts wandering in
    Turkey's past by positioning ourselves against the act of forgetting
    and by demanding that justice be served, even when late.

    Flare of "Medz Yeghern"/Great Atrocities: the hangings of Paramaz
    and his comrades on June 15th, 1915 It was almost like the flare of
    "medz yeghern"/Great Atrocities when only three weeks after the mass
    arrests of April 24, which marked the beginning of the state's sending
    close to one million Armenians into forced migration, Paramaz and his
    Social Democratic Hunchakian Party member comrades based at Beyazit
    were sent to death following their unlawful trial.

    Without finding the time to mourn the deaths of Paramaz and his
    comrades, the Armenian people were rolled into an even greater pain.

    The leadership of Progress and Union Party, which dominated the
    political life of the Ottoman Empire at the turn of the last century,
    had kept forced assimilation and Turkification as state policies
    in the country's political agenda. The leadership had seized the
    opportunity to implement these policies in the aftermath of the Balkan
    Wars when Balkan nations rose up against the Ottoman yoke in order to
    determine their own destinies and when the Empire lost significant
    land as a result of the wars. Moreover, the Ottoman army's defeat
    at Sarikamis, Kars on January 10, 1915 and the Empire's losing of
    its hegemony in the Middle East as a result of this defeat served
    as an alibi for the Progress and Union Party to quickly implement
    its assimilation policies. Beginning with Armenians, the Greeks and
    autochthonous nations of the Anatolian peninsula such as Assyrians
    and the Chaldeans were torn off of their lands for centuries and were
    forced into exile. They have been sent off to desert areas such as the
    Deir-ez-Zor to march to their deaths and were subjected to a genocide
    as a result of a calculated ethnic engineering.1 The story of Paramaz
    and his comrades, who were sent to death following an unlawful trial,
    sums up the foregoing lawlessness without justice that brought about
    forced migrations and deportations.

    Towards the end of June of 1914, the founders, executives and Istanbul
    members of the Socialist Democratic Hunchakian Party (SDHP) were
    arrested and put into custody after someone informed against them
    alleging that the party took a decision to organize the assassination
    of Progress and Union forerunner Talat Pasha, during its 7th party
    congress which took place in the Romanian town of Constanta on
    September 17, 1913. Paramaz was among them.2

    Cases of those who were arrested were not yet heard, and without
    definite knowledge of when that might be, they were kept shackled
    under horrific conditions in the basement of Istanbul central prison
    house for months, while their interrogators tortured them. Indeed,
    one of the decisions taken at the 7th party congress of the Socialist
    Democrat Hunchakian Party was about to leave the decision of organizing
    such a plot to the central committee.

    The 7th congress did not attract significant number of delegate, which
    had caused some problems at the time with regards to decision-making
    during the meeting. The 6th party congress that met in Istanbul in
    1909 had ended with the firm decision of legalization of the party.

    Yet, members at the Constanta congress decided to go back to their
    underground work. In fact, the decision to become legal/officially
    legitimate drove serious rifts of opinion within the party during
    the 6th congress. The group that included Stepan Sapah-Gulian and
    Paramaz had objected to legalization. Nevertheless their objections
    did not cause major divisions within the party and all have conceded
    to this decision.3 Surely, the new constitution that was declared in
    1908 with the Second Constitutional Monarchy has granted Armenians
    the right to self-representation in the Ottoman Parliament, much like
    other nations, who have legalized their organizations. The Hunchaks
    had much cooperated with socialists and liberals against the Progress
    and Union members.4

    Paramaz's involvement in the assassination of the Tsar's governor of
    Caucasia in 1905 was well known among the party members, but even
    though he was not able to attend the Constanta party congress, he
    was elected to the central committee.

    Arsavir Sahakyan, who attended the party congress as the Egyptian
    delegate, and was suspected of playing a role in the police operation
    against the SDHP by cooperating with the Ottoman police had further
    exacerbated the arrests of SDHP members by informing the police that he
    was nearly assassinated on January 28, 1914 around Tarlabasi district
    of Beyoglu.5 Up to 120 SDHP members were arrested and were tortured
    for many moths to come. Some were released after the intervention of
    many intermediaries and the payment of many bribes.

    The number of remaining arrestees decreased to 49. When the trial
    began, however, the number of those on the bench was 23 including
    2 absentia. One of those tried, Hemayak Aramyan gave a statement
    incriminating Paramaz and his friends.

    The events in Van were used as an excuse for the arrests of 240
    Armenian intellectuals and community leaders on April 24-25, 1915
    in Istanbul, who then were sent to exile. The number of such exiles
    went beyond two thousand by the end of May. With the Deportation Law
    of May 27, thousands of Armenians were sent on the road to genocide.

    Coincidently, the military tribunal (divan-i harp) took up the case
    of Social Democrat Huchhakian Party central committee member Paramaz
    (Madteos Sarkisyan) and his comrades. Nobody at the time could have
    foreseen that the trial of an unfinished assassination attempt would
    lead to the executions of Paramaz and his comrades.

    Beginning on May 10, 1915, the trial lasted for 17 days and ended on
    May 27, which is also the date when the Deportation Law was issued.

    Paramaz and 21 other Hunchakian Party members were tried for:
    "engaging in armed action in order to form a free and independent
    Armenia; conspiring against the state's indivisible unity by means
    of provoking foreign governments against the Ottoman Empire; holding
    open and secret meetings in different places in order to incite some
    Ottoman peoples to break away from Ottoman dominion and form their own
    states; to those ends, use propaganda means such as print media and
    organize provocative actions." Paramaz's dialogue with the chairman of
    the tribunal still carries significance because his defense is still
    valid and it proves the extent of the injustices to which these men
    were subjected. In response to the question of the chairman as to
    whether he engaged in armed insurrection and secessionism against
    the Empire, Paramaz responded: "what is left that we have not done
    for the welfare of this country? We accepted such self-sacrificing
    conditions in order to institute the brotherhood between Turks and
    Armenians. How much energy we expended; how much blood we shed! The
    reason why we endured so much pain was to elevate each other based on
    mutual confidence. And what do we get in return? You not only denied
    our extraordinary efforts [to live together in peace] but you tried to
    annihilate us. You have attempted to tear us apart form our land by
    occupying it for 600 years. And now you are attempting to transform
    Ottoman lands into a Turkey. When you do these, you do not consider
    yourself to be guilty of anything; but us when we attempt to do the
    same based on our historical right?!"

    Paramaz and his comrades were first arrested in 1898 in Van and were
    sentenced to death. He was a Russian citizen and was extradited
    to Russia by the request of this country. When he was tried at
    court in Van, he was reported to defend himself with the following
    statement: "We want equality [of all nations]. We do not follow rigid
    nationalism. Our demand is that Armenians, Turks, Kurds, Alevis,
    Lazis, Yezidis, Assyrians, Arabs and Coptics live together under
    same conditions. As a revolutionary, I believe we can attain this
    objective. But the Ottoman state policies direct at Turkism. You
    go back to the same point, Turkism, where you came from hundred
    years ago.6

    20 men including Paramaz were sentenced to death 17 years later.

    Stepan Sapah-Gulian and Hagop Tivrapian were sentenced in their
    absentia. Sultan Mehmet Resat approved the court's decision on June 5
    and ordered the Minister of War Enver Pasha to conduct the executions.7

    20 hunchakian gallows

    In the morning of June 15, 1915 before dusk, the 20s were brought
    next to the gallows to be executed. Their death sentences were read to
    them. Paramaz turned to his friends and said: "Comrades, we will march
    to death with our heads up, like bravemen." Dr. Benne, who was one of
    the 20, shouted to the faces of his executioners: "You are hanging us,
    the 20, but 20 thousand will follow after." The hangmen brought first
    Paramaz to the gallows. Before they kicked the stool out from under
    his feet, Paramaz shouted: "You can destroy our bodies, but never our
    ideas...Tomorrow Armenians will salute a free and socialist Armenia in
    the East of the country. Long live socialism!" While others followed
    him into the gallows and in his last wishes, the worker Yervant sang
    a song as he waited for the knot to find his neck: "Death is the same
    everywhere, but how happy for the martyr who dies for the liberation
    of his people."

    Priest Kalust Boghosyan who was observing the hangings wrote about that
    day as follows: "After the hangings of the 20 revolutionary Armenians,
    sergeants hung death sentences nailed on wooden pallets around the
    victims' neck. They called the photographers and had many pictures
    taken of them with the dead bodies. A doctor certified that each and
    every one of them was truly dead and wrote reports. The bodies of
    the 20s were then taken off of the gallows and carried away to the
    Edirnekapi Armenian cemetery on horse wagon." On the horse wagon,
    their bodies were put one on the other. They were not buried at
    the cemetery individually, but en masse, in accordance with Aram
    Achikbashyan's will.8

    Paramaz in Memories The Armenian people have never forgotten this
    event. Both in the memories of those who remained in this land and of
    those who were dispersed into four corners of the world as a result
    of deportations, what happened to Paramaz and his comrades, and their
    defenses at the trial and heroism were carried from one generation
    of Armenians to another. Armenians who survived deportations and
    remained in Turkey remember and speak of this event quietly. Those
    living in Armenia and in the diaspora commemorate this event in open,
    pronounced ways.

    Paramaz took his rightful place as a folk hero in the collective
    memory of the Armenian people.

    In Turkey, the tragic events surrounding killings of Paramaz and
    his comrades do appear only in a few books and articles. In 1921
    the Dashnaks, Hunchaks and Ramgavars in Istanbul organized a joint
    commemoration but nothing came after for ninety years. A panel and
    a commemorative event organized in June 2013 where the hangings took
    place at the Beyazit Square in Istanbul brought this tragic incident,
    about which there has been hitherto limited amount of publicity, to
    public attention among the leftists in Turkey. Awareness of the story
    of 20 revolutionary Armenians emerged due to activities that took place
    within that framework. One would admit of course that the commemoration
    of what happened to Paramaz and his comrades by means of such public
    activities almost a hundred years later were belated efforts that
    nevertheless constitute a first step towards confronting the past.

    Paramaz and his wife

    When we look at the movement in Turkey, Turkish socialists do not
    keep Paramaz and his comrades alive in their collective political
    history, even though it is a fact that Armenians and Greeks (and
    Bulgarians and Jews) who lived in Istanbul at the time were among the
    pioneers/founding figures of the socialist movement.9 The fact that
    neither the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) nor the left-socialist
    movements remember Paramaz and his comarades is due to the continuing
    influence of Kemalism, the founding ideology of the Turkish republic
    and a preceding movement of the Progress and Union, on the Left. Many
    Kemalist figures committed the crime of deportation and were tried
    at the court beginning in 1919 in Istanbul and then in Malta, but
    they were also acquitted by M. Kemal himself and later played an
    important role in the constitution of the republic.10 Deportations
    of Armenians and the public perceptions about their deportation have
    influenced left-socialist movements in Turkey for many years. The
    influence of Kemalism over left-socialist movements and their lack
    of internationalism led to the ignorance and forgetting of 'other'
    socialists and their struggles, who inhabited the same land, while
    knowledge and collective memory from these struggles have never been
    passed on to new generations.

    Confronting the past, knowing our history right I have mentioned before
    that while Armenian people's collective memory retains the tragic
    story of Paramaz and his 19 comrades, the number of intellectuals,
    democrats, and socialists of Turkey who remember the cause/case of
    the 20 is quite small. Even though socialists like Deniz Gezmis,
    Mahir Cayan, Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, Mazlum Dogan and their comrades who
    died on the gallows and in the torture chambers have kept alive the
    legacy of the 20s and Paramaz--albeit unwittingly.

    Forced migrations of Armenians have not only resulted in genocide,
    they have also hurt the roots of blooming socialism in these lands.

    The socialist movement here would have taken a different course, had
    the socialists of Turkey and their organizations been familiar with the
    socialist literature that was produced by those who came before them,
    had known about their predecessors' concerns which are all the more
    significant today while witnessing contemporary developments, and
    had a full grasp of the struggle that their predecessors waged with
    Ottoman laborers from all of the Empire's nationalities. Indeed, some
    of the ideas in the Hunchaks' party program from 1910 continue to have
    relevance today: "For the working class, which constitutes the majority
    of human beings, to be emancipated, it needs to own land, factories,
    banks, valuable financial institutions and railways - tools that serve
    to production, capital exchange and communication. The administrative,
    financial and economic conditions and taxation system to which Ottoman
    peoples are subjected today will bring the destruction of the working
    class. This people finds itself under such economic circumstances that
    on one hand capitalist system takes over the production process, while
    the old relations of production are disappearing, on the other hand,
    the bourgeois class is vying for power with leftover of the feudal
    system. To that end, it tries to use social organizations solely for
    its own class interests"

    Main principles listed in the party program were the following: 1. A
    general Assembly, having full powers, elected by direct and general
    popular suffrage.

    2. Provincial and Communal autonomy.

    3. Equality before the law of all citizens, without distinction of
    nationality, religion or sex.

    4. Complete freedom of press, conscience and meetings.

    5. The institution of Habeas Corpus as a safeguard of liberty.

    6. The separation of church and State.

    7. The general arming of the entire manhood into a popular militia,
    in time of peace.

    8. The establishment of a secular and obligatory system of public
    instruction, etc.

    9. The abolition of the existing system of Contributions and the
    establishment of a progressive system.

    10. The total abrogation of indirect contributions.

    11. The liberation of peasants from debts of all descriptions.

    12. The enactment of special laws for the protection of labor against
    speculations, etc.

    I remind you that these demands were made 114 years ago.

    Kegham Vanigian, who was hanged with Paramaz, was the editor of the
    youth magazine "Gaidz" (Spark). Vanikian published a counter opinion
    to the thesis on the impossibility of establishing socialism in the
    Ottoman Empire and argued that the working class made socialism real:
    "Wherever is electricity and steam power, there is proletariat. And
    wherever is proletariat, there will be class struggle and socialist


    Though belatedly, it is imperative to commemorate Paramaz and his
    comrades by fully appreciating their camaraderie, to resist forgetting,
    and to demand that justice be served. On the centennial of the state
    killings of the 20, we will help constitute contemporary democratic
    consciousness in Turkey by way of a documentary film about Paramaz and
    his comrades. We need to devise a way to begin commemorating Paramaz
    and his comrades not as "others' socialists", "heroes of other people"
    and "other revolutionaries", but as "our own". We need to make them
    a part of our history of common struggles.

    And we need to be able to do these things today as societal
    opposition with common demands for peace and democracy comes
    together and crystalizes in the Gezi Resistance, and as the search
    for solidarity among the socialists materializes. If we can manage to
    pass the legacy of Comrade Paramaz onto young generations in Turkey,
    we can then begin to believe in the possibility of leaving them with
    a future wherein people in this geography were to live side by side
    under common conditions of peace and comradeship based on equality.

    Notes 1 Modern Turkiye'nin Sifresi - Ittihat ve Terakki'nin Etnisite
    Muhendisligi (1913-1918) Fuat Dundar 2 G. K. Baskanligi "Arsiv
    Belgeleriyle Ermeni Faaliyetleri" (1914-1918) cilt iv 3 Steban
    Sabah-Gulyan (asil adi, Stepanos Der-Danielyan) 1887'de Cenevre'de
    kurulan SDHP onderlerinden. 1908 yilinda Ittihat ve Terakkiyi de
    elestiren yazilar yazdi. 1991 yilinda yazilari Ermenistan'da kitap
    olarak basildi. 20'ler davasinda giyabinda olume mahkum edildi. 1861
    Nahcivan dogumlu 1927'de ABD'de oldu 4 1912 Yilindaki Osmanli'daki
    Secimler ve Bati Ermenileri Dr.Yeghig Djeredjian Beyrut -2007 5
    Arsavir Sahakyan SDHP'nin Romanya-Kostence'deki 7. kongresine Misir
    delegesi olarak katildi. Osmanli Emniyetiyle isbirligi yapti. Osmanli
    Imparatorlugu disinda baska devletlerin istihbarat orgutleriyle de
    calistigina iliskin bilgiler var. 1918 yilinda Adana'da Paramaz'in
    arkadaslarinca olduruldu 6 Dr. Yeghig Djeredjian arsivi-Beyrut
    7 G. K. Baskanligi "Arsiv Belgeleriyle Ermeni Faaliyetleri"
    (1914-1918) syf.63 8 Sonsuzlugun Yolculari - Hrant Amiryan (ilgili
    bolumlerin cevirisi: Sarkis Hatspanian) 9 Osmanli Impratorlugu'nda
    Sosyalizm ve Milliyetcilik (1876-1923) Mete Tuncay-Erik Jan
    Zurcher 10 Malta Surgunlerini Nasil Bilirsiniz - Ayse Hur 11 Also see
    G. K. Baskanligi "Arsiv Belgeleriyle Ermeni Faaliyetleri" (1914-1918)
    Osmanli Sosyal Demokret Hincakyan Orgutu Ana TuzuĂ°u syf.

    68 12 Dr. Yeghig Djeredjian arsivi - Beyrut
