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Impact In Profile: Alice Petrossian

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  • Impact In Profile: Alice Petrossian

    Thursday, July 17th, 2014

    Alice Petrossian

    After visiting USC Shoah Foundation for the first time, Alice
    Petrossian of the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is
    excited to begin a new partnership to promote education about the
    Armenian Genocide and other atrocities.

    Petrossian is the chair of the ANCA Western Region Education Committee,
    which works to promote understanding regarding issues of concern
    to the Armenian American community across nine states. She served
    as deputy and assistant superintendent at the Glendale and Pasadena
    unified school districts during her more than 30 years as an educator
    and reformer.

    Petrossian and her colleagues from the Education Committee joined
    staff of the Armenian Film Foundation (AFF) for a visit to the USC
    Shoah Foundation on July 2. The visit included a presentation about
    IWitness, a demonstration of the Visual History Archive and a tour
    or the technology facilities where 53,000 testimonies of genocide
    survivors are catalogued, indexed and preserved. ANCA, AFF and USC
    Shoah Foundation staff discussed ways in which they can collaborate
    in the future, such as developing educational materials about the
    Armenian Genocide.

    AFF delivered its digitized collection of 400 Armenian Genocide
    survivor testimonies, recorded by the late J. Michael Hagopian, to
    the USC Shoah Foundation in April to be integrated into the Visual
    History Archive. The first batch of testimonies will be viewable in
    April 2015, the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

    The visit was truly inspiring, Petrossian said. She and her colleagues
    were amazed by the Visual History Archive and its potential to teach
    students about genocide and intolerance. ANCA hasn't always been
    impressed by the lessons about genocide and human rights that are
    available for teachers, she said.

    "We haven't had a way of putting faces to those stories [of genocide],
    and we all know how crucial it is for children to relate to a child or
    an adult telling the story," Petrossian said. "Seeing the resources
    [of the USC Shoah Foundation] and its depth of commitment to telling
    the story and making sure history does not repeat itself was probably
    one of the most rewarding days of my life."

    Moving forward, Petrossian hopes ANCA can work with the USC Shoah
    Foundation and AFF to share resources and expertise, and create and
    promote educational materials.

    In April, the California State Assembly passed AB 1915, which requires
    the inclusion of the Armenian Genocide in the list of studied subject
    areas for the adopted courses of study in Social Science for 7th to
    12th grades in California. Petrossian and ANCA are committed to making
    sure educators have access to firsthand accounts of survivors to aid in
    their teaching about genocide, and USC Shoah Foundation's testimonies
    and resources will be some of the first they turn to, she said.

    Working together, along with AFF and other genocide education
    organizations, Petrossian hopes ANCA and USC Shoah Foundation can
    have a real influence on what students are taught about the past and
    what they can do to prevent atrocities from happening again.

    "Unless children learn, and learn to speak up, to be active
    participants, change won't occur," Petrossian said. "Teaching children
    the truth is what makes the difference.

    From: A. Papazian