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NPR: Shared Musical Traditions Of Russia And Iran In 'East Of Melanc

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  • NPR: Shared Musical Traditions Of Russia And Iran In 'East Of Melanc


    National Public Radio
    July 16, 2014 Wednesday

    GUESTS: Tara Kamangar
    SHOW: Tell Me More

    JACKI LYDEN: This is TELL ME MORE from NPR News. I'm Jacki Lyden.

    Michel Martin is away. Classical pianist and composer Tara Kamangar
    grew up in central California's agricultural regions. Her father
    had given up medicine in Iran and become a fig farmer in the United
    States. You can hear the layers of her heritage for Persia's rich
    history which she brings to the concert halls of Los Angeles and
    New York.


    JACKI LYDEN: in her new album "East Of Melancholy" she guides us along
    the 1,200 mile border that Iran shares with Russia - a rich history in
    the area of the Caspian Sea in the caucuses of mountains dating back
    to at least 4,000 BC. In both countries, music has been a passion and
    articulation of identities and also sporadically suppressed. You're
    listening now to "The Lark" composed by the father of Russian classical
    music, Mikhail Glinka.


    JACKI LYDEN: Tara Kamangar joins us now from our studios in New York
    City. Tara, welcome to the program.

    TARA KAMANGAR: Thank you, Jacki, for having me.

    JACKI LYDEN: I have absolutely loved reading descriptions of these
    works. I've been lucky enough to visit some of that territory and I'm
    thinking of the poetry the migrations, the revolutions, both former
    empires. "East Of Melancholy" - elaborate on that just a little bit.

    TARA KAMANGAR: The title, "East Of Melancholy", I chose because it's
    the translated title of a book of poems by an Iranian contemporary
    poet Sohrab Sepehri. And I think it speaks to the fact that a lot
    of the pieces on the album are inspired by poetry - both the Persian
    and Russian ones.

    JACKI LYDEN: Well, I also note in your work here that the Russian
    composers were really influenced by folk music from the Caucasus
    and there's a great quote by Glinka who lived between 1804 and 1857
    he says love with us is always mixed with sorrow. There 's no doubt
    that our melancholy, our plaintive song, which is the child of the
    North, also has an oriental strain. Just listen to the Volga boatman's
    mournful song - one almost feels the Tartar's domination. And that's
    going back to the 19th century. So you're really drawing on strains
    of this mixing.

    TARA KAMANGAR: Yes, yeah I love that quote. There's a Russian proverb
    that says scratch a Russian and you'll find a Tartar. Also with Glinka
    it's interesting that he's known as the father of Russian classical
    music and he was also moving around a lot. He had a cosmopolitan
    upbringing and he was taught several languages as a child including
    Persian. And he went on to write the first opera sung in Russian based
    on Russian folk music and he inspired summary composers after him,
    even like Tjeknavorian wrote the 1st opera sung in Farsi.

    JACKI LYDEN: Let's listen to the "Fantastic Dances" clip. This is the
    "Dance Of Elegy."


    JACKI LYDEN: Tell us what's going on here.

    TARA KAMANGAR: This is a work by Tjeknavorian, he was born in Iran,
    but of an Armenian family, and who's actually the conductor of the
    Armenian Philharmonic for 10 years. And this particular sweep the
    fantastic dances was written when he was only 20 years old. I got the
    score directly from Tjeknavorian he's still really active in Iran he
    just finished the sixth Opera. And he's doing such amazing work under
    such restrictions. For example one of his operas it wasn't allowed to
    be performed in Iran due to the women and men not being able to sing
    together and they performed it as a puppet opera. And it's really -
    I have a film of it and it's really mesmerizing.

    JACKI LYDEN: Wow. So here's a composer Mr. Tjeknavorian working under
    theses really difficult circumstances but he has at least managed to
    accomplish many many pieces. What was the effect of the 1979 revolution
    on the classical music in Iran?

    TARA KAMANGAR: So all the pieces on this album were composed before
    the 1979 revolution of course there's a lot being composed today but I
    felt that a lot of these works were being sort of forgotten. The effect
    of the revolution was that a lot of the best performers and teachers
    left the country and so there were few performers remaining in Iran
    to preserve and promote the works and also prior to 1979, there was
    a lot of funding going into Western classical music. For instance,
    they had the annual Shiraz Festival which was a music festival set in
    the ruins of Persepolis with artists coming from all over the world
    like for instance Houdie Menduin(ph), Shtaukousen(ph), John Cage, Ravi
    Shankai(ph) etc. etc. And after 1979 that was discontinued. And also
    even during the Iran-Iraq war there was really no music performance
    allowed during this time. The atmosphere was really kind of perpetual
    mourning. And actually selling pianos was even banned during that time.

    JACKI LYDEN: Let's go to this track. I want to play little bit from


    JACKI LYDEN: I had never heard of Aram Khachaturian and this ballet
    that we're hearing, Spartacus. This is one where there's a love theme.

    We are seeing the reunion of the hero and his wife and you write that
    it's in the style of a classical Armenian lament. A lot of lamentation
    going on in general. In these pieces.

    TARA KAMANGAR: Yes, and I think you can hear - in Armenian music
    you often have this descending chromatic line and you have that in
    this work. And I just love the harmony changes. This is originally a
    ballet and it was arranged for piano just a few years ago by a Brooklyn
    -based pianist Matthew Cameron. And at first I discovered this from
    a performance of his own YouTube before the score was actually printed.

    And I just fell in love with it I couldn't stop - I wanted a repeat.

    And actually learned from ear because the score wasn't available and
    I couldn't get in touch with him.

    JACKI LYDEN: I'd like to be just a little personal - tell us a little
    about your own family. Your father left the practice of medicine in
    Iran before the revolution. You have two brothers, one of them Saular
    has quite a high profile in tech. How do they inspire you?

    TARA KAMANGAR: We're a very close family so I'm really lucky to have
    very supportive parents and many parents probably wouldn't like that
    their child becomes a musician, they prefer more stable profession
    but my parents are big music lovers. My mom studied the piano in Iran
    and my dad studied the violin and all Persian instruments. And he
    want to be actually a professional violinist and his father told him
    that musicians aren't respected enough in Iran so if you want to be
    a musician you should move West but if you stay here you should be a
    doctor. So I think for my brothers and I, we actually all play piano
    and violin and music is kind of what we all have in common as a family.

    JACKI LYDEN: Has your brother Saular encouraged you to put these
    pieces on YouTube?

    TARA KAMANGAR: I kind of did that myself but I think he was happy
    about it. He is a great pianist himself and we played duets together.

    So he's always been supportive.

    JACKI LYDEN: I just thought that as the former CEO of YouTube he
    might have, I don't know, done a work around or something for you.

    TARA KAMANGAR: That would be great I wish he could up my view counts.

    JACKI LYDEN: Exactly. So when you perform these pieces now what kinds
    of audiences are you searching for in terms of their own backgrounds
    or age range of parts of the country?

    TARA KAMANGAR: I really would love for this music to be heard I think
    anyone who hears it will appreciate it and maybe be interested even
    to learn more about Iran I know some of my American friends after
    seeing Persian miniature paintings or reading Persian poetry they were
    inspired to learn Farsi or learn more about the country and that's
    always been the case for me for other cultures. And I'm hoping that
    the inclusion of the Russian Romantic composers, so the more familiar
    works, will encourage more people to pick up the album because I know
    that I probably wouldn't pick up a novel of completely unknown works
    but hopefully the Russian works will service as a good bridge to the
    Iranian ones.

    JACKI LYDEN: Absolutely and I can say that there's a love story behind
    almost any one of these pieces and you've got a lot of those. This
    is classical music with a back story.

    TARA KAMANGAR: Yes I love that about it. I love knowing the story
    behind the work.

    JACKI LYDEN: Let's go out on "Etude." Do you want to tell us a little
    bit about this piece?

    TARA KAMANGAR: Sure, that's a composition of mind I couldn't album.

    And I thought it fit into the album to the mood of the piece. Is
    definitely melancholic and restless. So I think it works with the
    flow of the album.


    JACKI LYDEN: I've been speaking with classical pianist and composer
    Tara Kamangar. Her new album is called "East Of Melancholy" and
    she joined us from our New York bureau. Tara, thank you so much for
    speaking with us it's an exquisite album.

    TARA KAMANGAR: Thank you so much for having me.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress