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ANKARA: Anti-Semitism Unleashed

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  • ANKARA: Anti-Semitism Unleashed

    Daily Sabah, Turkey
    July 22 2014


    Emre Gönen
    22 July 2014, Tuesday

    It is very hard for any columnist to focus on any other subject other
    than what is happening in Gaza. Despite the striking and alarming
    developments from all around the world, notably in Ukraine, Gaza
    remains at the center of our anxiety and attention for many reasons.
    The situation today shows the impotence and cynicism of the
    "democratic world," starting with the U.S., but encompassing all the
    democratic governments and regimes of Europe. Post-war Europe was
    built upon the understanding that a new "Auschwitz" would never be
    possible again. That went rather smoothly in Europe, but elsewhere, it
    becomes harder and harder to distinguish policies of the U.S. and EU
    from those of other, fundamentally un-democratic, regimes. This is
    deeply undermining the "role model" dimension of the democratic world.
    It is therefore undermining the ideology based on participative and
    pluralistic democratic infrastructure.

    It is obvious that Jews have had no responsibility whatsoever
    concerning the Shoah, they have just not been (along with many others)
    capable of rumbling the unspeakable tragedy of the genocide. This is
    deeply felt by the Jewish community, especially in Israel, who
    consider any threat to their daily existence as a prelude to another
    Holocaust. Israel retaliates with incredible disproportionate force
    and insensitivity for civilian losses, not because it feels strong and
    immune to punishment, but because it feels week and unable to assert
    itself as a durable entity and polity to its neighbors.

    The mass media in its majority and the governments and opinion leaders
    in Europe have a very mild attitude against Israeli bombings, to say
    the least. However, there is a large and growing popular outcry as
    long as the killings continue. This will probably not change their
    governments' attitudes. The very large and spontaneous street protests
    did not push EU governments to intervene in Bosnia in 1992, nor did
    they stop the Iraq war in 2002. This, on the other hand, has a more
    pernicious and long-term effect - politicians are being alienated from
    daily lives more and more in democratic countries. Conventional
    political parties, which tend to resemble more and more are having
    immense difficulties passing on their messages to voters. Their
    growing incapacity to convince and mobilize their voters around
    well-defined, courageous political goals and projects leave the field
    to radical movements or tendencies.

    It is very visible in the case of the Gaza tragedy. In Turkey, the
    totality of political tendencies wanted the bombings to come to an end
    and supported the Palestinian cause. This has not prevented every
    opposition movement to incriminate the ruling Justice and Development
    Party (AK Party) for its policies in the Middle East. However,
    something much more disturbing happened - an overt anti-Semitic outcry
    flooded the mass media and, more precisely, social media. A
    humanitarian aid association chairman has openly threatened Turkish
    Jews by reminding the infamous Istanbul pogrom of Sept. 6 and 7, 1955
    that was waged against the Christian Greek and Armenian minorities of
    Istanbul. Another popular singer tweeted that all the sons of Israel
    must be annihilated. Such incredible anti-Semitic rhetoric is not
    limited to Turkey. In France, pro-Palestinian demonstrations have
    turned into riots attacking and destroying synagogues. Similar events
    happened all over European countries, where the authorities started to
    outlaw anti-Israeli demonstrations in order to contain anti-Semitic

    That will not succeed. Anti-Semitism, once unleashed, can hardly be
    contained through security measures. By letting Israeli policies turn
    Gaza and the Palestinians into modern time's human offerings to an
    unknown "almighty international stability," democratic governments are
    effectively undermining the perspectives of peaceful coexistence.
    There is no "Palestinian" issue to really discuss, but everyone should
    come to terms with the "Israeli" issue and should come to terms with
    Israel, to devise what kind of state and peace they want to achieve.
    Obviously present situation, even if it is stopped through a
    miraculous cease-fire accepted by all, will not be sustainable, either
    for Palestinians or for Israel. It will be only an interlude before
    the next conflict. This is not a way to establish a sustainable
    international order and this does not only concern Israel and the
    Middle East only.
