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To Rebuild A Father-Daughter Relationship, One Photographer Created

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  • To Rebuild A Father-Daughter Relationship, One Photographer Created

    Huffington Post
    July 21 2014

    To Rebuild A Father-Daughter Relationship, One Photographer Created A
    New Family Album

    The Huffington Post | By Katherine Brooks

    Photographer Diana Markosian's parents separated when she was seven
    years old, her mother leaving her father in Moscow to begin anew in
    California. From that point on, Markosian and her brother scarcely
    heard from their father. With no pictures for posterity and no formal
    goodbye to remember, they even forgot what he looked like.

    "Growing up, my father felt like a secret that was being kept from
    me," the artist wrote for Lens Culture. "My mother shared with me a
    handful of stories that made me want to know him, touch him, invent

    Fifteen years later, Markosian decided to reconnect with her phantom
    parent, traveling to his home in Armenia -- where her family once
    resided -- to piece together a relationship with a man she hardly
    knew. The reunion was bittersweet. "For so long I was determined to
    have a father, so I had invented one out of a man I thought existed,"
    Markosian reiteratd to Lightbox. "But the man standing across from me
    didn't recognize me. I didn't recognize him, either."

    To cope with the awkward sensation of meeting a figure who, for so
    long, has existed only in imagination, Markosian began the aptly named
    "Inventing My Father," a photographic exploration of her past, present
    and future living and getting to know her dad. The work has taken
    place over the past two years, during which Markosian moved in with
    father, in "the same gray, decaying Soviet building" she once lived in
    as a young girl.

    The series' images mine time, presenting old snapshots of her
    seven-year-old self and material relics of her once-whole family, as
    well as contemporary portraits of long lost relatives. There are
    photos of old swing sets, folded hands, suitcases full of letters and
    ominous mirrored reflections. In one frame, her father has added text
    to a simple photo of Markosian mid-snow angel: "I am searching for the
    little girl in her, the little girl I used to know. The one I was
    close to. In myself, I am looking for the remains of those feeling I
    once had for her." In another, a man -- her father -- has been clearly
    removed, cut out of a family photo by Markosian's mother, leaving a
    ghostly scene behind.

    Disparate and intensely emotional, the various photos present not one
    person or one family, but a fraught relationship fractured by distance
    and unavailability. Like a child's collage or the visual spiderweb of
    an elaborate investigation, "Inventing My Father" doesn't make up for
    lost time, but attempts to connect one lost era to another.

    "I didn't want to be defined by something in my past," Markosian
    explained to The Huffington Post. "I wanted to meet my father and get
    to know him for who he was rather than the man my mom made him out to
    be. This piece has helped fill in gaps, confirm impressions, and offer
    proof where none existed before."

    For more many, many more photos in the series, head to Markosian's
    website here:

    Diana Markosian is an alumna of Columbia University's Graduate School
    of Journalism. She has reported from Russia's North Caucasus region as
    well as Tajikistan and Afghanistan, and her images have appeared in
    The New York Times, Foreign Policy and more. Her work is set to go on
    view at Portland, Oregon's Blue Sky gallery in January of 2015.
