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Media Watchdog: Monitoring Of State Bodies' Websites Reveals Overall

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  • Media Watchdog: Monitoring Of State Bodies' Websites Reveals Overall


    SOCIETY | 18.07.14 | 09:54 ebsites

    ArmeniaNow reporter

    The Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression (CPFE) has reported
    preliminary results of the official monitoring sites showing that
    the level of information transparency of government websites has
    mainly decreased.

    With assistance from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, from May 2014
    the CPFE conducted a regular monitoring of the official websites of 44
    state bodies to evaluate the level of their information transparency.

    CPFE Chairman Ashot Melikyan presented the preliminary results at a
    press conference on Thursday. He said that even though such monitoring
    has been conducted since 2010, since 2013 it has been implemented
    according to improved methodology that was developed by the St.

    Petersburg-based Institute for Information Freedom Development.

    Thus, the rating list of websites of ministries, departments and
    government agencies is topped by the official website of the Ministry
    of Territorial Administration, whose transparency is estimated at
    89.48 percent, but its transparency also decreased as compared to
    last year. In 2013, the transparency of the official website of the
    Ministry of Territorial Administration was assessed at 96.20 percent.

    According to the monitoring data, the State Nuclear Safety Regulatory
    Committee's website has the lowest transparency level - 17.10 percent,
    as compared to 19.17 percent in 2013.

    According to this rating, out of 34 ministries and departments only six
    have improved their website transparency: the Ministry of Agriculture
    (67.74 percent instead of 44.82 percent in 2013); the Ministry of
    Foreign Affairs (52.48 percent, instead of 49.14 percent); the Diaspora
    Ministry (48.90 percent, instead of 42.72 percent); the Ministry of
    Urban Development (48.23 percent instead of 42.96 percent), etc..

    Progress was also reported for the website of the Head Department of
    Civil Aviation (44.75 percent, instead of 41.88 percent), the website
    of the Audit Chamber (31.10 percent, instead of 30.97 percent),
    the State Property Management Department's website (27.04 percent,
    instead of 25.35 percent) and the website of the National Television
    and Radio Commission (24.30 percent, instead of 21.09 percent).

    The rating, however, does not include the website of the National
    Security Service (NSS), considering that by its essence the NSS is
    a closed structure, where a lot of information is considered to be
    a state secret, so it was considered that the NSS website is not
    comparable to the websites of other state bodies.

    According to the ratings of the websites of regional governor's
    offices, only the website of the Aragatsotn governor's office has
    improved its status - from the 45.86-percent transparency level in
    2013 to 68.61 percent this year. The results of all the rest regional
    administrations are lower in 2014.

    The CPFE head said that 152 criteria have been used in the website
    monitoring this year, instead of 146 criteria applied before. Of
    them, 120 criteria concern the contents and 26 the technical aspects
    of website operation. Thus, the presence or absence of information,
    integrity of information, its relevance and accessibility have been

    CPFE lawyer Olga Safaryan says that during the previous monitoring
    there was no criterion on the data of persons responsible for
    website contents. Meanwhile, according to the government decision,
    this information should be posted on websites and they also added
    this to the general criteria. However, according to the lawyer, no
    data of persons responsible for website contents is yet available at
    any of the 44 websites that have been reviewed.

    According to Melikyan, the new methodology allows the websites to
    correct the shortcomings that have been revealed during the monitoring
    and it is possible that during the presentation of the final results
    some of the websites will improve their standing.

    "Those responsible for the websites of state bodies will have an
    opportunity to study in detail the evaluations of CPFE experts and
    improve their sites in cooperation with them," he said, adding that
    the stage of such cooperation will begin on August 1 and will continue
    until September 15, after which the final monitoring results will
    be published.
