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Vladimir Dorokhin: None of the Azerbaijanis detained at the territor

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  • Vladimir Dorokhin: None of the Azerbaijanis detained at the territor

    Vladimir Dorokhin: None of the Azerbaijanis detained at the territory
    of Armenia are Russian citizens

    by Marianna Lazarian

    Wednesday, July 23, 14:48

    None of the Azerbaijanis detained by Armenians in Kalbajar are
    Russian citizens, Russian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Vladimir Dorokhin
    said in his letter to vice-speaker of the Azerbaijani Parliament Bahar
    Muradova, APA reports quoting Russian embassy's website.

    "I officially declare that there is no Russian citizen among the
    Azerbaijanis detained by Armenians in Kalbajar", he said in his
    letter. According to some media reports, Dilgam Asgarov, who has been
    detained in Kalbajar, is a Russian citizen.

    To recall, in the first decade of July, Azeris made new attempts to
    mount a sabotage attack on the Armenian-NKR section of the border
    (near Karvachar) last week. The Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Ministry has
    told ArmInfo that they revealed and neutralized all members of the
    Azerbaijani subversive group. Some members of the group were captured,
    and others escaped. As reported earlier, the Nagorno- Karabakh
    Defense Army released a photo of Gyulin Shahbaz Jalaloghlu (born in
    1968), the captured member of the Azerbaijani sabotage and
    intelligence team. Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan informed on
    Saturday that the Armenian soldiers killed an Azerbaijani saboteur
    while neutralizing the subversive group on Friday. But an Armenian
    officer, major Sarkis Abrahamyan (born in 1972) was killed and an
    Armenian woman, Karina Davtyan (born in 1977) was wounded. The NKR
    Prosecutor General's Office has filed a lawsuit regarding Azerbaijani
    raiders Gyulin Shahbaz Jalaloghlu (born in 1968) and Dilham Asgarov
    (born in 1960) for illegal crossing of the border.
