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"Saboteurs" Captured In Nagorno-Karabakh

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  • "Saboteurs" Captured In Nagorno-Karabakh


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    July 17 2014

    17 July 2014 - 3:18pm
    By Vestnik Kavkaza

    In recent times the Nagorno-Karabakh sides have stated about tension
    on the line of contact between their armed forces. Experts don't
    exclude that actions aimed at boosting tension are connected with the
    intention to ruin the next round of negotiations on Nagorno-Karabakh.

    It was announced in early summer that French President Francois
    Hollande had initiated a meeting between the presidents of Azerbaijan
    and Armenia in Paris. However, the date of the meeting has not not
    announced. The French ambassador to Azerbaijan hopes that the upcoming
    meeting in Paris will be productive and become a step toward peace.

    However, he stressed that the talks would only be successful if the
    Armenian authorities were ready to compromise.

    The Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov stated that Baku had
    received the invitation from the French President, but Azerbaijan is
    waiting for certainty. Neither Baku nor Yerevan needs a meeting for
    the sake of a meeting.

    Meanwhile, the Armenian mass media spread a speech by the Defense
    Minister of the country, Seiran Oganyan, which is far from attempts to
    normalize the situation. He stated that the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan
    had formed a reconnaissance and sabotage group and had involved
    criminals who know the locality well in it; he said that the group had
    committed acts of sabotage in Nagorno-Karabakh and had been eliminated.

    The Azerbaijan Defense Ministry was indignant at the statement. It
    reminded that the occupied territories are territories of sovereign
    Azerbaijan and it is impossible to forbid Azerbaijanis to visit the
    territories, even though at the moment the land is controlled by the
    illegal occupational regime.

    Both Baku and Yerevan realize that the arrested Azerbaijanis cannot
    be considered as prisoners of war. Armenia has initiated a criminal
    case against citizens of Azerbaijan Shakhbaz Jalal Oglu Guliyev and
    Dilkham Gardashkhan Oglu Askerov. They are accused of violation of the
    state border. It is reported that they had arms and equipment which was
    used for espionage, according to the General Prosecution of Armenia.

    However, the age, physical condition and appearance of the "saboteurs"
    make us doubt the justice of the statements by the Armenian side. They
    both are untrained 50-year-old people.

    It would be funny, if it were not so sad. Obviously, confrontations
    between Defense Ministries take the situation away from normalization.

    Someday the war-to-be situation could get out of control. However, the
    status quo is not beneficial for the sides and mediators, especially
    Western partners, as the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh makes energy
    projects in the region unsafe.
