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Money Vs. Votes

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  • Money Vs. Votes


    By Contributor on July 17, 2014

    Dear Editor:

    Please permit me to use your pages to inform your readers of a very
    important matter.

    The Republican-controlled legislature of the Commonwealth of
    Pennsylvania voted into law a Genocide Education measure that
    specifically ignores the Armenian Genocide.

    The law, sadly, goes into effect in the Commonwealth's high schools
    in 2015--the year of the Centenary of the start of the Armenian
    Genocide--and is designed to teach the youngsters the evil and the
    horrors of genocides.

    Reference to the Armenian Genocide was in the original draft, but was
    eliminated after a campaign by the Turks. Efforts to get the reference
    to the Armenian Genocide back into the bill received promises from
    many sides, including the leader of the Republican Party. However,
    when it came to the crunch, the reference to the Armenian Genocide
    was not included in the final measure, which did include constant
    references to "Holocaust" and "other genocides" and which specifically
    also included the Rwandan Genocide.

    Therefore, I urge all readers to vote against the Republican Party
    in the forthcoming elections. This is not to say that the Democrat
    Party candidate is the better candidate, but it is to say that the
    Republican Party candidate is the inferior.

    I urge all your readers who are not residents of Pennsylvania but
    who have relatives and friends in the Commonwealth to contact them
    and spread this message.

    The lesson the politicians must be taught is that the Turks may have
    the money but the Armenians have the votes.

    Avedis Kevorkian

    Philadelphia, Pa.
